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synced 2025-03-14 00:32:44 +00:00
Documentation, FAQ, todo tweaks
This commit is contained in:
@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ or view this file with any Markdown viewer.
| [Why using C++ (as opposed to C)?](#q-why-using-c-as-opposed-to-c) |
| **Q&A: Integration** |
| [How can I tell whether to dispatch mouse/keyboard to Dear ImGui or to my application?](#q-how-can-i-tell-whether-to-dispatch-mousekeyboard-to-dear-imgui-or-to-my-application) |
| [How can I use this without a mouse, without a keyboard or without a screen? (gamepad, input share, remote display)](#q-how-can-i-use-this-without-a-mouse-without-a-keyboard-or-without-a-screen-gamepad-input-share-remote-display) |
| [How can I enable keyboard or gamepad controls?](#q-how-can-i-enable-keyboard-or-gamepad-controls) |
| [How can I use this on a machine without mouse, keyboard or screen? (input share, remote display)](#q-how-can-i-use-this-on-a-machine-without-mouse-keyboard-or-screen-input-share-remote-display) |
| [I integrated Dear ImGui in my engine and the text or lines are blurry..](#q-i-integrated-dear-imgui-in-my-engine-and-the-text-or-lines-are-blurry) |
| [I integrated Dear ImGui in my engine and some elements are clipping or disappearing when I move windows around..](#q-i-integrated-dear-imgui-in-my-engine-and-some-elements-are-clipping-or-disappearing-when-i-move-windows-around) |
| **Q&A: Usage** |
@ -48,6 +49,7 @@ or view this file with any Markdown viewer.
- See demo code in [imgui_demo.cpp](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/blob/master/imgui_demo.cpp) and particularly the `ImGui::ShowDemoWindow()` function. The demo covers most features of Dear ImGui, so you can read the code and see its output.
- See documentation and comments at the top of [imgui.cpp](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/blob/master/imgui.cpp) + general API comments in [imgui.h](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/blob/master/imgui.h).
- The [Wiki](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki) has many resources and links.
- The [Glossary](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Glossary) page may be useful.
- Your programming IDE is your friend, find the type or function declaration to find comments associated to it.
@ -65,7 +67,7 @@ Many projects are using this branch and it is kept in sync with master regularly
### Q: Why the names "Dear ImGui" vs "ImGui"?
**TL;DR: Please try to refer to this library as "Dear ImGui".**
**TL;DR: Please refer to this library as "Dear ImGui".**
The library started its life as "ImGui" due to the fact that I didn't give it a proper name when when I released 1.0, and had no particular expectation that it would take off. However, the term IMGUI (immediate-mode graphical user interface) was coined before and is being used in variety of other situations (e.g. Unity uses it own implementation of the IMGUI paradigm). To reduce the ambiguity without affecting existing code bases, I have decided on an alternate, longer name "Dear ImGui" that people can use to refer to this specific library.
@ -127,16 +129,23 @@ e.g. `if (ImGui::GetIO().WantCaptureMouse) { ... }`
### Q: How can I use this without a mouse, without a keyboard or without a screen? (gamepad, input share, remote display)
- You can control Dear ImGui with a gamepad. Read about navigation in "Using gamepad/keyboard navigation controls".
(short version: map gamepad inputs into the io.NavInputs[] array + set `io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad`).
- See navigation [control sheets for gamepads](http://www.dearimgui.org/controls_sheets) (for PS4, XB1, Switch gamepads).
- You can share your computer mouse seamlessly with your console/tablet/phone using [Synergy](https://symless.com/synergy)
### Q: How can I enable keyboard or gamepad controls?
- The gamepad/keyboard navigation is fairly functional and keeps being improved. The initial focus was to support game controllers, but keyboard is becoming increasingly and decently usable. Gamepad support is particularly useful to use Dear ImGui on a game console (e.g. PS4, Switch, XB1) without a mouse connected!
- Keyboard: set `io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard` to enable.
- Gamepad: set `io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad` to enable (with a supporting back-end).
- See [Control Sheets for Gamepads](http://www.dearimgui.org/controls_sheets) (reference PNG/PSD for for PS4, XB1, Switch gamepads).
- See `USING GAMEPAD/KEYBOARD NAVIGATION CONTROLS` section of [imgui.cpp](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/blob/master/imgui.cpp) for more details.
### Q: How can I use this on a machine without mouse, keyboard or screen? (input share, remote display)
- You can share your computer mouse seamlessly with your console/tablet/phone using solutions such as [Synergy](https://symless.com/synergy)
This is the preferred solution for developer productivity.
In particular, the [micro-synergy-client repository](https://github.com/symless/micro-synergy-client) has simple
and portable source code (uSynergy.c/.h) for a small embeddable client that you can use on any platform to connect
to your host computer, based on the Synergy 1.x protocol. Make sure you download the Synergy 1 server on your computer.
Console SDK also sometimes provide equivalent tooling or wrapper for Synergy-like protocols.
- Game console users: consider emulating a mouse cursor with DualShock4 touch pad or a spare analog stick as a mouse-emulation fallback.
- You may also use a third party solution such as [Remote ImGui](https://github.com/JordiRos/remoteimgui) or [imgui-ws](https://github.com/ggerganov/imgui-ws) which sends the vertices to render over the local network, allowing you to use Dear ImGui even on a screen-less machine. See [Wiki](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki) index for most details.
- For touch inputs, you can increase the hit box of widgets (via the `style.TouchPadding` setting) to accommodate
for the lack of precision of touch inputs, but it is recommended you use a mouse or gamepad to allow optimizing
@ -536,4 +545,4 @@ You may post screenshot or links in the [gallery threads](https://github.com/oco
- If you have issues or if you need to hack into the library, even if you don't expect any support it is useful that you share your issues or sometimes incomplete PR.
##### [Return to Index](#index)
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Also see [Wiki](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki) for more links and ideas.
### Upcoming Changes
Some of the goals for 2019+ are:
Some of the goals for 2019-2020 are:
- Finish work on docking, tabs. (see [#2109](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/2109), in public [docking](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/tree/docking) branch looking for feedback)
- Finish work on multiple viewports / multiple OS windows. (see [#1542](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/1542), in public [docking](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/tree/docking) branch looking for feedback)
- Finish work on gamepad/keyboard controls. (see [#787](https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/787))
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- doc/test: add a proper documentation+regression testing system (#435)
- doc/test: checklist app to verify binding/integration of imgui (test inputs, rendering, callback, etc.).
- doc/tips: tips of the day: website? applet in imgui_club?
- doc/wiki: work on the wiki https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki
- window: preserve/restore relative focus ordering (persistent or not) (#2304) -> also see docking reference to same #.
- window: calling SetNextWindowSize() every frame with <= 0 doesn't do anything, may be useful to allow (particularly when used for a single axis). (#690)
@ -27,6 +28,7 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- window: GetWindowSize() returns (0,0) when not calculated? (#1045)
- window: investigate better auto-positioning for new windows.
- window: top most window flag? (#2574)
- window: the size_on_first_use path of Begin() can probably be removed
- window/opt: freeze window flag: if not focused/hovered, return false, render with previous ImDrawList. and/or reduce refresh rate. -> this may require enforcing that it is illegal to submit contents if Begin returns false.
- window/child: the first draw command of a child window could be moved into the current draw command of the parent window (unless child+tooltip?).
- window/child: border could be emitted in parent as well.
@ -58,7 +60,6 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- main: find a way to preserve relative orders of multiple reappearing windows (so an app toggling between "modes" e.g. fullscreen vs all tools) won't lose relative ordering.
- main: IsItemHovered() make it more consistent for various type of widgets, widgets with multiple components, etc. also effectively IsHovered() region sometimes differs from hot region, e.g tree nodes
- main: IsItemHovered() info stored in a stack? so that 'if TreeNode() { Text; TreePop; } if IsHovered' return the hover state of the TreeNode?
- main: rename the main "Debug" window to avoid ID collision with user who may want to use "Debug" with specific flags.
- widgets: display mode: widget-label, label-widget (aligned on column or using fixed size), label-newline-tab-widget etc. (#395)
- widgets: clean up widgets internal toward exposing everything and stabilizing imgui_internals.h.
@ -273,7 +274,7 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- drag and drop: (#143) "both an in-process pointer and a promise to generate a serialized version, for whether the drag ends inside or outside the same process"
- drag and drop: feedback when hovering a region blocked by modal (mouse cursor "NO"?)
- node/graph editor (#306)
- node/graph editors (#306) (also see https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki#node-editors)
- pie menus patterns (#434)
- markup: simple markup language for color change? (#902)
@ -301,12 +302,15 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- font: add support for kerning, probably optional. A) perhaps default to (32..128)^2 matrix ~ 9K entries = 36KB, then hash for non-ascii?. B) or sparse lookup into per-char list?
- font: add a simpler CalcTextSizeA() api? current one ok but not welcome if user needs to call it directly (without going through ImGui::CalcTextSize)
- font: fix AddRemapChar() to work before atlas has been built.
- font: what would it take to support codepoint higher than 0xFFFF? (smileys, etc.) (#2538, #2541)
- font: support for unicode codepoints higher than 0xFFFF? (pr #2815)
- font: (api breaking) remove "TTF" from symbol names. also because it now supports OTF.
- font/opt: Considering storing standalone AdvanceX table as 16-bit fixed point integer?
- font/opt: Glyph currently 40 bytes (2+9*4). Consider storing UV as 16 bits integer? (->32 bytes). X0/Y0/X1/Y1 as 16 fixed-point integers? Or X0/Y0 as float and X1/Y1 as fixed8_8?
- nav: some features such as PageUp/Down/Home/End should probably work without ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard? (where do we draw the line?)
! nav: never clear NavId on some setup (e.g. gamepad centric)
- nav: restore NavId on reappearing non-child window.
- nav: code to focus child-window on restoring NavId appears to have issue (to investigate)
- nav: configuration flag to disable global shortcuts (currently only CTRL-Tab) ?
- nav: Home/End behavior when navigable item is not fully visible at the edge of scrolling? should be backtrack to keep item into view?
- nav: NavScrollToBringItemIntoView() with item bigger than view should focus top-right? Repro: using Nav in "About Window"
@ -352,9 +356,6 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- misc: possible compile-time support for string view/range instead of char* would e.g. facilitate usage with Rust (#683)
- misc: possible compile-time support for wchar_t instead of char*?
- backend: bgfx? https://gist.github.com/RichardGale/6e2b74bc42b3005e08397236e4be0fd0
- emscriptem: with refactored examples, we could provide a direct imgui_impl_emscripten platform layer (see eg. https://github.com/floooh/sokol-samples/blob/master/html5/imgui-emsc.cc#L42)
- remote: make a system like RemoteImGui first-class citizen/project (#75)
- demo: find a way to demonstrate textures in the examples application, as it such a common issue for new users.
@ -363,14 +364,19 @@ It's mostly a bunch of personal notes, probably incomplete. Feel free to query i
- demo: add virtual scrolling example?
- demo: demonstrate Plot offset
- demo: window size constraint: square demo is broken when resizing from edges (#1975), would need to rework the callback system to solve this
- examples: window minimize, maximize (#583)
- examples: provide a zero frame-rate/idle example.
- examples: apple: example_apple should be using modern GL3.
- examples: glfw: could go idle when minimized? if (glfwGetWindowAttrib(window, GLFW_ICONIFIED)) { glfwWaitEvents(); continue; } // issue: DeltaTime will be super high on resume, perhaps provide a way to let impl know (#440)
- examples: opengl: rename imgui_impl_opengl2 to impl_opengl_legacy and imgui_impl_opengl3 to imgui_impl_opengl? (#1900)
- examples: opengl: could use a single vertex buffer and glBufferSubData for uploads?
- examples: opengl: explicitly disable GL_STENCIL_TEST in bindings.
- examples: vulkan: viewport: support for synchronized swapping of multiple swap chains.
- backends: apple: example_apple should be using modern GL3.
- backends: glfw: could go idle when minimized? if (glfwGetWindowAttrib(window, GLFW_ICONIFIED)) { glfwWaitEvents(); continue; } // issue: DeltaTime will be super high on resume, perhaps provide a way to let impl know (#440)
- backends: opengl: rename imgui_impl_opengl2 to impl_opengl_legacy and imgui_impl_opengl3 to imgui_impl_opengl? (#1900)
- backends: opengl: could use a single vertex buffer and glBufferSubData for uploads?
- backends: opengl: explicitly disable GL_STENCIL_TEST in bindings.
- backends: opengl: consider gl_lite loader https://github.com/ApoorvaJ/Papaya/blob/3808e39b0f45d4ca4972621c847586e4060c042a/src/libs/gl_lite.h
- backends: vulkan: viewport: support for synchronized swapping of multiple swap chains.
- backends: bgfx: https://gist.github.com/RichardGale/6e2b74bc42b3005e08397236e4be0fd0
- backends: mscriptem: with refactored examples, we could provide a direct imgui_impl_emscripten platform layer (see eg. https://github.com/floooh/sokol-samples/blob/master/html5/imgui-emsc.cc#L42)
- optimization: replace vsnprintf with stb_printf? or enable the defines/infrastructure to allow it (#1038)
- optimization: add clipping for multi-component widgets (SliderFloatX, ColorEditX, etc.). one problem is that nav branch can't easily clip parent group when there is a move request.
- optimization: add a flag to disable most of rendering, for the case where the user expect to skip it (#335)
@ -310,9 +310,18 @@ CODE
- The gamepad/keyboard navigation is fairly functional and keeps being improved.
- Gamepad support is particularly useful to use dear imgui on a console system (e.g. PS4, Switch, XB1) without a mouse!
- Gamepad support is particularly useful to use Dear ImGui on a console system (e.g. PS4, Switch, XB1) without a mouse!
- You can ask questions and report issues at https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/issues/787
- The initial focus was to support game controllers, but keyboard is becoming increasingly and decently usable.
- Keyboard:
- Set io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard to enable.
NewFrame() will automatically fill io.NavInputs[] based on your io.KeysDown[] + io.KeyMap[] arrays.
- When keyboard navigation is active (io.NavActive + ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard), the io.WantCaptureKeyboard flag
will be set. For more advanced uses, you may want to read from:
- io.NavActive: true when a window is focused and it doesn't have the ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs flag set.
- io.NavVisible: true when the navigation cursor is visible (and usually goes false when mouse is used).
- or query focus information with e.g. IsWindowFocused(ImGuiFocusedFlags_AnyWindow), IsItemFocused() etc. functions.
Please reach out if you think the game vs navigation input sharing could be improved.
- Gamepad:
- Set io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableGamepad to enable.
- Backend: Set io.BackendFlags |= ImGuiBackendFlags_HasGamepad + fill the io.NavInputs[] fields before calling NewFrame().
@ -324,15 +333,6 @@ CODE
- You can download PNG/PSD files depicting the gamepad controls for common controllers at: http://goo.gl/9LgVZW.
- If you need to share inputs between your game and the imgui parts, the easiest approach is to go all-or-nothing, with a buttons combo
to toggle the target. Please reach out if you think the game vs navigation input sharing could be improved.
- Keyboard:
- Set io.ConfigFlags |= ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard to enable.
NewFrame() will automatically fill io.NavInputs[] based on your io.KeysDown[] + io.KeyMap[] arrays.
- When keyboard navigation is active (io.NavActive + ImGuiConfigFlags_NavEnableKeyboard), the io.WantCaptureKeyboard flag
will be set. For more advanced uses, you may want to read from:
- io.NavActive: true when a window is focused and it doesn't have the ImGuiWindowFlags_NoNavInputs flag set.
- io.NavVisible: true when the navigation cursor is visible (and usually goes false when mouse is used).
- or query focus information with e.g. IsWindowFocused(ImGuiFocusedFlags_AnyWindow), IsItemFocused() etc. functions.
Please reach out if you think the game vs navigation input sharing could be improved.
- Mouse:
- PS4 users: Consider emulating a mouse cursor with DualShock4 touch pad or a spare analog stick as a mouse-emulation fallback.
- Consoles/Tablet/Phone users: Consider using a Synergy 1.x server (on your PC) + uSynergy.c (on your console/tablet/phone app) to share your PC mouse/keyboard.
@ -587,13 +587,16 @@ CODE
- See demo code in imgui_demo.cpp and particularly the ImGui::ShowDemoWindow() function.
- The demo covers most features of Dear ImGui, so you can read the code and see its output.
- See documentation and comments at the top of imgui.cpp + effectively imgui.h.
- Dozens of standalone example applications using e.g. OpenGL/DirectX are provided in the examples/
folder to explain how to integrate Dear ImGui with your own engine/application.
- Dozens of standalone example applications using e.g. OpenGL/DirectX are provided in the
examples/ folder to explain how to integrate Dear ImGui with your own engine/application.
- The Wiki (https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki) has many resources and links.
- The Glossary (https://github.com/ocornut/imgui/wiki/Glossary) page also may be useful.
- Your programming IDE is your friend, find the type or function declaration to find comments
associated to it.
Q: Which version should I get?
Q: Why the names "Dear ImGui" vs "ImGui"?
>> This library is called "Dear ImGui", please don't call it "ImGui" :)
>> See https://www.dearimgui.org/faq
Q&A: Concerns
@ -623,6 +626,7 @@ CODE
have 'io.WantCaptureKeyboard=false'. Depending on your application logic it may or not be inconvenient. You might want to track which key-downs
were targeted for Dear ImGui, e.g. with an array of bool, and filter out the corresponding key-ups.)
Q. How can I enable keyboard controls?
Q: How can I use this without a mouse, without a keyboard or without a screen? (gamepad, input share, remote display)
Q: I integrated Dear ImGui in my engine and the text or lines are blurry..
Q: I integrated Dear ImGui in my engine and some elements are clipping or disappearing when I move windows around..
@ -4629,7 +4633,7 @@ void ImGui::EndChild()
ImGuiWindow* window = g.CurrentWindow;
IM_ASSERT(g.WithinEndChild == false);
IM_ASSERT(window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow); // Mismatched BeginChild()/EndChild() callss
IM_ASSERT(window->Flags & ImGuiWindowFlags_ChildWindow); // Mismatched BeginChild()/EndChild() calls
g.WithinEndChild = true;
if (window->BeginCount > 1)
Reference in New Issue
Block a user