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{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
module Handler.Update where
import Import
import qualified Eve.Api.Char.WalletTransactions as WT
import qualified Eve.Api.Types as T
import qualified Eve.Api.Char.Standings as ST
import qualified Eve.Api.Char.Skills as SK
import qualified Eve.Api.Char.AccountBalance as BA
2015-09-06 15:53:09 +02:00
import qualified Eve.Api.Char.MarketOrders as MO
2015-08-07 00:36:10 +02:00
import Database.Persist.Sql
import Data.Time.Clock
import Control.Lens.Operators
accountingId :: Int64
accountingId = 16622
brokerRelationId :: Int64
brokerRelationId = 3446
getUpdateR :: Handler Html
getUpdateR = loginOrDo (\(uid,user) -> do
man <- getHttpManager <$> ask
apiKey <- runDB $ getBy $ UniqueApiUser uid
now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
case apiKey of
Nothing -> return ()
Just (Entity _ (Api _ k v)) -> do
let apidata = T.mkComplete k v (userCharId user)
--update skills
when (userSkillTimeout user < now) $
skills <- liftIO $ SK.getSkills man apidata
case skills of
T.QueryResult time' skills' -> runDB $ do
update uid [UserAcc =. findLvl accountingId skills']
update uid [UserBr =. findLvl brokerRelationId skills']
update uid [UserSkillTimeout =. time']
_ -> return ()
--update standings
when (userStandingsTimeout user < now) $
standings <- liftIO $ ST.getStandings man apidata
case standings of
T.QueryResult time' (_,cstand,fstand) -> runDB $ do
deleteWhere [CorpStandingsUser ==. uid]
deleteWhere [FactionStandingsUser ==. uid]
insertMany_ (migrateCorpStandings uid <$> cstand)
insertMany_ (migrateFactionStandings uid <$> fstand)
update uid [UserStandingsTimeout =. time']
_ -> return ()
--update transactions
when (userWalletTimeout user < now) $
lastid <- runDB $ selectFirst [TransactionUser ==. uid] [Desc TransactionTransId]
trans <- case lastid of
Just (Entity _ t) -> liftIO $ WT.getWalletTransactionsBackTo man apidata (transactionTransId t)
Nothing -> liftIO $ WT.getWalletTransactionsBackTo man apidata 0
case trans of
T.QueryResult time' trans' -> runDB $ do
update uid [UserWalletTimeout =. time']
insertMany_ (migrateTransaction uid <$> trans')
_ -> return ()
-- update taxes
2015-08-07 00:36:10 +02:00
let sql = "update transaction t \
set \
fee = 100*(quantity*(price_cents/100)*(0.0100-0.0005**COALESCE((select faction_standing from faction_standings where faction_id=c.\"factionID\" and \"user\"=t.\"user\"),0)+0.0400*COALESCE((select corp_standing from corp_standings where corp_id=c.\"corporationID\" and \"user\"=t.\"user\"),0))), \
tax = 100*(CASE WHEN t.trans_is_sell THEN quantity*(price_cents/100)*(0.015-(0.0015*ch.acc)) ELSE 0 END) \
from \
\"staStations\" s \
join \"crpNPCCorporations\" c on (s.\"corporationID\" = c.\"corporationID\"),\
\"user\" ch \
where \
t.station_id = s.\"stationID\" and \
t.\"user\" = and \
t.fee IS NULL and IS NULL and \
t.no_tax = false and \
runDB $ rawExecute sql [toPersistValue uid]
-- calculate profits
runDB $ do
trans <- updateProfits <$> selectList [TransactionUser ==. uid, TransactionInStock !=. 0, TransactionProblematic ==. False] [Asc TransactionDateTime]
mapM_ (\(Entity eid t) -> replace eid t) trans
let updateProblemSql = "update transaction t set problematic=true where t.trans_is_sell and t.in_stock < 0"
runDB $ rawExecute updateProblemSql []
--update Balance
when (userBalanceTimeout user < now) $
balance <- liftIO $ BA.getAccountBalance man apidata
case balance of
T.QueryResult time' balance' -> runDB $ do
update uid [UserBalanceCents =. fromIntegral (balance' ^. BA.centbalance)]
update uid [UserBalanceTimeout =. time']
_ -> return ()
2015-09-06 15:53:09 +02:00
--update stock-worth (cache)
let stocksql = "update \"user\" set \
2016-11-14 01:10:55 +01:00
stock_cents = COALESCE((select sum(in_stock*price_cents) from transaction where \"user\"=\"user\".id and price_cents > 0 and in_stock > 0 and not trans_is_sell),0)\
2015-09-06 15:53:09 +02:00
where id=?"
runDB $ rawExecute stocksql [toPersistValue uid]
--get current Orders
when (userOrderTimeout user < now) $
orders <- liftIO $ MO.getMarketOrders man apidata
case orders of
T.QueryResult time' orders' -> runDB $ do
deleteWhere [OrderUser ==. uid]
insertMany_ (migrateOrders uid <$> orders')
update uid [UserOrderTimeout =. time']
--update escrow-worth (cache)
let ordersql = "update \"user\" set \
escrow_cents = COALESCE((select sum(escrow_cents) from \"order\" where \"user\"=\"user\".id and \"order\".order_state=0),0) \
2015-09-06 15:53:09 +02:00
where id=?"
rawExecute ordersql [toPersistValue uid]
_ -> return ()
redirect WalletR
updateProfits :: [Entity Transaction] -> [Entity Transaction]
updateProfits [] = []
updateProfits dat = updateProfits' [] dat
updateProfits' seen (x@(Entity _ tx):xs) = if transactionTransIsSell tx then
let (x',xs') = updateProfits'' x seen
updateProfits'' :: Entity Transaction -> [Entity Transaction] -> (Entity Transaction, [Entity Transaction])
updateProfits'' o [] = (o,[])
updateProfits'' o@(Entity et t) ((Entity cet ct):ts) =
if transactionTypeId t == transactionTypeId ct
&& transactionInStock ct > 0
&& transactionInStock t < 0 then
let m = min (transactionInStock t * (-1)) (transactionInStock ct)
t' = t { transactionInStock = transactionInStock t + m
, transactionProfit = maybe (Just prof') (\a -> Just (a + prof')) (transactionProfit t)
, transactionSecondsToSell = maybe (Just secs) (\a -> Just ((a*done + secs * m)`div`(done+m))) (transactionSecondsToSell t)
ct' = ct {transactionInStock = transactionInStock ct - m}
prof' = (transactionPriceCents t - transactionPriceCents ct) * m
secs = round $ diffUTCTime (transactionDateTime t) (transactionDateTime ct)
done = (transactionQuantity t + transactionInStock t)
(t'',ct'') = updateProfits'' (Entity et t') ts
(t'' ,(Entity cet ct'):ct'')
(t'',ct'') = updateProfits'' o ts
(t'',(Entity cet ct):ct'')
updateProfits' (xs'++[x']) xs
updateProfits' (seen++[x]) xs
updateProfits' seen [] = seen
findLvl :: Int64 -> [SK.Skill] -> Int
findLvl sid skills = case find (\(SK.Skill sid' _ _ _) -> sid' == sid) skills of
Just (SK.Skill _ _ lvl _) -> lvl
Nothing -> 0
migrateCorpStandings :: UserId -> ST.Standing -> CorpStandings
migrateCorpStandings u (ST.Standing cid cname standing) = CorpStandings u cid cname standing
migrateFactionStandings :: UserId -> ST.Standing -> FactionStandings
migrateFactionStandings u (ST.Standing cid cname standing) = FactionStandings u cid cname standing
migrateTransaction :: UserId -> WT.Transaction -> Transaction
migrateTransaction u (WT.Transaction dt tid q tn ti pc ci cn si sn tt tf jti) =
Transaction u dt tid q (if tis tt then -q else q) tn ti
(fromIntegral pc) ci cn si sn (tis tt) (tfc tf) jti
Nothing Nothing Nothing Nothing False False
tis :: WT.TransactionType -> Bool
tis WT.Sell = True
tis WT.Buy = False
tfc :: WT.TransactionFor -> Bool
tfc WT.Corporation = True
tfc WT.Personal = False
2015-09-06 15:53:09 +02:00
migrateOrders :: UserId -> MO.Order -> Import.Order
migrateOrders uid (MO.Order oid cid sid ve vr mv os tid r ak dur esc pric bid iss) =
Import.Order uid oid cid sid ve vr mv (fromIntegral . fromEnum $ os) tid (fromIntegral . fromEnum $ r) (fromIntegral ak) (fromIntegral dur) (fromInteger esc) (fromInteger pric) (bid == MO.Sell) iss