2015-11-21 01:53:20 +01:00
module Main where
import Codec.Picture
import Codec.Picture.Types
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Data.List (transpose)
targetWidth :: Int
targetWidth = 80
targetHeight :: Int
targetHeight = 50
main :: IO ()
main = do
img' <- readImage "test.jpg"
case img' of
Left err -> putStrLn err
Right img -> do
src <- return $ extractDynImage img
case src of
(Just s) -> do
pix <- return $ pixelize s targetWidth targetHeight
case pix of
Nothing -> return ()
Just c -> do
savePngImage "test.png" (ImageRGB8 c)
str <- return $ img2ascii conv c
mapM_ putStrLn (transpose $ chunksof targetHeight str)
Nothing -> return ()
chunksof :: Int -> [a] -> [[a]]
chunksof _ [] = []
chunksof c xs = take c xs : chunksof c (drop c xs)
conv :: Word8 -> Char
conv x
| x > 225 = '@'
| x > 180 = 'O'
| x > 150 = 'o'
| x > 50 = '.'
| otherwise = ' '
img2ascii :: (Word8 -> Char) -> Image PixelRGB8 -> String
img2ascii c im@(Image w h _) = do
x <- [0..w-1]
y <- [0..h-1]
return $ c (255-computeLuma (pixelAt im x y))
pixelize :: Image PixelRGB8 -> Int -> Int -> Maybe (Image PixelRGB8)
pixelize im@(Image iw ih id) tw th =
if windoww == 0 || windowh == 0 then
else Just $ snd $ generateFoldImage (folder windoww windowh) im tw th
windoww = iw `div` tw
windowh = ih `div` th
folder :: Int -> Int -> Image PixelRGB8 -> Int -> Int -> (Image PixelRGB8, PixelRGB8)
folder ww wh im@(Image iw ih id) x y = (im,(\(a,_,_) -> a) $ foldl1 filterfun
[ (pixelAt im (x'+dx) (y'+dy),dx,dy)
| dx <- [-(ww `div` 2)..ww - (ww `div`2)]
, dy <- [-(ww `div` 2)..ww - (ww `div`2)]
, x'+dx > 0 && x'+dx < iw
, y'+dy > 0 && y'+dy < ih
x' = x*ww
y' = y*wh
filterfun :: (PixelRGB8,Int,Int) -> (PixelRGB8, Int, Int) -> (PixelRGB8,Int,Int)
filterfun (x@(PixelRGB8 r g b),_,_) (y@(PixelRGB8 r' g' b'),_,_) = if computeLuma x > computeLuma y then (x,0,0) else (y,0,0)
extractDynImage :: DynamicImage -> Maybe (Image PixelRGB8)
extractDynImage image =
case image of
ImageY8 img -> Just $ promoteImage img
ImageY16 img -> Nothing
ImageYF img -> Nothing
ImageYA8 img -> Just $ promoteImage img
ImageYA16 img -> Nothing
ImageRGB8 img -> Just img
ImageRGB16 img -> Nothing
ImageRGBF img -> Nothing
ImageRGBA8 img -> Just $ pixelMap dropTransparency img
ImageRGBA16 img -> Nothing
ImageYCbCr8 img -> Just $ convertImage img
ImageCMYK8 img -> Just $ convertImage img
ImageCMYK16 img -> Nothing