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Executable File

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$title$$if(subtitle)$: $subtitle$ $endif$
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<link rel="stylesheet" href="$template$/agcg.css">
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<!-- here come the slides -->
<div class="reveal">
<div class="slides">
<!-- Title slide -->
<section class="white-on-blue">
<div class="title"> $title$ </div>
<div class="subtitle"> $subtitle$ </div>
<div class="author"> $author$ </div>
<div class="affiliation"> $affiliation$ </div>
<!-- Table of Contents -->
<nav id="$idprefix$TOC">
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// More info
// reveal settings
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viewDistance: 2, // otherwise videos start early
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maxScale: 5, // if this threshold is reached, the chalkboard drawing will be wrongly positioned. hence large threshold!
// use local mathjax installation
math: { mathjax: '$template$/mathjax/MathJax.js',
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// setup chalkboard
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// keyboard shortcuts
keyboard: {
40: function() {; }, // up: next slide
38: function() { Reveal.prev(); }, // down: prev slide
67: function() { RevealChalkboard.toggleNotesCanvas() }, // c: draw on slides
84: function() { RevealChalkboard.toggleChalkboard() }, // t: draw on blackboard
69: function() { RevealChalkboard.toggleSponge() }, // e: toggle eraser
8: function() { RevealChalkboard.clear() }, // BACKSPACE: clear chalkboard
46: function() { RevealChalkboard.reset() }, // DELETE: reset chalkboard
68: function() { }, // d: downlad chalkboard drawing
// load plugins
dependencies: [
{ src: '$template$/revealjs/plugin/math/math.js' },
{ src: '$template$/revealjs/plugin/notes/notes.js', async: true },
/*{ src: '$template$/revealjs/plugin/highlight/highlight.js', async: true, callback: function() {
var code_blocks = document.querySelectorAll('code');
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{ src: '$template$/revealjs/plugin/menu/menu.js' },
{ src: '$template$/my-chalkboard/chalkboard.js' }, // do not load this async ('ready' event is missing, print wont work)
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