
68 lines
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%Environment f<>r Abschnitte, die nochmal korrektur gelesen werden sollen
%small Example without counter
% \newenvironment{sEG}
% {\par\noindent\textbf{Example.}}%\vspace{.9em}
% {\hfill${\scriptstyle\blacksquare}$\par\indent}%\vspace{.9em}
% %large Example without cont or label
% \newenvironment{lEG}[1]
% {\par\noindent\textbf{Example \refstepcounter{lEG}\arabic{lEG} {\normalfont(#1)}.}}%\vspace{.9em}
% {\hfill${\scriptstyle\blacksquare}$\par\indent}%\vspace{.9em}
% begin{bsp}{label}
% % \newenvironment{ex}[2]
% % {\par\noindent\textbf{Example \refstepcounter{lEG}\arabic{lEG} {\normalfont(#1)}.\label{#2}}}%\vspace{.9em}
% % {\hfill${\scriptstyle\blacksquare}$\vspace{.5em}\par\indent}%
% % % begin{bsp_fort}{label}
% % \newenvironment{contEx}[1]
% % {\begin{trivlist}\item[]\textbf{Example \ref{#1} (continued).}}
% % {\nopagebreak\end{trivlist}\indent\par}
% begin{bsp}{label}
% \newenvironment{ex}[2]
% {\noindent\textbf{Example \refstepcounter{lEG}\arabic{lEG} {\normalfont(#1)}.\label{#2}}}
% {\vspace{.5em}\indent\par}
% % begin{bsp_fort}{lanbel}
% \newenvironment{contEx}[1]
% {\begin{trivlist}\item[]\textbf{Example \ref{#1} (continued).}}
% {\nolinebreak$\hfill\diamond$\nopagebreak\end{trivlist}\indent}%\par}
\newtheoremstyle{example}% name of the style to be used
{}%{3pt}%{spaceabove}% measure of space to leave above the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
{}%{3pt}%{spacebelow}% measure of space to leave below the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
{}% name of font to use in the body of the theorem
{0pt}%{indent}% measure of space to indent
{\bfseries}% name of head font
{.}%{headpunctuation}% punctuation between head and body
{ }%{headspace}% space after theorem head; " " = normal interword space
{\thmname{#1}\ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{}}{\thmnumber{ #2}}{ \ref{\thmnote{#3}} (continued)\addtocounter{example}{-1}}}%{headspec}% Manually specify head
\newtheoremstyle{defStyle}% name of the style to be used
{}%{3pt}%{spaceabove}% measure of space to leave above the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
{}%{3pt}%{spacebelow}% measure of space to leave below the theorem. E.g.: 3pt
{\itshape}% name of font to use in the body of the theorem
{0pt}%{indent}% measure of space to indent
{\bfseries}% name of head font
{:}%{headpunctuation}% punctuation between head and body
{ }%{headspace}% space after theorem head; " " = normal interword space
{\thmname{#1}\thmnumber{ #2}\ifthenelse{\equal{#3}{}}{}{ (\thmnote{#3})}}%{headspec}% Manually specify head