2015-08-18 02:46:13 +02:00
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
2015-08-07 02:26:16 +02:00
module Handler.Stock where
import Import
2015-08-18 02:46:13 +02:00
--import Database.Esqueleto as E
import Database.Persist.Sql (rawSql,RawSql(..))
2016-01-17 20:05:42 +01:00
import Yesod.Default.Util (widgetFileReload)
2015-08-18 02:46:13 +02:00
data Stock = Stock
{ typeId :: Int64
, stationId :: Int64
, stationName :: Text
, typeName :: Text
, inStock :: Rational
, worth :: Rational
, datetime :: UTCTime
, tax :: Double
} deriving (Show, Eq)
data DisCols = DisCols
{ dTypeId :: Int64
, dStationId :: Int64
, dStationName :: Text
, dTypeName :: Text
, dInStock :: Int64
, dWorth :: Int64
, dAvgWorth :: Int64
, dDateTime :: UTCTime
, dResell :: Int64
} deriving (Show, Eq)
instance RawSql Stock where
rawSqlCols _ _ = (8,[])
rawSqlColCountReason _ = "typeId, stationId, stationName, typeName, inStock, worth, date, tax"
rawSqlProcessRow [PersistInt64 t, PersistInt64 s, PersistText sn, PersistText tn,
PersistRational is, PersistRational w, PersistUTCTime time, PersistDouble tax] =
Right (Stock t s sn tn is w time tax)
rawSqlProcessRow a = Left ("Wrong kinds of Arguments:" <> (pack $ show a))
2015-08-07 02:26:16 +02:00
getStockR :: Handler Html
2015-08-07 02:34:45 +02:00
getStockR = loginOrDo (\(uid,user) -> do
2015-08-18 02:46:13 +02:00
let sql = "select t.type_id, t.station_id, t.station_name, t.type_name, \
sum(t.in_stock) as in_stock, \
sum(t.in_stock*t.price_cents) as worth, \
to_timestamp(avg(extract(epoch from t.date_time at time zone 'utc'))) at time zone 'utc' as date_time, \
(select faction_standing from faction_standings where faction_id=c.\"factionID\" and \"user\"=t.\"user\")\
(select corp_standing from corp_standings where corp_id=c.\"corporationID\" and \"user\"=t.\"user\")\
,0))+1 as tax \
from transaction t \
join \"staStations\" s on (t.station_id = s.\"stationID\") \
join \"crpNPCCorporations\" c on (s.\"corporationID\" = c.\"corporationID\") \
join \"user\" ch on (t.\"user\"=ch.id) \
where t.\"user\" = ? \
and t.in_stock > 0 and not trans_is_sell \
group by t.type_id, t.station_id, t.type_name, t.station_name,\
ch.acc, ch.br, c.\"factionID\", t.\"user\", c.\"corporationID\" \
order by t.type_name asc"
(items :: [Stock]) <- runDB $ rawSql sql [toPersistValue uid]
let items' = convertStock <$> items
2015-09-06 15:53:09 +02:00
let total = foldl' sumTotal 0 items'
2016-01-17 20:05:42 +01:00
loginLayout user $ $(widgetFileReload def "curStock")
2015-08-07 02:34:45 +02:00
2015-08-18 02:46:13 +02:00
convertStock :: Stock -> DisCols
convertStock (Stock tid sid sn tn is wrth dt tax) = DisCols tid sid sn tn (floor is) (floor wrth) avgItem dt (floor $ (fromIntegral avgItem) * tax)
avgItem = floor $ wrth / is
2015-09-06 15:53:09 +02:00
sumTotal :: Int64 -> DisCols -> Int64
sumTotal t (DisCols _ _ _ _ _ t' _ _ _) = t + t'