194 lines
8.6 KiB
194 lines
8.6 KiB
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
module Handler.Wallet where
import Import
import Data.Time.Clock
import Text.Printf
import Database.Persist.Sql
data Profit = Profit
{ date :: Day
, buy :: Int64
, sell :: Int64
, profit :: Int64
, bf :: Int64
, tt :: Int64
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance RawSql Profit where
rawSqlCols _ _ = (6,[])
rawSqlColCountReason _ = "date, buy, sell, profit, bf, tt"
rawSqlProcessRow [PersistDay t, PersistInt64 b, PersistInt64 s,
PersistInt64 p, PersistInt64 bf, PersistInt64 tt] = Right (Profit t b s p bf tt)
rawSqlProcessRow a = Left ("Wrong kinds of Arguments:" <> (pack $ show a))
buttonIntervals :: [(Int64,String)]
buttonIntervals = [ (2,"2 hours")
, (6,"6 hours")
, (12,"12 hours")
, (24,"1 day")
, (48,"2 days")
, (7*24,"7 days")
, (31*24,"31 days")
profitIntervals :: [Int64]
profitIntervals = [7,14,31]
getWalletR :: Handler Html
getWalletR = getWalletDetailsR 6 7
getWalletDetailsR :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Handler Html
getWalletDetailsR hrs days = loginOrDo (\(uid,user) -> do
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
trans <- runDB $ selectList [TransactionDateTime >. (addUTCTime ((fromIntegral $ -(hrs*3600)) :: NominalDiffTime) now)] [Desc TransactionDateTime]
let profitquery = "select \
min(date(date_time at time zone 'utc')) as date,\
sum(CASE WHEN NOT trans_is_sell THEN quantity*price_cents ELSE 0 END) :: bigint as buy,\
sum(CASE WHEN trans_is_sell THEN quantity*price_cents ELSE 0 END) :: bigint as sell,\
sum(COALESCE(profit,0)) :: bigint as profit,\
sum(fee) :: bigint as brokerfee,\
sum(tax) :: bigint as transactiontax \
from transaction \
where \
\"user\"=? \
and extract(day from (now() at time zone 'utc')-date(date_time at time zone 'utc')) < ? \
group by \
extract(day from (now() at time zone 'utc')-date(date_time at time zone 'utc')) \
order by \
extract(day from (now() at time zone 'utc')-date(date_time at time zone 'utc')) asc"
(profits :: [Profit]) <- runDB $ rawSql profitquery [toPersistValue uid, toPersistValue days]
defaultLayout $ [whamlet|
<div .panel .panel-default>
<div .panel-heading>Transactions in the last #{hrs} hours:
<div .btn-group .btn-group-justified role="group">
$forall (hrs',cap) <- buttonIntervals
$if hrs == hrs'
<a href="@{WalletDetailsR hrs' days}" .btn .active role="button">#{cap}
<a href="@{WalletDetailsR hrs' days}" .btn role="button">#{cap}
<table .table .table-condensed .small>
<th .text-center>Time
<th .text-center>P/C
<th .text-center>B/S
<th .text-center>Item
<th .text-center>##
<th .text-center>ISK/Item
<th .text-center>ISK total
<th .text-center>ISK profit
<th .text-center>%
<th .text-center>Time
<th .text-center>Client
<th .text-center>Station
<th .text-center>?
<th .text-center>
$forall Entity _ t <- trans
<td>#{showDateTime $ transactionDateTime $ t}
$if transactionTransForCorp t
<td .corpTransaction .text-center>C
<td .personalTransaction .text-center>P
$if transactionTransIsSell t
<td .sellTransaction .text-center>S
<td .buyTransaction .text-center>B
<td>#{transactionTypeName t}
<td .numeric>#{transactionQuantity t}
<td .numeric>#{prettyISK $ transactionPriceCents t}
<td .numeric>#{prettyISK $ transactionQuantity t * transactionPriceCents t}
$maybe profit <- transRealProfit t
$if (&&) (transactionTransIsSell t) (profit > 0)
<td .numeric .profit>
#{prettyISK $ profit}
$elseif (&&) (transactionTransIsSell t) (profit < 0)
<td .numeric .loss>
#{prettyISK $ profit}
$elseif not (transactionTransIsSell t)
<td .numeric .buyfee>
#{prettyISK $ profit}
<td ..numeric>
#{prettyISK $ profit}
<td .numeric>
#{profitPercent profit t}%
<td .duration>
$maybe secs <- transactionSecondsToSell t
#{showSecsToSell secs}
<td>#{transactionClientName t}
<td>#{transactionStationName t}
<div .panel .panel-default>
<div .panel-heading>Statistices for the last #{days} days:
<div .btn-group .btn-group-justified role="group">
$forall days' <- profitIntervals
$if days == days'
<a href="@{WalletDetailsR hrs days'}" .btn .active role="button">#{days'} days
<a href="@{WalletDetailsR hrs days'}" .btn role="button">#{days'} days
<table .table .table-condensed .small>
<th .text-center>Date
<th .text-center>ISK Buy
<th .text-center>ISK Sell
<th .text-center>ISK Profit
<th .text-center>ISK Broker Fee
<th .text-center>ISK Transaction Tax
<th .text-center>Real Profit
<th .text-center>%
$forall (Profit t b s p bf tt) <- profits
<td>#{show t}
<td .numeric>#{prettyISK b}
<td .numeric>#{prettyISK s}
<td .numeric>#{prettyISK p}
<td .numeric>#{prettyISK bf}
<td .numeric>#{prettyISK tt}
<td .numeric>#{transRealProfit' p bf tt}
<td .numeric>
$maybe pp <- profitPercent' p bf tt s
transRealProfit :: Transaction -> Maybe Int64
transRealProfit t = if transactionTransIsSell t then
(\a b c -> a - b - c) <$> transactionProfit t <*> transactionFee t <*> transactionTax t
negate <$> ((+) <$> transactionFee t <*> transactionTax t)
transRealProfit' :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> String
transRealProfit' p bf tt = prettyISK (p-bf-tt)
profitPercent' :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Int64 -> Maybe String
profitPercent' p bf tt s = if s == 0 then Nothing
else Just . printf "%.2f" $ 100*(fromIntegral (p - bf - tt) / fromIntegral s :: Double)
profitPercent :: Int64 -> Transaction -> String
profitPercent p t = printf "%.2f" $ (100*(fromIntegral p) / (fromIntegral (transactionQuantity t * transactionPriceCents t)) :: Double)
showSecsToSell :: Int64 -> String
showSecsToSell t
| t > 4*7*86400 = pp (fromIntegral t / (7*86400) :: Double) ++ "w"
| t > 86400 = pp (fromIntegral t / 86400 :: Double) ++ "d"
| t > 3600 = pp (fromIntegral t / 3600 :: Double) ++ "h"
| t > 60 = pp (fromIntegral t / 60 :: Double) ++ "m"
| otherwise = pp (fromIntegral t :: Double) ++ "s"
pp x = printf "%.2f" x