haddock documentation
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@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
How to build:
$ cabal install --only-dependencies
$ cabal configure
$ cabal build
Create documentation:
$ cabal haddock --executables
Build and create documentation with all hyperlinks
$ cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-documentation
$ cabal configure
$ cabal build
$ cabal haddock --executables
$ dist/build/hgraph/hgraph --help
How to build (sandboxed, >=cabal 1.18, recommended):
$ cabal sandbox init
$ cabal install --only-dependencies
$ cabal configure
$ cabal build
How to build (sandboxed, cabal-dev, deprecated):
$ cabal-dev install --only-dependencies
$ cabal-dev configure
$ cabal-dev build
@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
-- Module : DCB
-- Module : DCB.DCB
-- Copyright :
-- License : AllRightsReserved
@ -13,10 +13,11 @@
-- Stability :
-- Portability :
-- |
-- | Computation of densely connected biclusters (DCB).
module DCB.DCB (preprocess, maxDCB, step) where
module DCB.DCB (preprocess, maxDCB, step, expand) where
import Util
import DCB.Structures
import DCB.IO
@ -74,11 +75,18 @@ instance (A.Shape sh, V.Unbox e) => NFData (Array A.U sh e) where
{-# INLINE rnf #-}
-- | Calculates all maximum DCB. A maximum DCB is a densely connected bicluster that cannot be
-- expanded by any additional node without breaking the constraints.
-- | Calculates all maximum DCB for the input seed graphs. A maximum DCB is a densely
-- connected bicluster that cannot be expanded by any additional node without breaking
-- the constraints.
-- This function does return the seed graphs themselves if they cannot be expanded.
maxDCB :: [Graph] -> Adj -> Attr -> Density -> MaxDivergence -> Int -> [Graph]
maxDCB :: [Graph] -- ^ seed graphs
-> Adj -- ^ global adjacency matrix of all nodes
-> Attr -- ^ global attribute matrix
-> Density -- ^ required minimum graph’s density
-> MaxDivergence -- ^ allowed divergence per attribute
-> Int -- ^ required number of consistent attributes
-> [Graph]
maxDCB [] _ _ _ _ _ = []
maxDCB gs adj attr dens maxDiv minHit =
let next = L.map (expand adj attr dens maxDiv minHit) gs +|| (parBuffer 1000 rdeepseq)
@ -90,20 +98,34 @@ maxDCB gs adj attr dens maxDiv minHit =
-- append maximum solutions of prospective function calls and maximum solutions of this iteration
-- | creates a step in iteration.
-- Basically calls expand for every Graph left in our List of interesting Graphs
-- and returns the expanded ones.
step :: [Graph] -> Adj -> Attr -> Density -> MaxDivergence -> Int -> [Graph]
-- | Yields all DCB that arise by adding one single node to any of the given seed graphs.
-- Basically calls 'expand' for every input graph and returns a list of the expanded ones.
-- Each graph only contains once within the resulting list.
step :: [Graph]
-> Adj -- ^ global adjacency matrix of all nodes
-> Attr -- ^ global attribute matrix
-> Density -- ^ required minimum graph’s density
-> MaxDivergence -- ^ allowed divergence per attribute
-> Int -- ^ required number of consistent attributes
-> [Graph]
step gs@((ind,_,_):_) a b c d e = traceEvent ("step from " P.++ show (A.extent ind) ) $
filterLayer $ concat $ map (expand a b c d e ) gs
+|| (parBuffer 1000 rdeepseq)
-- TODO: remove @((ind,_,_):_) for exhaustive pattern
-- TODO: remove @((ind,_,_):_) for exhaustive pattern, ind only needed for traceEvent
-- | calculates all possible additions to one Graph, yielding a list of valid expansions
-- i.e. constraint a == Just Constraints for all returned Graphs
expand :: Adj -> Attr -> Density -> MaxDivergence -> Int -> Graph -> [Graph]
-- | Calculates all possible additions to one Graph, yielding a list of valid DCB
-- that fulfill all DCB constraints.
expand :: Adj -- ^ global adjacency matrix of all nodes
-> Attr -- ^ global attribute matrix
-> Density -- ^ required minimum graph’s density
-> MaxDivergence -- ^ allowed divergence per attribute
-> Int -- ^ required number of consistent attributes
-> Graph -- ^ graph to expand
-> [Graph]
expand adj attr d div req g@(ind,_,_) = --trace ("expanding graph "P.++ B.unpack (outputGraph [g]))
mapMaybe (addPoint adj attr d div req g)
(V.toList $ V.findIndices (==True) $ A.toUnboxed $ addablePoints adj g)
@ -231,7 +253,7 @@ addPoint :: Adj -- ^ global adjacency matrix of all nodes
-> Attr -- ^ global attribute matrix
-> Density -- ^ required minimum graph’s density
-> MaxDivergence -- ^ allowed divergence per attribute
-> Int -- ^ equired number of consistent attributes
-> Int -- ^ required number of consistent attributes
-> Graph -- ^ base graph
-> Int -- ^ node to extend base graph by
-> Maybe Graph
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
-- | Functions to transform graphs and DCBs into text.
module DCB.IO where
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
@ -15,14 +17,14 @@ import Util
-- | creates a default-formatted output with \",\" in between elements
-- and \"\\n\" in between dimensions
-- | creates a default-formatted output with @,@ in between elements
-- and @\\n@ in between dimensions
-- calls '_outputArray' with preset properties
outputArray :: (Unbox a, Show a) => Array U DIM2 a -> B.ByteString
outputArray a = _outputArray a "\t" "\n"
-- | creates a formatted output from a DIM2 repa-Array
-- | creates a formatted output from a 'DIM2' repa-'Data.Array.Repa.Array'
-- * First String is the between-element-separator
@ -40,8 +42,8 @@ _outputArray a itt lt = B.concat $
| sj-1 == j = show (a!(ix2 i j)) -- no "," for last one..
| otherwise = show (a!(ix2 i j)) ++ itt ++ (_outputArray'' shape i (j+1) a itt)
-- | creates a default-formatted output with \",\" in between elements
-- and \"\\n\" in between dimensions
-- | creates a default-formatted output with @,@ in between elements
-- and @\\n@ in between dimensions
-- calls '_outputArray' with preset properties
outputGraph :: [Graph] -> B.ByteString
@ -54,7 +56,7 @@ outputGraph gs = B.concat $ L.map (flipto3 _outputGraph "," "\n") (L.sort gs)
-- * Second String is the between-dimensions-separator
-- Example Output with \",\" and \"\\n\":
-- Example Output with @,@ and @\\n@:
-- > Density:
-- > 0.7619047619047619
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
-- | Data structures used for DCB computation.
module DCB.Structures where
import Data.Array.Repa as A hiding ((++))
@ -19,7 +21,7 @@ type Attr = Matrix A.U Double
-- | Adjacency-Matrix
type Adj = Matrix A.U Int8
-- | Matrix storing the extent of a 'Graph'’s constraints fulfillment.
-- | 'Matrix' storing the extent of a 'Graph'’s constraints fulfillment.
-- It stores the minimum (zeroth column) and maximum (first column) value of all
-- the 'Graph'’s nodes per attribute.
-- The 'Vector' stores values of @1@ if the bounds are within the allowed range
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DoAndIfThenElse #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}
@ -14,8 +14,66 @@
-- Portability :
-- |
-- Program to find densely connected biclusters (DCB) in an undirected graph.
-- DCB are highly connected subgraphs whose nodes share similar attributes.
-- Each node of the source graph is linked with a table of attribute values
-- and for a certain number of attributes all nodes of a DCB must have
-- values within a specified range. Secondly, the density of the
-- subgraph must not exceed a threshold.
-- /Using the program:/
-- >>> hgraph [<tokens>]... <adjacency> <attribute> <constraints>
-- The program expects 3 mandatory arguments for an input graph of size /n/:
-- (1) The plain text file that contains the adjacency matrix of the source
-- graph. The file must contain /n/ rows where each row consists of
-- exactly /n/ characters that are either @1@ if there exists an edge
-- between two nodes or @0@ otherwise.
-- The matrix must be symmetric.
-- (2) The plain text file that contains the attributes linked to the nodes.
-- It must consist of /n/ rows.
-- Each row consists of /a/ floating point numbers separated by tab
-- characters @\\t@ where /a/ is the number of attributes.
-- The /b/-th value in the /v/-th row is the attribute value of the /b/-th
-- attribute linked to the /v/-th node.
-- (3) The plain text file that contains the algorithm’s parameters. This file
-- contains 3 rows:
-- * The first row solely contains the minimum density for a DCB as floating
-- point number
-- * The second row solely contains the minimum number of matching
-- attributes for a DCB as an integer value.
-- * The third row contains the tolerances for each attribute as floating
-- point values separated by tab characters @\\t@ where the /b/-th value
-- is the tolerated range for the DCB’s node’s values of the /b/-th
-- attribute.
-- Rows are separated by newline characters @\\n@ and all floating point values
-- use dots as decimal separator.
-- You may prepend the mandatory parameters with certain tokens:
-- * @-h@ or @--help@ to display help (all following parameters are ignored)
-- * @-t@ or @--time@ to measure and display computation time
-- To enable multicore computation you need to append RTS options to the
-- program call as specified in the GHC manual.
-- <http://www.haskell.org/ghc/docs/latest/html/users_guide/using-smp.html#parallel-options>
-- Running on 4 threads:
-- >>> hgraph adjacency_matrix.adj attribute_matrix.attr properties.p +RTS -N4
module Main where
@ -50,18 +108,19 @@ import System.Environment
import System.Exit (exitFailure, exitSuccess)
--import Test.QuickCheck.All (quickCheckAll)
data Params = Params { density :: Double
, matches :: Int
, range :: [Double]
-- | All secondary parameters that must be passed to the program packed into one data type.
data Params = Params { density :: Double -- ^ minimum density of a bicluster
, matches :: Int -- ^ required amount of matching attributes
, range :: [Double] -- ^ allowed divergence for each attribute
} deriving (Show,Eq)
instance NFData Params
-- | Parses a row of the adjacency matrix of a graph. The consistancy of line lengths is not tested
-- | Parses a row of the adjacency matrix of a graph. The consistency of line lengths is not tested
-- by this function! In case of a successfull parse a 'Left' ('Vector' a) is returned, otherwise a
-- 'Right ByteString' containing an error message.
-- 'Right' 'ByteString' containing an error message.
-- > 10101
-- > 01010
-- > 00100
@ -69,6 +128,7 @@ instance NFData Params
-- > 10101
-- * Valid Values: @0@, @1@
-- * any invalid value raises an error
parseAdjMat :: (Num a, Unbox a) => ByteString -> Either (V.Vector a) ByteString
parseAdjMat input =
@ -77,7 +137,7 @@ parseAdjMat input =
result = V.unfoldrN size parseAdjMat' input
if size == V.length result then Left result
else Right $ B.append (B.pack "(adjecency)cannot parse ") input
else Right $ B.append (B.pack "(adjacency)cannot parse ") input
--parseAdjMat' :: ByteString -> Maybe (a, ByteString)
parseAdjMat' input =
@ -85,26 +145,30 @@ parseAdjMat input =
case c of
'0' -> Just (0, B.tail input)
'1' -> Just (1, B.tail input)
_ -> if isSpace c then parseAdjMat' (B.tail input)
else Nothing
_ -> Nothing
-- | Tests if a parse result is considered valid.
-- | Tests if a parse result @(a, 'ByteString')@ is considered valid where @a@ is the parsed object
-- and the 'ByteString' is the remaining string that could not be parsed.
testParse :: Maybe (a, ByteString) -> Maybe a
testParse Nothing = Nothing
testParse (Just (a, rem)) = if emptyLine rem then Just a else Nothing
-- | Parses a row of the attribute matrix of a graph. The consistancy of line lengths is not tested
-- by this function! In case of a successfull parse a 'Left [a]' is returned, otherwise a
-- 'Right ByteString' containing an error message.
-- | Parses a row of the attribute matrix of a graph. The consistency of line lengths is not tested
-- by this function! In case of a successfull parse a @'Left' [a]@ is returned, otherwise a
-- @'Right' 'ByteString'@ containing the error message.
-- > 1 2.3
-- > -1 2.1
-- > 4 2.7
-- > 2.2 -3e-4
-- > 3 2.3
-- * Valid: Doubles divided by specified delimter
-- * Valid: 'Double's divided by specified delimter
-- * any invalid value raises an error
parseAttr :: Char -> ByteString -> Either [Double] ByteString
parseAttr :: Char -- ^ delimiter
-> ByteString -- ^ text to parse
-> Either [Double] ByteString
parseAttr delim input = parseAttr' (B.split delim input)
where parseAttr' :: [ByteString] -> Either [Double] ByteString
parseAttr' (row:rem) =
@ -116,10 +180,18 @@ parseAttr delim input = parseAttr' (B.split delim input)
parseAttr' [] = Left []
-- | Parses parameter file.
-- First line: Density (Double)
-- Second line: requied matches (Int)
-- Third line is the tolerance for each attribute (Double values)
parseParams :: Char -> [ByteString] -> Either Params ByteString
-- * First line: 'Density'
-- * Second line: requied matches ('Int')
-- * Third line is the tolerance for each attribute ('Double' values), see 'parseAttr'
-- In case of an error during the parsing a @'Right' 'ByteString'@ containing the error
-- message is returned instead of a @'Left' 'Params'@
parseParams :: Char -- ^delimiter
-> [ByteString] -- ^ text to parse
-> Either Params ByteString
parseParams delim input
| length input /= 3 = Right $ B.pack ("(params)amount of lines does not match (expected 3, got "
++ show (length input) ++ ")")
@ -134,7 +206,7 @@ parseParams delim input
_ -> Right $ B.append (B.pack "(param - density)cannot parse ") (head input)
-- | checks if a given Text is empty (Empty String, whitespaces)
-- | Checks if a given text is empty (empty string, whitespaces).
emptyLine :: ByteString -> Bool
emptyLine a
| B.null a = True
@ -171,21 +243,21 @@ doCalculation adj attr p =
doAll' gs a b c d e = gs ++ doAll' (step gs a b c d e) a b c d e
-- | gets the length of the 'Left a'.
-- | Gets the length of the @'Left' [a]@.
-- @0@ if Left a empty or no valid constructor.
-- @0@ if @[a]@ in @Left [a]@ is empty or it is a 'Right' value.
getLength :: Either [a] b -> Int
getLength (Left a) = length a
getLength (Right _) = 0
-- | gets the length of the Left ('Vector a').
-- | Gets the length of the @'Left' ('Vector' v)@.
-- @0@ if Left a empty or no valid constructor.
-- @0@ if @a@ in 'Left a' is empty or it is a 'Right' value.
getLengthV :: (Unbox a) => Either (V.Vector a) b -> Int
getLengthV (Left a) = V.length a
getLengthV (Right _) = 0
-- | prints the Help and exits
-- | Prints the help and exits.
showHelp :: IO ()
showHelp = do
putStrLn $ "Usage: hgraph [<tokens>]... <adjacency> <attribute> <constraints>\n"++
@ -209,7 +281,7 @@ showHelp = do
-- | checks if the submitted Text is empty. If not it will be printed out and the program aborts
-- | Checks if the submitted text is empty. If not it will be printed out and the program aborts.
checkError :: ByteString -> IO ()
checkError a
| emptyLine a = return ()
@ -221,7 +293,7 @@ checkError a
-- changed to return () to disable Debug.
debug a = return () --putStrLn a
-- | Removes one trailing carriage return character @\\r@ if existant.
-- | Removes one trailing carriage return character @\\r@ if existent.
removeCarriageReturn :: ByteString -> ByteString
removeCarriageReturn input =
if B.last input == '\r' then B.init input
@ -237,11 +309,12 @@ removeCarriageReturn input =
-- invalid tokens) that parameter and all following parameters are
-- believed to be file paths.
-- The returned tupel contains the existance of the /time/ token,
-- existance of the /help/ token and all remaining file paths in that
-- order.
-- >>> processTokens ["--time", "-t", "foo.txt"] == (True, False, ["foo.txt"])
-- >>> processTokens ["-tx", "--help"] == (False, False, ["-tx", "--help"])
-- The returned tupel contains the existance of the /time/ token,
-- existance of the /help/ token and all remaining file paths in that
-- order.
-- >>> processTokens ["--time", "-t", "foo.txt"] == (True, False, ["foo.txt"])
-- >>> processTokens ["-tx", "--help"] == (False, False, ["-tx", "--help"])
processTokens :: [String] -> (Bool, Bool, [FilePath])
processTokens [] = (False, False, [])
-- single token with prefix "--"
@ -310,20 +383,20 @@ main = do
if adjLines /= attrLines then
checkError $ B.pack $ "Adjacency Matrix size "++ show adjLines ++
" differs from Attribute Matrix " ++ show attrLines ++
else return ()
if adjLines /= adjNum then
checkError $ B.pack $ "Adjacency Matrix is not square.\n" ++
"Read format is " ++ show adjLines ++
"x" ++ show adjNum ++ ".\n"
"x" ++ show adjNum ++ "."
else return ()
-- it is accaptable if the parameters file contains more attributes than the attribute matrix
if attrParams < attrNum then
checkError $ B.pack $ "Attribute Matrix format does not match Parameter.\n" ++
"Attribute Matrix has " ++ show attrNum ++ " attributes.\n" ++
"Parameters implicate" ++ show attrParams ++ " attributes.\n"
"Parameters implicate " ++ show attrParams ++ " attributes."
else return ()
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
-- | A collection of utility functions for working with functions, lists and strings.
module Util where
import Control.Parallel.Strategies
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import qualified Data.Set as Set
-- | Move first argument to first place (for style uniformity)
flip1 :: (a -> b) -> (a -> b)
@ -83,6 +83,8 @@ infixl 1 +||
(+||) :: a -> Strategy a -> a
a +|| b = a `using` b
-- | The function 'appendS' appends the string representation of the third element
-- to the second element followed by the first element as separator string.
appendS :: (Show a) => String -> String -> a -> String
appendS sep a b = (a ++ show b) ++ sep
@ -106,8 +108,8 @@ remDupsBy f (l:ls) = l:(remDups' l ls)
-- When removing duplicates, the first function assigns the input to a bucket,
-- the second function checks whether it is already in the bucket (linear search).
-- | /O(n^2)/ Removes duplicate elements from a list. Performs better than
-- 'Prelude.nub' by exploiting features of the 'Ord' class.
-- | /O(n^2)./ Removes duplicate elements from a list. Performs better than
-- 'Data.List.nub' by exploiting features of the 'Ord' class.
ordNubBy :: (Ord b) => (a -> b) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> [a] -> [a]
ordNubBy p f l = go Map.empty l
@ -124,14 +126,14 @@ ordNubBy p f l = go Map.empty l
elem_by eq y (x:xs) = y `eq` x || elem_by eq y xs
-- | Returns weather a string only contains whitespace or not.
-- | Returns whether a string only contains whitespace characters or not.
isWhitespace :: String -> Bool
isWhitespace "" = True
isWhitespace (a:as) = (a `elem` " \r\n\t") && isWhitespace as
-- | Tests whether an 'Either' type is 'Left'.
isLeft :: Either a b -> Bool
isLeft a = case a of Left _ -> True; _ -> False
isLeft a = either (\e -> True) (\e -> False) a
-- | Tests whether an 'Either' type is 'Right'.
isRight :: Either a b -> Bool
@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ isRight = not . isLeft
-- | The 'part' function takes a predicate and a list of tuples and returns
-- the pair of lists of left elements which do and right elements which do not satisfy the
-- predicate, respectively; i.e.,
-- predicate, respectively; i. e.,
-- > part (\a b -> elem a b) [(1, [1, 3]), (2, [3, 4]), (0, [0, 5])] == ([1, 0], [[3, 4]])
part :: (a -> b -> Bool) -> [(a, b)] -> ([a], [b])
Reference in New Issue
Block a user