2022-03-14 20:12:24 +01:00
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Main (main) where
import Import
import Data.Aeson (eitherDecodeFileStrict')
import Control.Monad.Managed
import Control.Concurrent
import DearImGui
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import DearImGui.Plot
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import DearImGui.OpenGL3
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import DearImGui.SDL
import DearImGui.SDL.OpenGL
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import Run
import RIO.Process
import System.Directory
import Options.Applicative.Simple
import qualified Paths_ibhelper
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Prelude (putStrLn)
import AppFiller
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import SDL
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main :: IO ()
main = do
(options, ()) <- simpleOptions
$(simpleVersion Paths_ibhelper.version)
"Header for command line arguments"
"Program description, also for command line arguments"
<$> switch ( long "verbose"
<> short 'v'
<> help "Verbose output?"
settingsFileExists <- doesFileExist "settings.json"
settings <- if settingsFileExists
then do
s <- fmap unDefaultJSON <$> eitherDecodeFileStrict' "settings.json"
pPrint s
case s of
Left e -> putStrLn ("Error loading settings: \n"<>e) >> return def
Right s' -> return s'
else return def
lo <- logOptionsHandle stderr (optionsVerbose options)
<&> setLogMinLevel (settings ^. logLevel)
<&> setLogTerminal True
pc <- mkDefaultProcessContext
withLogFunc lo $ \lf -> do
-- let bare_log = unLogFunc $ view logFuncL lf
-- logErr = liftIO . bare_log callStack "" LevelError
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2022-03-14 20:12:24 +01:00
liftIO $ runManaged $ do
2022-07-18 17:50:28 +02:00
win <- do
let title = "IB-Helper"
let config = defaultWindow { windowGraphicsContext = OpenGLContext defaultOpenGL
, windowInitialSize = V2 (settings ^. windowParams . windowWidth . to fromIntegral) (settings ^. windowParams . windowHeight . to fromIntegral)
, windowResizable = True
managed $ bracket (createWindow title config) destroyWindow
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-- Create OpenGL Context
glContext <- managed $ bracket (glCreateContext win) glDeleteContext
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2022-07-18 17:50:28 +02:00
-- Create an ImGui context
_ <- managed $ bracket createContext destroyContext
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2022-07-18 17:50:28 +02:00
-- Create an ImPlot context
_ <- managed $ bracket createPlotContext destroyPlotContext
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2022-07-18 17:50:28 +02:00
-- Initialize ImGui's SDL2 backend
_ <- managed_ $ bracket_ (sdl2InitForOpenGL win glContext) sdl2Shutdown
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2022-07-18 17:50:28 +02:00
-- Initialize ImGui's OpenGL backend
_ <- managed_ $ bracket_ openGL3Init openGL3Shutdown
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2022-07-18 17:50:28 +02:00
twsConnectionRefsHost <- liftIO $ atomically $ newTVar $ settings ^. twsConnection . host . to T.unpack
twsConnectionRefsPort <- liftIO $ atomically $ newTVar $ settings ^. twsConnection . port . to T.unpack
twsConnectionStatus <- liftIO $ atomically $ newTVar $ TWSDisconnected
twsConnectionSend <- liftIO $ atomically $ newTQueue
twsConnectionRecieve <- liftIO $ atomically $ newTQueue
let twsConnectionRefs = TWSConnectionRefs{..}
liftIO $ atomically $ writeTQueue twsConnectionSend $ Msg_IB_OUT $ IB_RequestMarketDataType DelayedFrozen
currentAccount <- liftIO $ newTVarIO $ Nothing
tickerIdToSymbol <- liftIO $ newTVarIO $ mempty
appCharts <- liftIO $ newTVarIO $ mempty
appData <- liftIO $ DataRefs
<$> newTVarIO mempty
<*> newTVarIO Nothing
<*> newTVarIO mempty
<*> newTVarIO mempty
let app = App
{ appSettings = settings
, appLogFunc = lf
, appProcessContext = pc
, appOptions = options
, appWindow = win
, appRefs = AppRefs{..}
, appData = appData
void $ liftIO $ forkIO $ appFiller app
liftIO $ runRIO app run