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2015-09-18 19:06:17 +02:00
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Handler.LostOrders where
import Import
import Database.Persist.Sql (rawSql,RawSql(..))
data Lost = Lost
{ maxtime :: UTCTime
, realprofit :: Int64
, typeId :: Int64
, priceCents :: Int64
, typeName :: Text
, stationId :: Int64
, stationName :: Text
instance RawSql Lost where
rawSqlCols _ _ = (7,[])
rawSqlColCountReason _ = "maxtime, realprofit, typeid, pricecents, typename, stationid, stationname"
rawSqlProcessRow [PersistUTCTime t, PersistRational p, PersistInt64 tid, PersistRational pc,
PersistText tn, PersistInt64 sid, PersistText sn] = Right $ Lost t (c p) tid (c pc) tn sid sn
where c = floor
rawSqlProcessRow [PersistUTCTime t, PersistNull, PersistInt64 tid, PersistRational pc,
PersistText tn, PersistInt64 sid, PersistText sn] = Right $ Lost t 0 tid (c pc) tn sid sn
where c = floor
rawSqlProcessRow a = Left ("Wrong kind of Arguments:" <> (pack $ show a))
lostOrderIntervals :: [Int]
lostOrderIntervals = [1,2,7,14,31]
getLostOrdersR :: Handler Html
getLostOrdersR = getLostOrdersDaysR 1
getLostOrdersDaysR :: Int -> Handler Html
getLostOrdersDaysR days = loginOrDo (\(uid,user) -> do
let rawStmt = "SELECT \
max(date_time) as maxtime, COALESCE(sum(profit-tax-fee),0) as realprofit, type_id, \
avg(price_cents), type_name, station_id, station_name \
transaction \
where \
\"user\"=? and date_time > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '? day' \
and type_id not in (SELECT distinct type_id FROM \"order\" where \"user\"=? and order_state=0) \
and type_id not in (select distinct type_id FROM transaction where \"user\"=? and date_time > CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - INTERVAL '? day' and in_stock > 0) \
group by \
type_id, type_name, station_id, station_name \
order by realprofit desc"
lorders :: [Lost] <- runDB $ rawSql rawStmt [toPersistValue uid,toPersistValue days,toPersistValue uid,toPersistValue uid,toPersistValue days]
loginLayout user $ [whamlet|
<div .panel .panel-default>
<div .panel-heading>Lost Orders in the last #{days} days:
<div .btn-group .btn-group-justified role="group">
$forall days' <- lostOrderIntervals
$if days == days'
<a href="@{LostOrdersDaysR days'}" .btn .active role="button">#{days'} days
<a href="@{LostOrdersDaysR days'}" .btn role="button">#{days'} days
<table .table .table-condensed .small>
<th .text-center>Item
<th .text-center>ISK Profit
<th .text-center>Avg Price
<th .text-center>Last Traded
<th .text-center>On Station
$forall (Lost t rp tid pc tn sid sn) <- lorders
<td><a href="@{ItemR tid}">#{tn}</a>
<td .numeric>#{prettyISK rp}
<td .numeric>#{prettyISK pc}
<td>#{showDateTime t}