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synced 2025-03-10 23:12:44 +00:00
Refactor: Internals: Moved Navigation functions in imgui.cpp in their own section. (part 1) (#2036, #787)
This commit is contained in:
@ -2335,168 +2335,6 @@ void ImGui::ItemSize(const ImRect& bb, float text_offset_y)
ItemSize(bb.GetSize(), text_offset_y);
ImGuiDir ImGetDirQuadrantFromDelta(float dx, float dy)
if (ImFabs(dx) > ImFabs(dy))
return (dx > 0.0f) ? ImGuiDir_Right : ImGuiDir_Left;
return (dy > 0.0f) ? ImGuiDir_Down : ImGuiDir_Up;
static float inline NavScoreItemDistInterval(float a0, float a1, float b0, float b1)
if (a1 < b0)
return a1 - b0;
if (b1 < a0)
return a0 - b1;
return 0.0f;
static void inline NavClampRectToVisibleAreaForMoveDir(ImGuiDir move_dir, ImRect& r, const ImRect& clip_rect)
if (move_dir == ImGuiDir_Left || move_dir == ImGuiDir_Right)
r.Min.y = ImClamp(r.Min.y, clip_rect.Min.y, clip_rect.Max.y);
r.Max.y = ImClamp(r.Max.y, clip_rect.Min.y, clip_rect.Max.y);
r.Min.x = ImClamp(r.Min.x, clip_rect.Min.x, clip_rect.Max.x);
r.Max.x = ImClamp(r.Max.x, clip_rect.Min.x, clip_rect.Max.x);
// Scoring function for directional navigation. Based on https://gist.github.com/rygorous/6981057
static bool NavScoreItem(ImGuiNavMoveResult* result, ImRect cand)
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiWindow* window = g.CurrentWindow;
if (g.NavLayer != window->DC.NavLayerCurrent)
return false;
const ImRect& curr = g.NavScoringRectScreen; // Current modified source rect (NB: we've applied Max.x = Min.x in NavUpdate() to inhibit the effect of having varied item width)
// When entering through a NavFlattened border, we consider child window items as fully clipped for scoring
if (window->ParentWindow == g.NavWindow)
IM_ASSERT((window->Flags | g.NavWindow->Flags) & ImGuiWindowFlags_NavFlattened);
if (!window->ClipRect.Contains(cand))
return false;
cand.ClipWithFull(window->ClipRect); // This allows the scored item to not overlap other candidates in the parent window
// We perform scoring on items bounding box clipped by the current clipping rectangle on the other axis (clipping on our movement axis would give us equal scores for all clipped items)
// For example, this ensure that items in one column are not reached when moving vertically from items in another column.
NavClampRectToVisibleAreaForMoveDir(g.NavMoveClipDir, cand, window->ClipRect);
// Compute distance between boxes
// FIXME-NAV: Introducing biases for vertical navigation, needs to be removed.
float dbx = NavScoreItemDistInterval(cand.Min.x, cand.Max.x, curr.Min.x, curr.Max.x);
float dby = NavScoreItemDistInterval(ImLerp(cand.Min.y, cand.Max.y, 0.2f), ImLerp(cand.Min.y, cand.Max.y, 0.8f), ImLerp(curr.Min.y, curr.Max.y, 0.2f), ImLerp(curr.Min.y, curr.Max.y, 0.8f)); // Scale down on Y to keep using box-distance for vertically touching items
if (dby != 0.0f && dbx != 0.0f)
dbx = (dbx/1000.0f) + ((dbx > 0.0f) ? +1.0f : -1.0f);
float dist_box = ImFabs(dbx) + ImFabs(dby);
// Compute distance between centers (this is off by a factor of 2, but we only compare center distances with each other so it doesn't matter)
float dcx = (cand.Min.x + cand.Max.x) - (curr.Min.x + curr.Max.x);
float dcy = (cand.Min.y + cand.Max.y) - (curr.Min.y + curr.Max.y);
float dist_center = ImFabs(dcx) + ImFabs(dcy); // L1 metric (need this for our connectedness guarantee)
// Determine which quadrant of 'curr' our candidate item 'cand' lies in based on distance
ImGuiDir quadrant;
float dax = 0.0f, day = 0.0f, dist_axial = 0.0f;
if (dbx != 0.0f || dby != 0.0f)
// For non-overlapping boxes, use distance between boxes
dax = dbx;
day = dby;
dist_axial = dist_box;
quadrant = ImGetDirQuadrantFromDelta(dbx, dby);
else if (dcx != 0.0f || dcy != 0.0f)
// For overlapping boxes with different centers, use distance between centers
dax = dcx;
day = dcy;
dist_axial = dist_center;
quadrant = ImGetDirQuadrantFromDelta(dcx, dcy);
// Degenerate case: two overlapping buttons with same center, break ties arbitrarily (note that LastItemId here is really the _previous_ item order, but it doesn't matter)
quadrant = (window->DC.LastItemId < g.NavId) ? ImGuiDir_Left : ImGuiDir_Right;
char buf[128];
if (ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect(cand.Min, cand.Max))
ImFormatString(buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf), "dbox (%.2f,%.2f->%.4f)\ndcen (%.2f,%.2f->%.4f)\nd (%.2f,%.2f->%.4f)\nnav %c, quadrant %c", dbx, dby, dist_box, dcx, dcy, dist_center, dax, day, dist_axial, "WENS"[g.NavMoveDir], "WENS"[quadrant]);
ImDrawList* draw_list = ImGui::GetOverlayDrawList(window);
draw_list->AddRect(curr.Min, curr.Max, IM_COL32(255,200,0,100));
draw_list->AddRect(cand.Min, cand.Max, IM_COL32(255,255,0,200));
draw_list->AddRectFilled(cand.Max-ImVec2(4,4), cand.Max+ImGui::CalcTextSize(buf)+ImVec2(4,4), IM_COL32(40,0,0,150));
draw_list->AddText(g.IO.FontDefault, 13.0f, cand.Max, ~0U, buf);
else if (g.IO.KeyCtrl) // Hold to preview score in matching quadrant. Press C to rotate.
if (IsKeyPressedMap(ImGuiKey_C)) { g.NavMoveDirLast = (ImGuiDir)((g.NavMoveDirLast + 1) & 3); g.IO.KeysDownDuration[g.IO.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_C]] = 0.01f; }
if (quadrant == g.NavMoveDir)
ImFormatString(buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf), "%.0f/%.0f", dist_box, dist_center);
ImDrawList* draw_list = ImGui::GetOverlayDrawList(window);
draw_list->AddRectFilled(cand.Min, cand.Max, IM_COL32(255, 0, 0, 200));
draw_list->AddText(g.IO.FontDefault, 13.0f, cand.Min, IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 255), buf);
// Is it in the quadrant we're interesting in moving to?
bool new_best = false;
if (quadrant == g.NavMoveDir)
// Does it beat the current best candidate?
if (dist_box < result->DistBox)
result->DistBox = dist_box;
result->DistCenter = dist_center;
return true;
if (dist_box == result->DistBox)
// Try using distance between center points to break ties
if (dist_center < result->DistCenter)
result->DistCenter = dist_center;
new_best = true;
else if (dist_center == result->DistCenter)
// Still tied! we need to be extra-careful to make sure everything gets linked properly. We consistently break ties by symbolically moving "later" items
// (with higher index) to the right/downwards by an infinitesimal amount since we the current "best" button already (so it must have a lower index),
// this is fairly easy. This rule ensures that all buttons with dx==dy==0 will end up being linked in order of appearance along the x axis.
if (((g.NavMoveDir == ImGuiDir_Up || g.NavMoveDir == ImGuiDir_Down) ? dby : dbx) < 0.0f) // moving bj to the right/down decreases distance
new_best = true;
// Axial check: if 'curr' has no link at all in some direction and 'cand' lies roughly in that direction, add a tentative link. This will only be kept if no "real" matches
// are found, so it only augments the graph produced by the above method using extra links. (important, since it doesn't guarantee strong connectedness)
// This is just to avoid buttons having no links in a particular direction when there's a suitable neighbor. you get good graphs without this too.
// 2017/09/29: FIXME: This now currently only enabled inside menu bars, ideally we'd disable it everywhere. Menus in particular need to catch failure. For general navigation it feels awkward.
// Disabling it may lead to disconnected graphs when nodes are very spaced out on different axis. Perhaps consider offering this as an option?
if (result->DistBox == FLT_MAX && dist_axial < result->DistAxial) // Check axial match
if (g.NavLayer == 1 && !(g.NavWindow->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildMenu))
if ((g.NavMoveDir == ImGuiDir_Left && dax < 0.0f) || (g.NavMoveDir == ImGuiDir_Right && dax > 0.0f) || (g.NavMoveDir == ImGuiDir_Up && day < 0.0f) || (g.NavMoveDir == ImGuiDir_Down && day > 0.0f))
result->DistAxial = dist_axial;
new_best = true;
return new_best;
static void NavSaveLastChildNavWindow(ImGuiWindow* child_window)
ImGuiWindow* parent_window = child_window;
@ -2545,75 +2383,6 @@ void ImGui::NavMoveRequestCancel()
// We get there when either NavId == id, or when g.NavAnyRequest is set (which is updated by NavUpdateAnyRequestFlag above)
static void ImGui::NavProcessItem(ImGuiWindow* window, const ImRect& nav_bb, const ImGuiID id)
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
//if (!g.IO.NavActive) // [2017/10/06] Removed this possibly redundant test but I am not sure of all the side-effects yet. Some of the feature here will need to work regardless of using a _NoNavInputs flag.
// return;
const ImGuiItemFlags item_flags = window->DC.ItemFlags;
const ImRect nav_bb_rel(nav_bb.Min - window->Pos, nav_bb.Max - window->Pos);
// Process Init Request
if (g.NavInitRequest && g.NavLayer == window->DC.NavLayerCurrent)
// Even if 'ImGuiItemFlags_NoNavDefaultFocus' is on (typically collapse/close button) we record the first ResultId so they can be used as a fallback
if (!(item_flags & ImGuiItemFlags_NoNavDefaultFocus) || g.NavInitResultId == 0)
g.NavInitResultId = id;
g.NavInitResultRectRel = nav_bb_rel;
if (!(item_flags & ImGuiItemFlags_NoNavDefaultFocus))
g.NavInitRequest = false; // Found a match, clear request
// Process Move Request (scoring for navigation)
// FIXME-NAV: Consider policy for double scoring (scoring from NavScoringRectScreen + scoring from a rect wrapped according to current wrapping policy)
if ((g.NavId != id || (g.NavMoveRequestFlags & ImGuiNavMoveFlags_AllowCurrentNavId)) && !(item_flags & ImGuiItemFlags_NoNav))
ImGuiNavMoveResult* result = (window == g.NavWindow) ? &g.NavMoveResultLocal : &g.NavMoveResultOther;
// [DEBUG] Score all items in NavWindow at all times
if (!g.NavMoveRequest)
g.NavMoveDir = g.NavMoveDirLast;
bool new_best = NavScoreItem(result, nav_bb) && g.NavMoveRequest;
bool new_best = g.NavMoveRequest && NavScoreItem(result, nav_bb);
if (new_best)
result->ID = id;
result->Window = window;
result->RectRel = nav_bb_rel;
const float VISIBLE_RATIO = 0.70f;
if ((g.NavMoveRequestFlags & ImGuiNavMoveFlags_AlsoScoreVisibleSet) && window->ClipRect.Overlaps(nav_bb))
if (ImClamp(nav_bb.Max.y, window->ClipRect.Min.y, window->ClipRect.Max.y) - ImClamp(nav_bb.Min.y, window->ClipRect.Min.y, window->ClipRect.Max.y) >= (nav_bb.Max.y - nav_bb.Min.y) * VISIBLE_RATIO)
if (NavScoreItem(&g.NavMoveResultLocalVisibleSet, nav_bb))
result = &g.NavMoveResultLocalVisibleSet;
result->ID = id;
result->Window = window;
result->RectRel = nav_bb_rel;
// Update window-relative bounding box of navigated item
if (g.NavId == id)
g.NavWindow = window; // Always refresh g.NavWindow, because some operations such as FocusItem() don't have a window.
g.NavLayer = window->DC.NavLayerCurrent;
g.NavIdIsAlive = true;
g.NavIdTabCounter = window->FocusIdxTabCounter;
window->NavRectRel[window->DC.NavLayerCurrent] = nav_bb_rel; // Store item bounding box (relative to window position)
// Declare item bounding box for clipping and interaction.
// Note that the size can be different than the one provided to ItemSize(). Typically, widgets that spread over available surface
// declare their minimum size requirement to ItemSize() and then use a larger region for drawing/interaction, which is passed to ItemAdd().
@ -8851,6 +8620,241 @@ void ImGui::Unindent(float indent_w)
window->DC.CursorPos.x = window->Pos.x + window->DC.Indent.x + window->DC.ColumnsOffset.x;
ImGuiDir ImGetDirQuadrantFromDelta(float dx, float dy)
if (ImFabs(dx) > ImFabs(dy))
return (dx > 0.0f) ? ImGuiDir_Right : ImGuiDir_Left;
return (dy > 0.0f) ? ImGuiDir_Down : ImGuiDir_Up;
static float inline NavScoreItemDistInterval(float a0, float a1, float b0, float b1)
if (a1 < b0)
return a1 - b0;
if (b1 < a0)
return a0 - b1;
return 0.0f;
static void inline NavClampRectToVisibleAreaForMoveDir(ImGuiDir move_dir, ImRect& r, const ImRect& clip_rect)
if (move_dir == ImGuiDir_Left || move_dir == ImGuiDir_Right)
r.Min.y = ImClamp(r.Min.y, clip_rect.Min.y, clip_rect.Max.y);
r.Max.y = ImClamp(r.Max.y, clip_rect.Min.y, clip_rect.Max.y);
r.Min.x = ImClamp(r.Min.x, clip_rect.Min.x, clip_rect.Max.x);
r.Max.x = ImClamp(r.Max.x, clip_rect.Min.x, clip_rect.Max.x);
// Scoring function for directional navigation. Based on https://gist.github.com/rygorous/6981057
static bool NavScoreItem(ImGuiNavMoveResult* result, ImRect cand)
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
ImGuiWindow* window = g.CurrentWindow;
if (g.NavLayer != window->DC.NavLayerCurrent)
return false;
const ImRect& curr = g.NavScoringRectScreen; // Current modified source rect (NB: we've applied Max.x = Min.x in NavUpdate() to inhibit the effect of having varied item width)
// When entering through a NavFlattened border, we consider child window items as fully clipped for scoring
if (window->ParentWindow == g.NavWindow)
IM_ASSERT((window->Flags | g.NavWindow->Flags) & ImGuiWindowFlags_NavFlattened);
if (!window->ClipRect.Contains(cand))
return false;
cand.ClipWithFull(window->ClipRect); // This allows the scored item to not overlap other candidates in the parent window
// We perform scoring on items bounding box clipped by the current clipping rectangle on the other axis (clipping on our movement axis would give us equal scores for all clipped items)
// For example, this ensure that items in one column are not reached when moving vertically from items in another column.
NavClampRectToVisibleAreaForMoveDir(g.NavMoveClipDir, cand, window->ClipRect);
// Compute distance between boxes
// FIXME-NAV: Introducing biases for vertical navigation, needs to be removed.
float dbx = NavScoreItemDistInterval(cand.Min.x, cand.Max.x, curr.Min.x, curr.Max.x);
float dby = NavScoreItemDistInterval(ImLerp(cand.Min.y, cand.Max.y, 0.2f), ImLerp(cand.Min.y, cand.Max.y, 0.8f), ImLerp(curr.Min.y, curr.Max.y, 0.2f), ImLerp(curr.Min.y, curr.Max.y, 0.8f)); // Scale down on Y to keep using box-distance for vertically touching items
if (dby != 0.0f && dbx != 0.0f)
dbx = (dbx/1000.0f) + ((dbx > 0.0f) ? +1.0f : -1.0f);
float dist_box = ImFabs(dbx) + ImFabs(dby);
// Compute distance between centers (this is off by a factor of 2, but we only compare center distances with each other so it doesn't matter)
float dcx = (cand.Min.x + cand.Max.x) - (curr.Min.x + curr.Max.x);
float dcy = (cand.Min.y + cand.Max.y) - (curr.Min.y + curr.Max.y);
float dist_center = ImFabs(dcx) + ImFabs(dcy); // L1 metric (need this for our connectedness guarantee)
// Determine which quadrant of 'curr' our candidate item 'cand' lies in based on distance
ImGuiDir quadrant;
float dax = 0.0f, day = 0.0f, dist_axial = 0.0f;
if (dbx != 0.0f || dby != 0.0f)
// For non-overlapping boxes, use distance between boxes
dax = dbx;
day = dby;
dist_axial = dist_box;
quadrant = ImGetDirQuadrantFromDelta(dbx, dby);
else if (dcx != 0.0f || dcy != 0.0f)
// For overlapping boxes with different centers, use distance between centers
dax = dcx;
day = dcy;
dist_axial = dist_center;
quadrant = ImGetDirQuadrantFromDelta(dcx, dcy);
// Degenerate case: two overlapping buttons with same center, break ties arbitrarily (note that LastItemId here is really the _previous_ item order, but it doesn't matter)
quadrant = (window->DC.LastItemId < g.NavId) ? ImGuiDir_Left : ImGuiDir_Right;
char buf[128];
if (ImGui::IsMouseHoveringRect(cand.Min, cand.Max))
ImFormatString(buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf), "dbox (%.2f,%.2f->%.4f)\ndcen (%.2f,%.2f->%.4f)\nd (%.2f,%.2f->%.4f)\nnav %c, quadrant %c", dbx, dby, dist_box, dcx, dcy, dist_center, dax, day, dist_axial, "WENS"[g.NavMoveDir], "WENS"[quadrant]);
ImDrawList* draw_list = ImGui::GetOverlayDrawList(window);
draw_list->AddRect(curr.Min, curr.Max, IM_COL32(255,200,0,100));
draw_list->AddRect(cand.Min, cand.Max, IM_COL32(255,255,0,200));
draw_list->AddRectFilled(cand.Max-ImVec2(4,4), cand.Max+ImGui::CalcTextSize(buf)+ImVec2(4,4), IM_COL32(40,0,0,150));
draw_list->AddText(g.IO.FontDefault, 13.0f, cand.Max, ~0U, buf);
else if (g.IO.KeyCtrl) // Hold to preview score in matching quadrant. Press C to rotate.
if (IsKeyPressedMap(ImGuiKey_C)) { g.NavMoveDirLast = (ImGuiDir)((g.NavMoveDirLast + 1) & 3); g.IO.KeysDownDuration[g.IO.KeyMap[ImGuiKey_C]] = 0.01f; }
if (quadrant == g.NavMoveDir)
ImFormatString(buf, IM_ARRAYSIZE(buf), "%.0f/%.0f", dist_box, dist_center);
ImDrawList* draw_list = ImGui::GetOverlayDrawList(window);
draw_list->AddRectFilled(cand.Min, cand.Max, IM_COL32(255, 0, 0, 200));
draw_list->AddText(g.IO.FontDefault, 13.0f, cand.Min, IM_COL32(255, 255, 255, 255), buf);
// Is it in the quadrant we're interesting in moving to?
bool new_best = false;
if (quadrant == g.NavMoveDir)
// Does it beat the current best candidate?
if (dist_box < result->DistBox)
result->DistBox = dist_box;
result->DistCenter = dist_center;
return true;
if (dist_box == result->DistBox)
// Try using distance between center points to break ties
if (dist_center < result->DistCenter)
result->DistCenter = dist_center;
new_best = true;
else if (dist_center == result->DistCenter)
// Still tied! we need to be extra-careful to make sure everything gets linked properly. We consistently break ties by symbolically moving "later" items
// (with higher index) to the right/downwards by an infinitesimal amount since we the current "best" button already (so it must have a lower index),
// this is fairly easy. This rule ensures that all buttons with dx==dy==0 will end up being linked in order of appearance along the x axis.
if (((g.NavMoveDir == ImGuiDir_Up || g.NavMoveDir == ImGuiDir_Down) ? dby : dbx) < 0.0f) // moving bj to the right/down decreases distance
new_best = true;
// Axial check: if 'curr' has no link at all in some direction and 'cand' lies roughly in that direction, add a tentative link. This will only be kept if no "real" matches
// are found, so it only augments the graph produced by the above method using extra links. (important, since it doesn't guarantee strong connectedness)
// This is just to avoid buttons having no links in a particular direction when there's a suitable neighbor. you get good graphs without this too.
// 2017/09/29: FIXME: This now currently only enabled inside menu bars, ideally we'd disable it everywhere. Menus in particular need to catch failure. For general navigation it feels awkward.
// Disabling it may lead to disconnected graphs when nodes are very spaced out on different axis. Perhaps consider offering this as an option?
if (result->DistBox == FLT_MAX && dist_axial < result->DistAxial) // Check axial match
if (g.NavLayer == 1 && !(g.NavWindow->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildMenu))
if ((g.NavMoveDir == ImGuiDir_Left && dax < 0.0f) || (g.NavMoveDir == ImGuiDir_Right && dax > 0.0f) || (g.NavMoveDir == ImGuiDir_Up && day < 0.0f) || (g.NavMoveDir == ImGuiDir_Down && day > 0.0f))
result->DistAxial = dist_axial;
new_best = true;
return new_best;
// We get there when either NavId == id, or when g.NavAnyRequest is set (which is updated by NavUpdateAnyRequestFlag above)
static void ImGui::NavProcessItem(ImGuiWindow* window, const ImRect& nav_bb, const ImGuiID id)
ImGuiContext& g = *GImGui;
//if (!g.IO.NavActive) // [2017/10/06] Removed this possibly redundant test but I am not sure of all the side-effects yet. Some of the feature here will need to work regardless of using a _NoNavInputs flag.
// return;
const ImGuiItemFlags item_flags = window->DC.ItemFlags;
const ImRect nav_bb_rel(nav_bb.Min - window->Pos, nav_bb.Max - window->Pos);
// Process Init Request
if (g.NavInitRequest && g.NavLayer == window->DC.NavLayerCurrent)
// Even if 'ImGuiItemFlags_NoNavDefaultFocus' is on (typically collapse/close button) we record the first ResultId so they can be used as a fallback
if (!(item_flags & ImGuiItemFlags_NoNavDefaultFocus) || g.NavInitResultId == 0)
g.NavInitResultId = id;
g.NavInitResultRectRel = nav_bb_rel;
if (!(item_flags & ImGuiItemFlags_NoNavDefaultFocus))
g.NavInitRequest = false; // Found a match, clear request
// Process Move Request (scoring for navigation)
// FIXME-NAV: Consider policy for double scoring (scoring from NavScoringRectScreen + scoring from a rect wrapped according to current wrapping policy)
if ((g.NavId != id || (g.NavMoveRequestFlags & ImGuiNavMoveFlags_AllowCurrentNavId)) && !(item_flags & ImGuiItemFlags_NoNav))
ImGuiNavMoveResult* result = (window == g.NavWindow) ? &g.NavMoveResultLocal : &g.NavMoveResultOther;
// [DEBUG] Score all items in NavWindow at all times
if (!g.NavMoveRequest)
g.NavMoveDir = g.NavMoveDirLast;
bool new_best = NavScoreItem(result, nav_bb) && g.NavMoveRequest;
bool new_best = g.NavMoveRequest && NavScoreItem(result, nav_bb);
if (new_best)
result->ID = id;
result->Window = window;
result->RectRel = nav_bb_rel;
const float VISIBLE_RATIO = 0.70f;
if ((g.NavMoveRequestFlags & ImGuiNavMoveFlags_AlsoScoreVisibleSet) && window->ClipRect.Overlaps(nav_bb))
if (ImClamp(nav_bb.Max.y, window->ClipRect.Min.y, window->ClipRect.Max.y) - ImClamp(nav_bb.Min.y, window->ClipRect.Min.y, window->ClipRect.Max.y) >= (nav_bb.Max.y - nav_bb.Min.y) * VISIBLE_RATIO)
if (NavScoreItem(&g.NavMoveResultLocalVisibleSet, nav_bb))
result = &g.NavMoveResultLocalVisibleSet;
result->ID = id;
result->Window = window;
result->RectRel = nav_bb_rel;
// Update window-relative bounding box of navigated item
if (g.NavId == id)
g.NavWindow = window; // Always refresh g.NavWindow, because some operations such as FocusItem() don't have a window.
g.NavLayer = window->DC.NavLayerCurrent;
g.NavIdIsAlive = true;
g.NavIdTabCounter = window->FocusIdxTabCounter;
window->NavRectRel[window->DC.NavLayerCurrent] = nav_bb_rel; // Store item bounding box (relative to window position)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user