
28 lines
931 B

module Handler.Wallet where
import Import
import Data.Time.Clock
getWalletR :: Handler Html
getWalletR = getWalletDetailsR 6 7
getWalletDetailsR :: Int64 -> Int64 -> Handler Html
getWalletDetailsR hrs days = loginOrDo (\(uid,user) -> do
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
trans <- runDB $ selectList [TransactionDateTime >. (addUTCTime ((fromIntegral $ -(hrs*3600)) :: NominalDiffTime) now)] [Desc TransactionDateTime]
defaultLayout $ [whamlet|
<a href=@{WalletDetailsR 168 days}>show last 7 days
<h1>Transactions in the last #{hrs} hours
$forall Entity _ t <- trans
<td>#{show $ transactionDateTime t}
<td>#{transactionPriceCents t}
<td>#{transactionClientName t}
<h1>Statistices for the last #{days} days