- #{show $ utctDay $ transactionDateTime $ t} #{show $ utctDayTime $ transactionDateTime $ t}
- $if transactionTransForCorp t
- | C
- $else
- | P
- $if transactionTransIsSell t
- | S
- $else
- | B
- | #{transactionTypeName t}
- | #{transactionQuantity t}
- | #{prettyISK $ transactionPriceCents t}
- | #{prettyISK $ transactionQuantity t * transactionPriceCents t}
- $maybe profit <- transRealProfit t
- |
- #{prettyISK $ profit}
- |
- #{profitPercent profit t}
- $nothing
- |
- -
- |
- |
- $maybe secs <- transactionSecondsToSell t
- #{secs}
+ | Time
+ | P/C
+ | B/S
+ | Item
+ | Quantity
+ | ISK/Item
+ | ISK total
+ | ISK profit
+ | %
+ | Time
+ | Client
+ | Station
+ | ?
+ |
+ $forall Entity _ t <- trans
+ |
+ #{show $ utctDay $ transactionDateTime $ t} #{showTime $ round $ utctDayTime $ transactionDateTime $ t}
+ $if transactionTransForCorp t
+ | C
+ $else
+ | P
+ $if transactionTransIsSell t
+ | S
+ $else
+ | B
+ | #{transactionTypeName t}
+ | #{transactionQuantity t}
+ | #{prettyISK $ transactionPriceCents t}
+ | #{prettyISK $ transactionQuantity t * transactionPriceCents t}
+ $maybe profit <- transRealProfit t
+ $if (&&) (transactionTransIsSell t) (profit > 0)
+ |
+ #{prettyISK $ profit}
+ $elseif (&&) (transactionTransIsSell t) (profit < 0)
+ |
+ #{prettyISK $ profit}
+ $elseif (transactionTransIsSell t)
+ |
+ #{prettyISK $ profit}
+ $else
+ |
+ #{prettyISK $ profit}
+ |
+ #{profitPercent profit t}%
- | #{transactionClientName t}
- | #{transactionStationName t}
- |
- |
+ |
+ -
+ |
+ |
+ $maybe secs <- transactionSecondsToSell t
+ #{showSecsToSell secs}
+ $nothing
+ | #{transactionClientName t}
+ | #{transactionStationName t}
+ |
+ |
- Statistices for the last #{days} days
+ Statistices for the last #{days} days:
transRealProfit :: Transaction -> Maybe Int64
-transRealProfit t = (\a b c -> a - b - c) <$> transactionProfit t <*> transactionFee t <*> transactionTax t
+transRealProfit t = if transactionTransIsSell t then
+ (\a b c -> a - b - c) <$> transactionProfit t <*> transactionFee t <*> transactionTax t
+ else
+ negate <$> ((+) <$> transactionFee t <*> transactionTax t)
profitPercent :: Int64 -> Transaction -> String
profitPercent p t = printf "%.2f" $ (100*(fromIntegral p) / (fromIntegral (transactionQuantity t * transactionPriceCents t)) :: Double)
prettyISK :: Int64 -> String
-prettyISK isk = pretty++","++ printf "%02u" cents
+prettyISK isk = signIsk++pretty++","++ printf "%02u" cents
- (isk',cents) = divMod isk 100
+ signIsk = if isk > 0 then "" else "-"
+ (isk',cents) = divMod (abs isk) 100
thousands = unfoldr (\b -> if b == 0 then Nothing else Just (b `mod` 1000, b `div` 1000)) isk'
(ht:t) = reverse thousands
pretty = intercalate "." $ [show ht] ++ (printf "%03u" <$> t)
+showTime :: Int64 -> String
+showTime t = printf "%2u" hours ++ ":" ++ printf "%02u" minutes ++ ":" ++ printf "%02u" seconds
+ where
+ (hours, minutes') = divMod t 3600
+ (minutes, seconds) = divMod minutes' 60
+showSecsToSell :: Int64 -> String
+showSecsToSell t
+ | t > 4*7*86400 = pp (fromIntegral t / (7*86400) :: Double) ++ "w"
+ | t > 86400 = pp (fromIntegral t / 86400 :: Double) ++ "d"
+ | t > 3600 = pp (fromIntegral t / 3600 :: Double) ++ "h"
+ | t > 60 = pp (fromIntegral t / 60 :: Double) ++ "m"
+ | otherwise = pp (fromIntegral t :: Double) ++ "s"
+ where
+ pp x = printf "%.2f" x
| |