Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin' into 2015-04-indexed-rendering

This commit is contained in:
ocornut 2015-05-21 22:57:29 +01:00
commit e3f2ad728a
4 changed files with 151 additions and 126 deletions

View File

@ -27,7 +27,8 @@ static ID3D10Blob * g_pPixelShaderBlob = NULL;
static ID3D11PixelShader* g_pPixelShader = NULL;
static ID3D11SamplerState* g_pFontSampler = NULL;
static ID3D11ShaderResourceView*g_pFontTextureView = NULL;
static ID3D11BlendState* g_blendState = NULL;
static ID3D11RasterizerState* g_pRasterizerState = NULL;
static ID3D11BlendState* g_pBlendState = NULL;
static int VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE = 30000; // TODO: Make buffers smaller and grow dynamically as needed.
static int INDEX_BUFFER_SIZE = 30000; // TODO: Make buffers smaller and grow dynamically as needed.
@ -109,7 +110,8 @@ static void ImGui_ImplDX11_RenderDrawLists(ImDrawList** const cmd_lists, int cmd
// Setup render state
const float blendFactor[4] = { 0.f, 0.f, 0.f, 0.f };
g_pd3dDeviceContext->OMSetBlendState(g_blendState, blendFactor, 0xffffffff);
g_pd3dDeviceContext->OMSetBlendState(g_pBlendState, blendFactor, 0xffffffff);
// Render command lists
int vtx_offset = 0;
@ -350,18 +352,30 @@ bool ImGui_ImplDX11_CreateDeviceObjects()
desc.RenderTarget[0].DestBlendAlpha = D3D11_BLEND_ZERO;
desc.RenderTarget[0].BlendOpAlpha = D3D11_BLEND_OP_ADD;
desc.RenderTarget[0].RenderTargetWriteMask = D3D11_COLOR_WRITE_ENABLE_ALL;
g_pd3dDevice->CreateBlendState(&desc, &g_blendState);
g_pd3dDevice->CreateBlendState(&desc, &g_pBlendState);
// Create the rasterizer state
ZeroMemory(&desc, sizeof(desc));
desc.FillMode = D3D11_FILL_SOLID;
desc.CullMode = D3D11_CULL_NONE;
desc.ScissorEnable = true;
desc.DepthClipEnable = true;
g_pd3dDevice->CreateRasterizerState(&desc, &g_pRasterizerState);
// Create the vertex buffer
D3D11_BUFFER_DESC bufferDesc;
memset(&bufferDesc, 0, sizeof(D3D11_BUFFER_DESC));
bufferDesc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC;
bufferDesc.ByteWidth = VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(ImDrawVert);
bufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
bufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;
if (g_pd3dDevice->CreateBuffer(&bufferDesc, NULL, &g_pVB) < 0)
memset(&desc, 0, sizeof(D3D11_BUFFER_DESC));
desc.Usage = D3D11_USAGE_DYNAMIC;
desc.ByteWidth = VERTEX_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(ImDrawVert);
desc.BindFlags = D3D11_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
desc.CPUAccessFlags = D3D11_CPU_ACCESS_WRITE;
desc.MiscFlags = 0;
if (g_pd3dDevice->CreateBuffer(&desc, NULL, &g_pVB) < 0)
return false;
@ -392,7 +406,8 @@ void ImGui_ImplDX11_InvalidateDeviceObjects()
if (g_pIB) { g_pIB->Release(); g_pIB = NULL; }
if (g_pVB) { g_pVB->Release(); g_pVB = NULL; }
if (g_blendState) { g_blendState->Release(); g_blendState = NULL; }
if (g_pBlendState) { g_pBlendState->Release(); g_pBlendState = NULL; }
if (g_pRasterizerState) { g_pRasterizerState->Release(); g_pRasterizerState = NULL; }
if (g_pPixelShader) { g_pPixelShader->Release(); g_pPixelShader = NULL; }
if (g_pPixelShaderBlob) { g_pPixelShaderBlob->Release(); g_pPixelShaderBlob = NULL; }
if (g_pVertexConstantBuffer) { g_pVertexConstantBuffer->Release(); g_pVertexConstantBuffer = NULL; }

View File

@ -20,6 +20,9 @@ int main(int, char**)
#if __APPLE__
GLFWwindow* window = glfwCreateWindow(1280, 720, "ImGui OpenGL3 example", NULL, NULL);

View File

@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
- API BREAKING CHANGES (read me when you update!)
- How do I update to a newer version of ImGui?
- Can I have multiple widgets with the same label? (Yes)
- Can I have multiple widgets with the same label? Can I have widget without a label? (Yes)
- Why is my text output blurry?
- How can I load a different font than the default?
- How can I load multiple fonts?
@ -196,38 +196,42 @@
Check the "API BREAKING CHANGES" sections for a list of occasional API breaking changes. If you have a problem with a function, search for its name
in the code, there will likely be a comment about it. Please report any issue to the GitHub page!
Q: Can I have multiple widgets with the same label?
Q: Can I have multiple widgets with the same label? Can I have widget without a label? (Yes)
A: Yes. A primer on the use of labels/IDs in ImGui..
- Elements that are not clickable, such as Text() items don't need an ID.
- Interactive widgets require state to be carried over multiple frames (most typically ImGui often needs to remember what is the "active" widget).
to do so they need an unique ID. unique ID are typically derived from a string label, an integer index or a pointer.
Button("OK"); // Label = "OK", ID = hash of "OK"
Button("Cancel"); // Label = "Cancel", ID = hash of "Cancel"
- Elements that are not clickable, such as Text() items don't need an ID.
- ID are uniquely scoped within windows, tree nodes, etc. so no conflict can happen if you have two buttons called "OK" in two different windows
or in two different locations of a tree.
- if you have a same ID twice in the same location, you'll have a conflict:
Button("OK"); // ID collision! Both buttons will be treated as the same.
Button("OK"); // ID collision! Both buttons will be treated as the same.
Fear not! this is easy to solve and there are many ways to solve it!
- when passing a label you can optionally specify extra unique ID information within string itself. This helps solving the simpler collision cases.
use "##" to pass a complement to the ID that won't be visible to the end-user:
Button("Play##0"); // Label = "Play", ID = hash of "Play##0"
Button("Play##1"); // Label = "Play", ID = hash of "Play##1" (different from above)
Button("Play##0"); // Label = "Play", ID = hash of "Play##0"
Button("Play##1"); // Label = "Play", ID = hash of "Play##1" (different from above)
- so if you want to hide the label but need an ID:
Checkbox("##On", &b); // Label = "", ID = hash of "##On"
- occasionally (rarely) you might want change a label while preserving a constant ID. This allows you to animate labels.
use "###" to pass a label that isn't part of ID:
Button("Hello###ID"; // Label = "Hello", ID = hash of "ID"
Button("World###ID"; // Label = "World", ID = hash of "ID" (same as above)
Button("Hello###ID"; // Label = "Hello", ID = hash of "ID"
Button("World###ID"; // Label = "World", ID = hash of "ID" (same as above)
- use PushID() / PopID() to create scopes and avoid ID conflicts within the same Window.
this is the most convenient way of distinguish ID if you are iterating and creating many UI elements.
@ -495,8 +499,9 @@ struct ImGuiTextEditState;
struct ImGuiIniData;
struct ImGuiState;
struct ImGuiWindow;
typedef int ImGuiButtonFlags; // enum ImGuiButtonFlags_
static bool ButtonBehavior(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, bool* out_hovered, bool* out_held, bool allow_key_modifiers, bool repeat = false, bool pressed_on_click = false);
static bool ButtonBehavior(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, bool* out_hovered, bool* out_held, bool allow_key_modifiers, ImGuiButtonFlags flags = 0);
static void LogText(const ImVec2& ref_pos, const char* text, const char* text_end = NULL);
static void RenderText(ImVec2 pos, const char* text, const char* text_end = NULL, bool hide_text_after_hash = true);
@ -700,6 +705,7 @@ static inline ImVec2& operator+=(ImVec2& lhs, const ImVec2& rhs)
static inline ImVec2& operator-=(ImVec2& lhs, const ImVec2& rhs) { lhs.x -= rhs.x; lhs.y -= rhs.y; return lhs; }
static inline ImVec2& operator*=(ImVec2& lhs, const float rhs) { lhs.x *= rhs; lhs.y *= rhs; return lhs; }
//static inline ImVec2& operator/=(ImVec2& lhs, const float rhs) { lhs.x /= rhs; lhs.y /= rhs; return lhs; }
static inline ImVec4 operator-(const ImVec4& lhs, const ImVec4& rhs) { return ImVec4(lhs.x-rhs.x, lhs.y-rhs.y, lhs.z-rhs.z, lhs.w-lhs.w); }
static inline int ImMin(int lhs, int rhs) { return lhs < rhs ? lhs : rhs; }
static inline int ImMax(int lhs, int rhs) { return lhs >= rhs ? lhs : rhs; }
@ -714,6 +720,7 @@ static inline float ImSaturate(float f)
static inline float ImLerp(float a, float b, float t) { return a + (b - a) * t; }
static inline ImVec2 ImLerp(const ImVec2& a, const ImVec2& b, const ImVec2& t) { return ImVec2(a.x + (b.x - a.x) * t.x, a.y + (b.y - a.y) * t.y); }
static inline float ImLengthSqr(const ImVec2& lhs) { return lhs.x*lhs.x + lhs.y*lhs.y; }
static inline float ImLengthSqr(const ImVec4& lhs) { return lhs.x*lhs.x + lhs.y*lhs.y + lhs.z*lhs.z + lhs.w*lhs.w; }
static int ImStricmp(const char* str1, const char* str2)
@ -932,6 +939,13 @@ static bool ImLoadFileToMemory(const char* filename, const char* file_open_mode,
enum ImGuiButtonFlags_
ImGuiButtonFlags_Repeat = (1 << 0),
ImGuiButtonFlags_PressedOnClick = (1 << 1),
ImGuiButtonFlags_FlattenChilds = (1 << 2)
struct ImGuiColMod // Color modifier, backup of modified data so we can restore it
ImGuiCol Col;
@ -1277,6 +1291,7 @@ struct ImGuiWindow
bool Accessed; // Set to true when any widget access the current window
bool Collapsed; // Set when collapsing window to become only title-bar
bool SkipItems; // == Visible && !Collapsed
int BeginCount; // Number of Begin() during the current frame (generally 0 or 1, 1+ if appending via multiple Begin/End pairs)
int AutoFitFrames;
bool AutoFitOnlyGrows;
int AutoPosLastDirection;
@ -1636,6 +1651,7 @@ ImGuiWindow::ImGuiWindow(const char* name)
Accessed = false;
Collapsed = false;
SkipItems = false;
BeginCount = 0;
AutoFitFrames = -1;
AutoFitOnlyGrows = false;
AutoPosLastDirection = -1;
@ -1868,7 +1884,6 @@ static void SaveSettings()
static void MarkSettingsDirty()
ImGuiState& g = *GImGui;
if (g.SettingsDirtyTimer <= 0.0f)
g.SettingsDirtyTimer = g.IO.IniSavingRate;
@ -2981,7 +2996,7 @@ void ImGui::EndChild()
ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
IM_ASSERT(window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow);
if (window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ComboBox)
if ((window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ComboBox) || window->BeginCount > 1)
@ -3218,21 +3233,19 @@ bool ImGui::Begin(const char* name, bool* p_opened, const ImVec2& size_on_first_
if (first_begin_of_the_frame)
window->Active = true;
window->BeginCount = 0;
window->LastFrameDrawn = current_frame;
// Setup texture, outer clipping rectangle
if ((flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow) && !(flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ComboBox))
// Setup texture, outer clipping rectangle
if ((flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow) && !(flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ComboBox))
if (first_begin_of_the_frame)
// New windows appears in front
if (!window_was_visible)
@ -3431,7 +3444,7 @@ bool ImGui::Begin(const char* name, bool* p_opened, const ImVec2& size_on_first_
const ImRect resize_rect(window->Rect().GetBR()-ImVec2(14,14), window->Rect().GetBR());
const ImGuiID resize_id = window->GetID("#RESIZE");
bool hovered, held;
ButtonBehavior(resize_rect, resize_id, &hovered, &held, true);
ButtonBehavior(resize_rect, resize_id, &hovered, &held, true, ImGuiButtonFlags_FlattenChilds);
resize_col = window->Color(held ? ImGuiCol_ResizeGripActive : hovered ? ImGuiCol_ResizeGripHovered : ImGuiCol_ResizeGrip);
if (hovered || held)
@ -3584,6 +3597,7 @@ bool ImGui::Begin(const char* name, bool* p_opened, const ImVec2& size_on_first_
// Inner clipping rectangle
// We set this up after processing the resize grip so that our clip rectangle doesn't lag by a frame
@ -3628,8 +3642,6 @@ void ImGui::End()
ImGui::Columns(1, "#CloseColumns");
PopClipRect(); // inner window clip rectangle
PopClipRect(); // outer window clip rectangle
// Stop logging
if (!(window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow)) // FIXME: add more options for scope of logging
@ -3782,7 +3794,6 @@ float ImGui::CalcItemWidth()
static void SetFont(ImFont* font)
ImGuiState& g = *GImGui;
IM_ASSERT(font && font->IsLoaded());
IM_ASSERT(font->Scale > 0.0f);
g.Font = font;
@ -3794,10 +3805,8 @@ static void SetFont(ImFont* font)
void ImGui::PushFont(ImFont* font)
ImGuiState& g = *GImGui;
if (!font)
font = g.IO.Fonts->Fonts[0];
@ -3806,7 +3815,6 @@ void ImGui::PushFont(ImFont* font)
void ImGui::PopFont()
ImGuiState& g = *GImGui;
SetFont(g.FontStack.empty() ? g.IO.Fonts->Fonts[0] : g.FontStack.back());
@ -3839,7 +3847,6 @@ void ImGui::PopTextWrapPos()
void ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol idx, const ImVec4& col)
ImGuiState& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiColMod backup;
backup.Col = idx;
backup.PreviousValue = g.Style.Colors[idx];
@ -3850,7 +3857,6 @@ void ImGui::PushStyleColor(ImGuiCol idx, const ImVec4& col)
void ImGui::PopStyleColor(int count)
ImGuiState& g = *GImGui;
while (count > 0)
ImGuiColMod& backup = g.ColorModifiers.back();
@ -3891,7 +3897,6 @@ static ImVec2* GetStyleVarVec2Addr(ImGuiStyleVar idx)
void ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar idx, float val)
ImGuiState& g = *GImGui;
float* pvar = GetStyleVarFloatAddr(idx);
IM_ASSERT(pvar != NULL); // Called function with wrong-type? Variable is not a float.
ImGuiStyleMod backup;
@ -3905,7 +3910,6 @@ void ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar idx, float val)
void ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar idx, const ImVec2& val)
ImGuiState& g = *GImGui;
ImVec2* pvar = GetStyleVarVec2Addr(idx);
IM_ASSERT(pvar != NULL); // Called function with wrong-type? Variable is not a ImVec2.
ImGuiStyleMod backup;
@ -3918,7 +3922,6 @@ void ImGui::PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar idx, const ImVec2& val)
void ImGui::PopStyleVar(int count)
ImGuiState& g = *GImGui;
while (count > 0)
ImGuiStyleMod& backup = g.StyleModifiers.back();
@ -4521,10 +4524,9 @@ void ImGui::LabelText(const char* label, const char* fmt, ...)
static inline bool IsWindowContentHoverable(ImGuiWindow* window)
ImGuiState& g = *GImGui;
// An active popup disable hovering on other windows (apart from its own children)
if (ImGuiWindow* focused_window = g.FocusedWindow)
ImGuiState& g = *GImGui;
if (ImGuiWindow* focused_window = g.FocusedWindow)
if (ImGuiWindow* focused_root_window = focused_window->RootWindow)
if ((focused_root_window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_Popup) != 0 && focused_root_window->WasActive && focused_root_window != window->RootWindow)
return false;
@ -4532,13 +4534,13 @@ static inline bool IsWindowContentHoverable(ImGuiWindow* window)
return true;
static bool IsHovered(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id)
static bool IsHovered(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, bool flatten_childs = false)
ImGuiState& g = *GImGui;
if (g.HoveredId == 0)
ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
if (g.HoveredRootWindow == window->RootWindow)
if (g.HoveredWindow == window || (flatten_childs && g.HoveredRootWindow == window->RootWindow))
if ((g.ActiveId == 0 || g.ActiveId == id || g.ActiveIdIsFocusedOnly) && IsMouseHoveringRect(bb))
if (IsWindowContentHoverable(g.HoveredRootWindow))
return true;
@ -4546,13 +4548,13 @@ static bool IsHovered(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id)
return false;
static bool ButtonBehavior(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, bool* out_hovered, bool* out_held, bool allow_key_modifiers, bool repeat, bool pressed_on_click)
static bool ButtonBehavior(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, bool* out_hovered, bool* out_held, bool allow_key_modifiers, ImGuiButtonFlags flags)
ImGuiState& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiWindow* window = GetCurrentWindow();
const bool hovered = IsHovered(bb, id);
bool pressed = false;
const bool hovered = IsHovered(bb, id, (flags & ImGuiButtonFlags_FlattenChilds) != 0);
if (hovered)
g.HoveredId = id;
@ -4560,7 +4562,7 @@ static bool ButtonBehavior(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, bool* out_hovered, bool
if (g.IO.MouseClicked[0])
if (pressed_on_click)
if (flags & ImGuiButtonFlags_PressedOnClick)
pressed = true;
@ -4571,7 +4573,7 @@ static bool ButtonBehavior(const ImRect& bb, ImGuiID id, bool* out_hovered, bool
else if (repeat && g.ActiveId && ImGui::IsMouseClicked(0, true))
else if ((flags & ImGuiButtonFlags_Repeat) && g.ActiveId == id && ImGui::IsMouseClicked(0, true))
pressed = true;
@ -4617,7 +4619,7 @@ bool ImGui::Button(const char* label, const ImVec2& size_arg, bool repeat_when_h
return false;
bool hovered, held;
bool pressed = ButtonBehavior(bb, id, &hovered, &held, true, repeat_when_held);
bool pressed = ButtonBehavior(bb, id, &hovered, &held, true, repeat_when_held ? ImGuiButtonFlags_Repeat : 0);
// Render
const ImU32 col = window->Color((hovered && held) ? ImGuiCol_ButtonActive : hovered ? ImGuiCol_ButtonHovered : ImGuiCol_Button);
@ -6801,7 +6803,7 @@ bool ImGui::InputText(const char* label, char* buf, size_t buf_size, ImGuiInputT
// Draw blinking cursor
if (g.InputTextState.CursorIsVisible())
window->DrawList->AddRect(cursor_pos - font_off_up + ImVec2(0,2), cursor_pos + font_off_dn - ImVec2(0,3), window->Color(ImGuiCol_Text));
window->DrawList->AddLine(cursor_pos - font_off_up + ImVec2(0,2), cursor_pos + font_off_dn - ImVec2(0,3), window->Color(ImGuiCol_Text));
// Notify OS of text input position for advanced IME
if (io.ImeSetInputScreenPosFn && ImLengthSqr(edit_state.InputCursorScreenPos - cursor_pos) > 0.0001f)
@ -7093,7 +7095,7 @@ bool ImGui::Selectable(const char* label, bool selected, const ImVec2& size_arg)
return false;
bool hovered, held;
bool pressed = ButtonBehavior(bb_with_spacing, id, &hovered, &held, true, false, false);
bool pressed = ButtonBehavior(bb_with_spacing, id, &hovered, &held, true);
// Render
if (hovered || selected)
@ -8005,7 +8007,11 @@ void ImDrawList::UpdateClipRect()
current_cmd->clip_rect = clip_rect_stack.empty() ? GNullClipRect : clip_rect_stack.back();
ImVec4 current_clip_rect = clip_rect_stack.empty() ? GNullClipRect : clip_rect_stack.back();
if (commands.size() > 2 && ImLengthSqr(commands[commands.size()-2].clip_rect - current_clip_rect) < 0.00001f)
current_cmd->clip_rect = current_clip_rect;

View File

@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ struct ImGuiStorage;
struct ImGuiStyle;
typedef unsigned int ImU32;
typedef unsigned short ImWchar; // character for display
typedef unsigned short ImWchar; // character for keyboard input/display
typedef void* ImTextureID; // user data to refer to a texture (e.g. store your texture handle/id)
typedef ImU32 ImGuiID; // unique ID used by widgets (typically hashed from a stack of string)
typedef int ImGuiCol; // enum ImGuiCol_
@ -73,79 +73,17 @@ struct ImVec4
namespace ImGui
// Proxy functions to access the MemAllocFn/MemFreeFn pointers in ImGui::GetIO(). The only reason they exist here is to allow ImVector<> to compile inline.
IMGUI_API void* MemAlloc(size_t sz);
IMGUI_API void MemFree(void* ptr);
// std::vector<> like class to avoid dragging dependencies (also: windows implementation of STL with debug enabled is absurdly slow, so let's bypass it so our code runs fast in debug).
// Use '#define ImVector std::vector' if you want to use the STL type or your own type.
// Our implementation does NOT call c++ constructors! because the data types we use don't need them (but that could be added as well). Only provide the minimum functionalities we need.
#ifndef ImVector
template<typename T>
class ImVector
size_t Size;
size_t Capacity;
T* Data;
typedef T value_type;
typedef value_type* iterator;
typedef const value_type* const_iterator;
ImVector() { Size = Capacity = 0; Data = NULL; }
~ImVector() { if (Data) ImGui::MemFree(Data); }
inline bool empty() const { return Size == 0; }
inline size_t size() const { return Size; }
inline size_t capacity() const { return Capacity; }
inline value_type& at(size_t i) { IM_ASSERT(i < Size); return Data[i]; }
inline const value_type& at(size_t i) const { IM_ASSERT(i < Size); return Data[i]; }
inline value_type& operator[](size_t i) { IM_ASSERT(i < Size); return Data[i]; }
inline const value_type& operator[](size_t i) const { IM_ASSERT(i < Size); return Data[i]; }
inline void clear() { if (Data) { Size = Capacity = 0; ImGui::MemFree(Data); Data = NULL; } }
inline iterator begin() { return Data; }
inline const_iterator begin() const { return Data; }
inline iterator end() { return Data + Size; }
inline const_iterator end() const { return Data + Size; }
inline value_type& front() { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); return Data[0]; }
inline const value_type& front() const { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); return Data[0]; }
inline value_type& back() { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); return Data[Size-1]; }
inline const value_type& back() const { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); return Data[Size-1]; }
inline void swap(ImVector<T>& rhs) { const size_t rhs_size = rhs.Size; rhs.Size = Size; Size = rhs_size; const size_t rhs_cap = rhs.Capacity; rhs.Capacity = Capacity; Capacity = rhs_cap; value_type* rhs_data = rhs.Data; rhs.Data = Data; Data = rhs_data; }
inline void resize(size_t new_size) { if (new_size > Capacity) reserve(new_size); Size = new_size; }
inline void reserve(size_t new_capacity)
if (new_capacity <= Capacity) return;
T* new_data = (value_type*)ImGui::MemAlloc(new_capacity * sizeof(value_type));
memcpy(new_data, Data, Size * sizeof(value_type));
Data = new_data;
Capacity = new_capacity;
inline void push_back(const value_type& v) { if (Size == Capacity) reserve(Capacity ? Capacity * 2 : 4); Data[Size++] = v; }
inline void pop_back() { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); Size--; }
inline iterator erase(const_iterator it) { IM_ASSERT(it >= begin() && it < end()); const ptrdiff_t off = it - begin(); memmove(Data + off, Data + off + 1, (Size - (size_t)off - 1) * sizeof(value_type)); Size--; return Data + off; }
inline iterator insert(const_iterator it, const value_type& v) { IM_ASSERT(it >= begin() && it <= end()); const ptrdiff_t off = it - begin(); if (Size == Capacity) reserve(Capacity ? Capacity * 2 : 4); if (off < (int)Size) memmove(Data + off + 1, Data + off, (Size - (size_t)off) * sizeof(value_type)); Data[off] = v; Size++; return Data + off; }
#endif // #ifndef ImVector
// Helpers at bottom of the file:
// - class ImVector<> // Lightweight std::vector like class. Use '#define ImVector std::vector' if you want to use the STL type or your own type.
// - IMGUI_ONCE_UPON_A_FRAME // Execute a block of code once per frame only (convenient for creating UI within deep-nested code that runs multiple times)
// - struct ImGuiTextFilter // Parse and apply text filters. In format "aaaaa[,bbbb][,ccccc]"
// - struct ImGuiTextBuffer // Text buffer for logging/accumulating text
// - struct ImGuiStorage // Custom key value storage (if you need to alter open/close states manually)
// - struct ImGuiTextEditCallbackData // Shared state of ImGui::InputText() when using custom callbacks
// - struct ImColor // Helper functions to created packed 32-bit RGBA color values
// - struct ImDrawList // Draw command list
// - struct ImFont // TTF font loader, bake glyphs into bitmap
// - struct ImFontAtlas // Bake multiple fonts into a single texture, TTF font loader, bake glyphs into bitmap
// - struct ImFont // Single font
// ImGui end-user API
// In a namespace so that user can add extra functions in a separate file (e.g. Value() helpers for your vector or common types)
@ -421,6 +359,10 @@ namespace ImGui
IMGUI_API void ColorConvertRGBtoHSV(float r, float g, float b, float& out_h, float& out_s, float& out_v);
IMGUI_API void ColorConvertHSVtoRGB(float h, float s, float v, float& out_r, float& out_g, float& out_b);
// Proxy functions to access the MemAllocFn/MemFreeFn pointers in ImGui::GetIO()
IMGUI_API void* MemAlloc(size_t sz);
IMGUI_API void MemFree(void* ptr);
// Internal state access - if you want to share ImGui state between modules (e.g. DLL) or allocate it yourself
IMGUI_API const char* GetVersion();
IMGUI_API void* GetInternalState();
@ -725,6 +667,65 @@ struct ImGuiIO
// Helpers
// Lightweight std::vector<> like class to avoid dragging dependencies (also: windows implementation of STL with debug enabled is absurdly slow, so let's bypass it so our code runs fast in debug).
// Use '#define ImVector std::vector' if you want to use the STL type or your own type.
// Our implementation does NOT call c++ constructors because we don't use them in ImGui. Don't use this class as a straight std::vector replacement in your code!
#ifndef ImVector
template<typename T>
class ImVector
size_t Size;
size_t Capacity;
T* Data;
typedef T value_type;
typedef value_type* iterator;
typedef const value_type* const_iterator;
ImVector() { Size = Capacity = 0; Data = NULL; }
~ImVector() { if (Data) ImGui::MemFree(Data); }
inline bool empty() const { return Size == 0; }
inline size_t size() const { return Size; }
inline size_t capacity() const { return Capacity; }
inline value_type& at(size_t i) { IM_ASSERT(i < Size); return Data[i]; }
inline const value_type& at(size_t i) const { IM_ASSERT(i < Size); return Data[i]; }
inline value_type& operator[](size_t i) { IM_ASSERT(i < Size); return Data[i]; }
inline const value_type& operator[](size_t i) const { IM_ASSERT(i < Size); return Data[i]; }
inline void clear() { if (Data) { Size = Capacity = 0; ImGui::MemFree(Data); Data = NULL; } }
inline iterator begin() { return Data; }
inline const_iterator begin() const { return Data; }
inline iterator end() { return Data + Size; }
inline const_iterator end() const { return Data + Size; }
inline value_type& front() { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); return Data[0]; }
inline const value_type& front() const { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); return Data[0]; }
inline value_type& back() { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); return Data[Size-1]; }
inline const value_type& back() const { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); return Data[Size-1]; }
inline void swap(ImVector<T>& rhs) { const size_t rhs_size = rhs.Size; rhs.Size = Size; Size = rhs_size; const size_t rhs_cap = rhs.Capacity; rhs.Capacity = Capacity; Capacity = rhs_cap; value_type* rhs_data = rhs.Data; rhs.Data = Data; Data = rhs_data; }
inline void resize(size_t new_size) { if (new_size > Capacity) reserve(new_size); Size = new_size; }
inline void reserve(size_t new_capacity)
if (new_capacity <= Capacity) return;
T* new_data = (value_type*)ImGui::MemAlloc(new_capacity * sizeof(value_type));
memcpy(new_data, Data, Size * sizeof(value_type));
Data = new_data;
Capacity = new_capacity;
inline void push_back(const value_type& v) { if (Size == Capacity) reserve(Capacity ? Capacity * 2 : 4); Data[Size++] = v; }
inline void pop_back() { IM_ASSERT(Size > 0); Size--; }
inline iterator erase(const_iterator it) { IM_ASSERT(it >= begin() && it < end()); const ptrdiff_t off = it - begin(); memmove(Data + off, Data + off + 1, (Size - (size_t)off - 1) * sizeof(value_type)); Size--; return Data + off; }
inline iterator insert(const_iterator it, const value_type& v) { IM_ASSERT(it >= begin() && it <= end()); const ptrdiff_t off = it - begin(); if (Size == Capacity) reserve(Capacity ? Capacity * 2 : 4); if (off < (int)Size) memmove(Data + off + 1, Data + off, (Size - (size_t)off) * sizeof(value_type)); Data[off] = v; Size++; return Data + off; }
#endif // #ifndef ImVector
// Helper: execute a block of code once a frame only
// Convenient if you want to quickly create an UI within deep-nested code that runs multiple times every frame.
// Usage: