mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 23:42:43 +00:00
Nav: Added a CTRL+TAB window list and changed the highlight system accordingly. (#787)
This commit is contained in:
@ -37,11 +37,13 @@ Breaking Changes:
- Removed per-window ImGuiWindowFlags_ResizeFromAnySide beta flag in favor `io.OptResizeWindowsFromEdges=true` to enable the feature globally. (#1495)
The feature is not currently enabled by default because it is not satisfying enough.
- Style: Renamed ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening to ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg for consistency with other features. Kept redirection enum (will obsolete).
Other Changes:
- ArrowButton: Fixed to honor PushButtonRepeat() setting (and internals' ImGuiItemFlags_ButtonRepeat).
- ArrowButton: Setup current line text baseline so that ArrowButton() + SameLine() + Text() are aligned properly.
- Nav: Added a CTRL+TAB window list and changed the highlight system accordingly. This is designed to allow CTRL+TAB between Tabs in the future.
- Window: Allow menu and popups windows from ignoring the style.WindowMinSize values so short menus/popups are not padded. (#1909)
- Window: Added global io.OptResizeWindowsFromEdges option to enable resizing windows from their edges and from the lower-left corner. (#1495)
- Drag and Drop: Fixed an incorrect assert when dropping a source that is submitted after the target (bug introduced with 1.62 changes
@ -316,6 +316,7 @@
- 2018/XX/XX (1.XX) - Moved IME support functions from io.ImeSetInputScreenPosFn, io.ImeWindowHandle to the PlatformIO api.
- 2018/XX/XX (1.XX) - removed io.DisplayVisibleMin, io.DisplayVisibleMax settings (it was used to clip within the DisplayMin..DisplayMax range, I don't know of anyone using it)
- 2018/07/08 (1.63) - style: renamed ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening to ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg for consistency with other features. Kept redirection enum (will obsolete).
- 2018/07/06 (1.63) - removed per-window ImGuiWindowFlags_ResizeFromAnySide beta flag in favor of a global io.OptResizeWindowsFromEdges to enable the feature.
- 2018/06/06 (1.62) - renamed GetGlyphRangesChinese() to GetGlyphRangesChineseFull() to distinguish other variants and discourage using the full set.
- 2018/06/06 (1.62) - TreeNodeEx()/TreeNodeBehavior(): the ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_CollapsingHeader helper now include the ImGuiTreeNodeFlags_NoTreePushOnOpen flag. See Changelog for details.
@ -901,6 +902,7 @@ static bool BeginChildEx(const char* name, ImGuiID id, const ImVec2&
static void NavUpdate();
static void NavUpdateWindowing();
static void NavUpdateWindowingList();
static void NavProcessItem(ImGuiWindow* window, const ImRect& nav_bb, const ImGuiID id);
static void UpdateMouseInputs();
@ -3104,7 +3106,8 @@ static void NavUpdateWindowingHighlightWindow(int focus_change_dir)
ImGuiWindow* window_target = FindWindowNavigable(i_current + focus_change_dir, -INT_MAX, focus_change_dir);
if (!window_target)
window_target = FindWindowNavigable((focus_change_dir < 0) ? (g.Windows.Size - 1) : 0, i_current, focus_change_dir);
g.NavWindowingTarget = window_target;
if (window_target) // Don't reset windowing target if there's a single window in the list
g.NavWindowingTarget = window_target;
g.NavWindowingToggleLayer = false;
@ -3189,7 +3192,7 @@ static void ImGui::NavUpdateWindowing()
const float NAV_MOVE_SPEED = 800.0f;
const float move_speed = ImFloor(NAV_MOVE_SPEED * g.IO.DeltaTime * ImMin(g.IO.DisplayFramebufferScale.x, g.IO.DisplayFramebufferScale.y)); // FIXME: Doesn't code variable framerate very well
g.NavWindowingTarget->Pos += move_delta * move_speed;
g.NavWindowingTarget->RootWindow->Pos += move_delta * move_speed;
g.NavDisableMouseHover = true;
@ -3231,6 +3234,47 @@ static void ImGui::NavUpdateWindowing()
// Window has already passed the IsWindowNavFocusable()
static const char* GetFallbackWindowNameForWindowingList(ImGuiWindow* window)
if (window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_Popup)
return "(Popup)";
if ((window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_MenuBar) && strcmp(window->Name, "##MainMenuBar") == 0)
return "(Main menu bar)";
return "(Untitled)";
// Overlay displayed when using CTRL+TAB. Called by EndFrame().
void ImGui::NavUpdateWindowingList()
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
if (!g.NavWindowingTarget)
g.NavWindowingList = NULL;
if (g.NavWindowingList == NULL)
g.NavWindowingList = FindWindowByName("###NavWindowList");
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = /*g.NavWindow ? g.NavWindow->Viewport :*/ (ImGuiViewportP*)GetMainViewport();
SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(ImVec2(viewport->Size.x * 0.20f, viewport->Size.y * 0.20f), ImVec2(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX));
SetNextWindowPos(viewport->Pos + viewport->Size * 0.5f, ImGuiCond_Always, ImVec2(0.5f, 0.5f));
PushStyleVar(ImGuiStyleVar_WindowPadding, g.Style.WindowPadding * 2.0f);
Begin("###NavWindowList", NULL, ImGuiWindowFlags_NoTitleBar | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoFocusOnAppearing | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNav | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoResize | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoMove | ImGuiWindowFlags_NoInputs | ImGuiWindowFlags_AlwaysAutoResize);
for (int n = g.Windows.Size - 1; n >= 0; n--)
ImGuiWindow* window = g.Windows[n];
if (!IsWindowNavFocusable(window))
const char* label = window->Name;
if (label == FindRenderedTextEnd(label))
label = GetFallbackWindowNameForWindowingList(window);
Selectable(label, g.NavWindowingTarget == window);
// Scroll to keep newly navigated item fully into view
// NB: We modify rect_rel by the amount we scrolled for, so it is immediately updated.
static void NavScrollToBringItemIntoView(ImGuiWindow* window, const ImRect& item_rect)
@ -3951,16 +3995,19 @@ void ImGui::UpdatePlatformWindows()
viewport->RendererLastSize = viewport->Size;
// Update title bar (if it changed)
const char* title_begin = viewport->Window->Name;
char* title_end = (char*)(intptr_t)ImGui::FindRenderedTextEnd(title_begin);
const ImGuiID title_hash = ImHash(title_begin, (int)(title_end - title_begin));
if (viewport->LastNameHash != title_hash)
if (ImGuiWindow* window_for_title = viewport->Window)
char title_end_backup_c = *title_end;
*title_end = 0; // Cut existing buffer short instead of doing an alloc/free
g.PlatformIO.Platform_SetWindowTitle(viewport, title_begin);
*title_end = title_end_backup_c;
viewport->LastNameHash = title_hash;
const char* title_begin = window_for_title->Name;
char* title_end = (char*)(intptr_t)ImGui::FindRenderedTextEnd(title_begin);
const ImGuiID title_hash = ImHash(title_begin, (int)(title_end - title_begin));
if (viewport->LastNameHash != title_hash)
char title_end_backup_c = *title_end;
*title_end = 0; // Cut existing buffer short instead of doing an alloc/free
g.PlatformIO.Platform_SetWindowTitle(viewport, title_begin);
*title_end = title_end_backup_c;
viewport->LastNameHash = title_hash;
// Update alpha
@ -4300,10 +4347,10 @@ void ImGui::NewFrame()
// Background darkening/whitening
if (GetFrontMostPopupModal() != NULL)
g.ModalWindowDarkeningRatio = ImMin(g.ModalWindowDarkeningRatio + g.IO.DeltaTime * 6.0f, 1.0f);
if (GetFrontMostPopupModal() != NULL || g.NavWindowingTarget != NULL)
g.DimBgRatio = ImMin(g.DimBgRatio + g.IO.DeltaTime * 6.0f, 1.0f);
g.ModalWindowDarkeningRatio = 0.0f;
g.DimBgRatio = 0.0f;
g.MouseCursor = ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow;
g.WantCaptureMouseNextFrame = g.WantCaptureKeyboardNextFrame = g.WantTextInputNextFrame = -1;
@ -4856,6 +4903,27 @@ void ImGui::EndFrame()
g.PlatformImePosViewport = NULL;
// Draw modal whitening background on _other_ viewports than the one the modal is one
ImGuiWindow* modal_window = GetFrontMostPopupModal();
const bool dim_bg_for_modal = (modal_window != NULL);
const bool dim_bg_for_window_list = (g.NavWindowingTarget != NULL);
if (dim_bg_for_modal || dim_bg_for_window_list)
for (int viewport_n = 0; viewport_n < g.Viewports.Size; viewport_n++)
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[viewport_n];
if (modal_window && viewport == modal_window->Viewport)
if (g.NavWindowingList && viewport == g.NavWindowingList->Viewport)
if (g.NavWindowingTarget && viewport == g.NavWindowingTarget->Viewport)
ImDrawList* draw_list = GetOverlayDrawList(viewport);
const ImU32 dim_bg_col = GetColorU32(dim_bg_for_modal ? ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg : ImGuiCol_NavWindowListDimBg, g.DimBgRatio);
draw_list->AddRectFilled(viewport->Pos, viewport->Pos + viewport->Size, dim_bg_col);
// Hide implicit "Debug" window if it hasn't been used
IM_ASSERT(g.CurrentWindowStack.Size == 1); // Mismatched Begin()/End() calls, did you forget to call end on g.CurrentWindow->Name?
if (g.CurrentWindow && !g.CurrentWindow->WriteAccessed)
@ -4962,15 +5030,18 @@ void ImGui::Render()
g.IO.MetricsRenderVertices = g.IO.MetricsRenderIndices = g.IO.MetricsActiveWindows = 0;
for (int n = 0; n != g.Viewports.Size; n++)
ImGuiWindow* window_to_render_front_most = (g.NavWindowingTarget && !(g.NavWindowingTarget->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus)) ? g.NavWindowingTarget : NULL;
ImGuiWindow* windows_to_render_front_most[2];
windows_to_render_front_most[0] = (g.NavWindowingTarget && !(g.NavWindowingTarget->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBringToFrontOnFocus)) ? g.NavWindowingTarget->RootWindow : NULL;
windows_to_render_front_most[1] = (g.NavWindowingList);
for (int n = 0; n != g.Windows.Size; n++)
ImGuiWindow* window = g.Windows[n];
if (IsWindowActiveAndVisible(window) && (window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow) == 0 && window != window_to_render_front_most)
if (IsWindowActiveAndVisible(window) && (window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow) == 0 && window != windows_to_render_front_most[0] && window != windows_to_render_front_most[1])
if (window_to_render_front_most && IsWindowActiveAndVisible(window_to_render_front_most)) // NavWindowingTarget is always temporarily displayed as the front-most window
for (int n = 0; n < IM_ARRAYSIZE(windows_to_render_front_most); n++)
if (windows_to_render_front_most[n] && IsWindowActiveAndVisible(windows_to_render_front_most[n])) // NavWindowingTarget is always temporarily displayed as the front-most window
// Draw software mouse cursor if requested
ImVec2 offset, size, uv[4];
@ -6843,7 +6914,7 @@ static void ImGui::UpdateManualResize(ImGuiWindow* window, const ImVec2& size_au
// Navigation resize (keyboard/gamepad)
if (g.NavWindowingTarget == window)
if (g.NavWindowingTarget && g.NavWindowingTarget->RootWindow == window)
ImVec2 nav_resize_delta;
if (g.NavInputSource == ImGuiInputSource_NavKeyboard && g.IO.KeyShift)
@ -7294,27 +7365,31 @@ bool ImGui::Begin(const char* name, bool* p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags flags)
PushClipRect(viewport_rect.Min, viewport_rect.Max, true);
// Draw modal window background (darkens what is behind them, all viewports)
if ((flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_Modal) != 0 && window == GetFrontMostPopupModal() && window->HiddenFrames <= 0)
const bool dim_bg_for_modal = (flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_Modal) && window == GetFrontMostPopupModal() && window->HiddenFrames <= 0;
const bool dim_bg_for_window_list = g.NavWindowingTarget && ((window == g.NavWindowingTarget->RootWindow) || (g.NavWindowingList && (window == g.NavWindowingList) && g.NavWindowingList->Viewport != g.NavWindowingTarget->Viewport));
if (dim_bg_for_modal || dim_bg_for_window_list)
for (int viewport_n = 0; viewport_n < g.Viewports.Size; viewport_n++)
ImGuiViewportP* viewport = g.Viewports[viewport_n];
ImDrawList* draw_list = (viewport == window->Viewport) ? window->DrawList : GetOverlayDrawList(viewport);
draw_list->AddRectFilled(viewport->Pos, viewport->Pos + viewport->Size, GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening, g.ModalWindowDarkeningRatio));
const ImU32 dim_bg_col = GetColorU32(dim_bg_for_modal ? ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg : ImGuiCol_NavWindowListDimBg, g.DimBgRatio);
draw_list->AddRectFilled(viewport->Pos, viewport->Pos + viewport->Size, dim_bg_col);
// Draw navigation selection/windowing rectangle background
if (g.NavWindowingTarget == window)
if (dim_bg_for_window_list && window == g.NavWindowingTarget->RootWindow)
ImRect bb = window->Rect();
if (!bb.Contains(viewport_rect)) // Avoid drawing if the window covers all the viewport anyway
window->DrawList->AddRectFilled(bb.Min, bb.Max, GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_NavWindowingHighlight, g.NavWindowingHighlightAlpha * 0.25f), g.Style.WindowRounding);
window->DrawList->AddRectFilled(bb.Min, bb.Max, GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_NavWindowListHighlight, g.NavWindowingHighlightAlpha * 0.25f), g.Style.WindowRounding);
// Draw window + handle manual resize
const float window_rounding = window->WindowRounding;
const float window_border_size = window->WindowBorderSize;
const bool title_bar_is_highlight = want_focus || (g.NavWindow && window->RootWindowForTitleBarHighlight == g.NavWindow->RootWindowForTitleBarHighlight);
const ImGuiWindow* window_to_highlight = g.NavWindowingTarget ? g.NavWindowingTarget : g.NavWindow;
const bool title_bar_is_highlight = want_focus || (window_to_highlight && window->RootWindowForTitleBarHighlight == window_to_highlight->RootWindowForTitleBarHighlight);
const ImRect title_bar_rect = window->TitleBarRect();
if (window->Collapsed)
@ -7396,7 +7471,7 @@ bool ImGui::Begin(const char* name, bool* p_open, ImGuiWindowFlags flags)
bb.Expand(-g.FontSize - 1.0f);
rounding = window->WindowRounding;
window->DrawList->AddRect(bb.Min, bb.Max, GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_NavWindowingHighlight, g.NavWindowingHighlightAlpha), rounding, ~0, 3.0f);
window->DrawList->AddRect(bb.Min, bb.Max, GetColorU32(ImGuiCol_NavWindowListHighlight, g.NavWindowingHighlightAlpha), rounding, ~0, 3.0f);
// Store a backup of SizeFull which we will use next frame to decide if we need scrollbars.
@ -8105,10 +8180,10 @@ const char* ImGui::GetStyleColorName(ImGuiCol idx)
case ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram: return "PlotHistogram";
case ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered: return "PlotHistogramHovered";
case ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg: return "TextSelectedBg";
case ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening: return "ModalWindowDarkening";
case ImGuiCol_DragDropTarget: return "DragDropTarget";
case ImGuiCol_NavHighlight: return "NavHighlight";
case ImGuiCol_NavWindowingHighlight: return "NavWindowingHighlight";
case ImGuiCol_NavWindowListDimBg: return "NavWindowListDimBg";
case ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg: return "ModalWindowDimBg";
return "Unknown";
@ -921,15 +921,17 @@ enum ImGuiCol_
ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening, // Darken/colorize entire screen behind a modal window, when one is active
ImGuiCol_NavHighlight, // Gamepad/keyboard: current highlighted item
ImGuiCol_NavWindowingHighlight, // Gamepad/keyboard: when holding NavMenu to focus/move/resize windows
ImGuiCol_NavWindowListHighlight,// Highlight window when using CTRL+TAB
ImGuiCol_NavWindowListDimBg, // Darken/colorize entire screen behind the CTRL+TAB window list, when active
ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg, // Darken/colorize entire screen behind a modal window, when one is active
// Obsolete names (will be removed)
, ImGuiCol_ChildWindowBg = ImGuiCol_ChildBg, ImGuiCol_Column = ImGuiCol_Separator, ImGuiCol_ColumnHovered = ImGuiCol_SeparatorHovered, ImGuiCol_ColumnActive = ImGuiCol_SeparatorActive
, ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening = ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg
//ImGuiCol_CloseButton, ImGuiCol_CloseButtonActive, ImGuiCol_CloseButtonHovered, // [unused since 1.60+] the close button now uses regular button colors.
//ImGuiCol_ComboBg, // [unused since 1.53+] ComboBg has been merged with PopupBg, so a redirect isn't accurate.
@ -1860,7 +1860,7 @@ void ImGui::ShowDemoWindow(bool* p_open)
ImGui::OpenPopup("Stacked 1");
if (ImGui::BeginPopupModal("Stacked 1"))
ImGui::Text("Hello from Stacked The First\nUsing style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening] for darkening.");
ImGui::Text("Hello from Stacked The First\nUsing style.Colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg] behind it.");
static int item = 1;
ImGui::Combo("Combo", &item, "aaaa\0bbbb\0cccc\0dddd\0eeee\0\0");
static float color[4] = { 0.4f,0.7f,0.0f,0.5f };
@ -194,10 +194,11 @@ void ImGui::StyleColorsDark(ImGuiStyle* dst)
colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram] = ImVec4(0.90f, 0.70f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered] = ImVec4(1.00f, 0.60f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg] = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.35f);
colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening] = ImVec4(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.35f);
colors[ImGuiCol_DragDropTarget] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 0.00f, 0.90f);
colors[ImGuiCol_NavHighlight] = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowingHighlight] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.70f);
colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowListHighlight] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.70f);
colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowListDimBg] = ImVec4(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.20f);
colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg] = ImVec4(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.35f);
void ImGui::StyleColorsClassic(ImGuiStyle* dst)
@ -243,10 +244,11 @@ void ImGui::StyleColorsClassic(ImGuiStyle* dst)
colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram] = ImVec4(0.90f, 0.70f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered] = ImVec4(1.00f, 0.60f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg] = ImVec4(0.00f, 0.00f, 1.00f, 0.35f);
colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening] = ImVec4(0.20f, 0.20f, 0.20f, 0.35f);
colors[ImGuiCol_DragDropTarget] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 0.00f, 0.90f);
colors[ImGuiCol_NavHighlight] = colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered];
colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowingHighlight] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.70f);
colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowListHighlight] = ImVec4(1.00f, 1.00f, 1.00f, 0.70f);
colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowListDimBg] = ImVec4(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, 0.20f);
colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg] = ImVec4(0.20f, 0.20f, 0.20f, 0.35f);
// Those light colors are better suited with a thicker font than the default one + FrameBorder
@ -293,10 +295,11 @@ void ImGui::StyleColorsLight(ImGuiStyle* dst)
colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogram] = ImVec4(0.90f, 0.70f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_PlotHistogramHovered] = ImVec4(1.00f, 0.45f, 0.00f, 1.00f);
colors[ImGuiCol_TextSelectedBg] = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.35f);
colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDarkening] = ImVec4(0.20f, 0.20f, 0.20f, 0.35f);
colors[ImGuiCol_DragDropTarget] = ImVec4(0.26f, 0.59f, 0.98f, 0.95f);
colors[ImGuiCol_NavHighlight] = colors[ImGuiCol_HeaderHovered];
colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowingHighlight] = ImVec4(0.70f, 0.70f, 0.70f, 0.70f);
colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowListHighlight] = ImVec4(0.70f, 0.70f, 0.70f, 0.70f);
colors[ImGuiCol_NavWindowListDimBg] = ImVec4(0.20f, 0.20f, 0.20f, 0.20f);
colors[ImGuiCol_ModalWindowDimBg] = ImVec4(0.20f, 0.20f, 0.20f, 0.35f);
@ -704,6 +704,7 @@ struct ImGuiContext
ImRect NavScoringRectScreen; // Rectangle used for scoring, in screen space. Based of window->DC.NavRefRectRel[], modified for directional navigation scoring.
int NavScoringCount; // Metrics for debugging
ImGuiWindow* NavWindowingTarget; // When selecting a window (holding Menu+FocusPrev/Next, or equivalent of CTRL-TAB) this window is temporarily displayed front-most.
ImGuiWindow* NavWindowingList;
float NavWindowingHighlightTimer;
float NavWindowingHighlightAlpha;
bool NavWindowingToggleLayer;
@ -729,7 +730,7 @@ struct ImGuiContext
ImGuiNavMoveResult NavMoveResultOther; // Best move request candidate within NavWindow's flattened hierarchy (when using ImGuiWindowFlags_NavFlattened flag)
// Render
float ModalWindowDarkeningRatio;
float DimBgRatio; // 0.0..1.0 animation when fading in a dimming background (for modal window and CTRL+TAB list)
ImGuiMouseCursor MouseCursor;
// Drag and Drop
@ -837,7 +838,7 @@ struct ImGuiContext
NavInputSource = ImGuiInputSource_None;
NavScoringRectScreen = ImRect();
NavScoringCount = 0;
NavWindowingTarget = NULL;
NavWindowingTarget = NavWindowingList = NULL;
NavWindowingHighlightTimer = NavWindowingHighlightAlpha = 0.0f;
NavWindowingToggleLayer = false;
NavLayer = 0;
@ -856,7 +857,7 @@ struct ImGuiContext
NavMoveRequestForward = ImGuiNavForward_None;
NavMoveDir = NavMoveDirLast = NavMoveClipDir = ImGuiDir_None;
ModalWindowDarkeningRatio = 0.0f;
DimBgRatio = 0.0f;
MouseCursor = ImGuiMouseCursor_Arrow;
DragDropActive = DragDropWithinSourceOrTarget = false;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user