formatted, added haddoc for some functions
This commit is contained in:
@ -14,16 +14,17 @@
module DCB where
import Prelude hiding((++))
import Prelude hiding ((++))
import qualified Prelude ((++))
import Control.Monad.Par
import qualified Prelude ((++))
import Data.Array.Repa (Array,(:.)(..),(!),(++),(+^),(-^),(*^),(/^))
import Data.Array.Repa ((:.) (..), Array, (!), (*^), (++), (+^),
(-^), (/^))
import qualified Data.Array.Repa as A
import Data.Array.Repa.Index
import Data.Either
import Data.Int
import qualified Prelude ((++))
type Vector r e = Array r DIM1 e
type Matrix r e = Array r DIM2 e
@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Debug.Trace
import System.Environment
import System.Exit (exitFailure)
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
import Test.QuickCheck.All (quickCheckAll)
@ -87,10 +87,16 @@ emptyLog a = False --emptyLine $ foldl True (&&) (map emptyLine a)
--doCalculation :: Matrix Int -> B.ByteString
doCalculation graph attr = createOutput attr
-- | creates a default-formatted output with "," in between elements
-- and "\n" in between dimensions
-- calls just _createOutput with preset properties
--default output with "," within items and "\n" within dimensions
createOutput :: (Unbox a, Show a) => Array U DIM2 a -> B.ByteString
createOutput a = _createOutput a "," "\n"
-- | creates a formatted output from a DIM2 repa-Array
--output Array a with "itt" within items and "lt" within dimensions
_createOutput :: (Unbox a, Show a) => Array U DIM2 a -> String -> String -> B.ByteString
_createOutput a itt lt = B.concat $ B.pack (_createOutput' (extent a) a itt lt)
@ -103,27 +109,39 @@ _createOutput'' shape@(Z :. si :. sj) i j a itt
| sj-1 == j = show (a!(ix2 i j)) -- no "," for last one..
| otherwise = show (a!(ix2 i j)) ++ itt ++ (_createOutput'' shape i (j+1) a itt)
T.intercalate (T.singleton ',') ( (T.pack . show) a)
createOutput' (a:as) = T.append
(T.intercalate (T.singleton ',')
( (T.pack . show) a))
(T.singleton '\n'))
(createOutput' as)
getAttrLength :: Either [Double] T.Text -> Int
getAttrLength (Left a) = length a
getAttrLength (Right _) = 0
-- | gets the length of the Left a.
-- 0 if Left a empty or no valid constructor.
getLength :: Either [a] T.Text -> Int
getLength (Left a) = length a
getLength (Right _) = 0
showHelp = undefined
-- | prints the Help and exits
showHelp :: IO ()
showHelp = do
putStrLn $ "Usage: hgraph <adjacency> <attribute>\n"++
"\n" ++
"-h show help\n" ++
"--help\n" ++
"\n" ++
"adjacency An adjecency-Matrix with 0 or 1 as weights for edges\n"++
" seperated by newlines for each row.\n"++
" Must be NxN.\n"++
"attribute A tabulator-seperated Matrix of attributes.\n" ++
" Must be Nxk.\n"++
infixl 1 +||
-- | short for a `using` b. We don't need brackets this way and are able to comment out parallelism.
(+||) :: a -> Strategy a -> a
a +|| b = a `using` b
-- | checks if the submitted Text is empty. If not it will be printed out and the program aborts
checkError :: T.Text -> IO ()
checkError a
| T.null a = return ()
@ -131,12 +149,15 @@ checkError a
B.putStr $ encodeUtf8 $ T.append (T.append (T.pack "Error detected:\n") a) (T.pack "\n\n")
--change Debug to return () lateron.
debug a = putStrLn a
exeMain = do
-- args <- getArgs
-- input <- case args of
-- ["--help"] -> showHelp
-- ["-h"] -> showHelp
-- [] -> error "Error: No filename or stdinput (-) given."
-- [] -> error "Error: Wrong number of Arguments given. Try --help for more information."
-- [adj, attr] -> Prelude.mapM B.readFile [adj, attr]
-- _ -> error "Wrong arguments given"
input <- Prelude.mapM B.readFile ["sampledata.adj","sampledata.adj.atr"]
@ -146,36 +167,42 @@ exeMain = do
adjLines <- return $ length adjMat
attrLines <- return $ length attrMat
-- TODO: concat with foldl1' kills us later -> use presized/preallocated array so we
-- dont copy that much lateron. Best would be Matrix Int
-- unrefined_graph::[Either [Int] String] - [Int] is Adjacency-Line, String is parse-Error
unrefined_graph <- return $ ( (createGraph) adjMat)
-- +|| (parBuffer 100 rdeepseq) --run parallel, evaluate fully
+|| (parBuffer 100 rdeepseq) --run parallel, evaluate fully
unrefined_attr <- return $ ( (createAttr) attrMat)
-- +|| (parBuffer 100 rdeepseq) --run parallel, evaluate fully
attrNum <- return $ getAttrLength (head unrefined_attr)
putStrLn $ show (adjLines, attrLines, attrNum)
+|| (parBuffer 100 rdeepseq) --run parallel, evaluate fully
adjNum <- return $ getLength (head unrefined_graph)
attrNum <- return $ getLength (head unrefined_attr)
debug $ show (adjLines, attrLines, attrNum)
-- print out any read-errors and abort
---- print out any read-errors and abort
-- parser-errors
checkError $ T.intercalate (T.singleton '\n') (rights unrefined_graph)
checkError $ T.intercalate (T.singleton '\n') (rights unrefined_attr)
-- attribute-errors
if adjLines /= attrLines then
checkError $ T.pack $ "Adjacency-Matrix size "++ show adjLines ++
" differs from Attribute-Matrix " ++ show attrLines ++
return ()
checkError $ T.intercalate (T.singleton '\n') (rights unrefined_graph)
checkError $ T.intercalate (T.singleton '\n') (rights unrefined_attr)
if adjLines /= adjNum then
checkError $ T.pack $ "Adjacency-Matrix is not square.\n" ++
"Read format is " ++ show adjNum ++
"x" ++ show attrNum ++ ".\n"
return ()
putStrLn $ show (length (L.foldl1 (++) (lefts unrefined_graph)),length (L.foldl1 (++) (lefts unrefined_attr)))
graph <- return $ A.fromListUnboxed (Z :. adjLines :. adjLines) (L.foldl1' (++) (lefts unrefined_graph)) -- concatenated graph
graph <- return $ A.fromListUnboxed (Z :. adjLines :. adjLines) (L.foldl1 (++) (lefts unrefined_graph)) -- concatenated graph
attr <- return $ A.fromListUnboxed (Z :. attrLines :. attrNum) (L.foldl1' (++) (lefts unrefined_attr)) -- concatenated attr
attr <- return $ A.fromListUnboxed (Z :. attrLines :. attrNum) (L.foldl1 (++) (lefts unrefined_attr)) -- concatenated attr
output <- return $ doCalculation graph attr
B.putStr output
B.putStr $ doCalculation graph attr
-- Entry point for unit tests.
Reference in New Issue
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