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-- Module : DCB
-- Copyright :
-- License : AllRightsReserved
-- Maintainer :
-- Stability :
-- Portability :
-- |
module DCB where
import Prelude hiding((++))
2013-11-29 15:30:09 +01:00
import qualified Prelude ((++))
import Control.Monad.Par
2013-11-29 15:30:09 +01:00
import qualified Prelude ((++))
import Data.Array.Repa (Array,(:.)(..),(!),(++),(+^),(-^),(*^),(/^))
2013-11-29 15:30:09 +01:00
import qualified Data.Array.Repa as A
import Data.Array.Repa.Index
import Data.Int
import Data.Maybe
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type Vector r e = Array r DIM1 e
type Matrix r e = Array r DIM2 e
type Attr = Matrix A.U Double
-- Adjecency-Matrix
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type Adj = Matrix A.U Int8
type Constraints = (Vector A.U Int8, Matrix A.U Double)
-- Graph consists of a Vector denoting which colums of the matrix represents wich originating
-- column in the global adjencency-matrix, the reduces adjencency-matrix of the graph, a
-- matrix of constraints and a scalar denoting the density
type MaxDivergence = Vector A.U Double
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type Density = Double
-- Graph
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type Graph = (Vector A.U Int, Constraints, Density)
-- expand calculates all possible additions towards a vector of graphs
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expand :: Adj -> Attr -> [Graph] -> [Graph]
expand adj attr g = undefined -- addablePoints -> for each: addPoint -> filterLayer
preprocess :: Adj -> Attr -> Density -> MaxDivergence -> (Adj, Vector A.U Graph)
preprocess adj attr d div = undefined
-- let
-- (Z:.nNodes:._) = A.extract adj
-- pairs = A.fromFunction (ix1 (((nNodes-1)*(nNodes-2)) / 2)) (\(Z:.i) -> (i % nNodes))
-- finalGraphs = foo
-- in (adj, A.computeS finalGraphs)
-- TODO for all pairs (i, j) with adj(i,j) != 0: if initGraph add, else discard and update adjacancy matrix
-- initGraph initializes a seed graph if it fulfills the constraints
-- assumption: given nodes i, j are connected
initGraph :: Attr -> MaxDivergence -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Graph
initGraph attr div req i j =
constr = constraintInit attr div req i j
in case constr of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just c -> Just (A.computeS $A.fromFunction (ix1 2)
(\(Z:.i) -> if i == 0 then i else j), c, 1)
-- constraintInit checks the contraints for an initializin seed
constraintInit :: Attr -> MaxDivergence -> Int -> Int -> Int -> Maybe Constraints
constraintInit attr div req i j =
(Z:._:.nAttr) = A.extent attr
fConstr (Z:.a:.c) =
col = A.slice attr (A.Any:.a)
in case c of
0 -> min (attr!(ix2 i a)) (attr!(ix2 j a))
1 -> max (attr!(ix2 i a)) (attr!(ix2 j a))
constr = A.computeS $A.fromFunction (ix2 nAttr 2) fConstr
fulfill = A.zipWith (\thediv dist -> if abs dist <= thediv then 1 else 0) div
$A.foldS (-) 0 constr
nrHit = A.foldAllS (+) (0::Int) $A.map fromIntegral fulfill
in if nrHit >= req then Just (A.computeS fulfill, constr) else Nothing
-- filterLayer removes all duplicate graphs
filterLayer :: Vector A.U Graph -> Vector A.U Graph
filterLayer gs = undefined -- TODO
-- constraint gets a Graph and an Attribute-Matrix and yields true, if the Graph still fulfills
-- all constraints defined via the Attribute-Matrix.
constraint :: Attr -> MaxDivergence -> Int -> Graph -> Int -> Maybe Constraints
constraint attr div req (_, (fulfill, constr), _) newNode =
updateConstr :: (DIM2 -> Double) -> DIM2 -> Double
updateConstr f sh@(Z:._:.c) =
case c of
0 -> min (f sh) (attr!sh)
1 -> max (f sh) (attr!sh)
constrNew = A.computeUnboxedS $A.traverse constr id updateConstr
fulfillNew = A.zipWith (\i b -> if i == 1 && b then 1::Int8 else 0::Int8) fulfill
$A.zipWith (\thediv dist -> abs dist <= thediv) div $A.foldS (-) 0 constrNew
nrHit = A.foldAllS (+) (0::Int) $A.map fromIntegral fulfillNew
in if nrHit >= req then Just (A.computeS fulfillNew, constrNew) else Nothing
updateDensity :: Adj -> Vector A.U Int -> Int -> Density -> Density
updateDensity adj nodes newNode dens =
neighbours = A.foldAllS (+) (0::Int)
$A.traverse nodes id (\f sh -> fromIntegral $adj!(ix2 (f sh) newNode))
(Z:.n') = A.extent nodes
n = fromIntegral n'
in (dens * (n*(n+1)) / 2 + fromIntegral neighbours) * 2 / ((n+1)*(n+2))
-- addPoint gets a graph and a tuple of an adjecancy-Vector with an int wich column of the
-- Adjacency-Matrix the Vector should represent to generate further Graphs
addPoint :: Adj -> Attr -> Density -> MaxDivergence -> Int -> Graph -> Int -> Maybe Graph
addPoint adj attr d div req g@(nodes, _, dens) n =
constr = constraint attr div req g n
densNew = updateDensity adj nodes n dens
case constr of
Nothing -> Nothing
(Just c) ->
case dens >= d of
True -> Just (A.computeS $nodes ++ A.fromFunction (ix1 1) (\i -> n), c, densNew)
False -> Nothing
-- addablePoints yields all valid addititons (=neighbours) to a Graph
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addablePoints :: Adj -> Graph -> Vector A.U Int
addablePoints adj g = undefined --TODO