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Highlights of my experiences in the programming world
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<p class='mb-3'>
<strong>Oct. 2018 to Aug. 2021</strong>:
<ul class='my-3 ml-6 space-y-1 list-disc'>
ML-Specialist at <a href='https://jobware.de' class='text-purple-600 hover:underline' data-linkicon='external' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>Jobware</a> (Paderborn; german Job-Advertising-Platform)
<ul class='my-3 ml-6 space-y-1 list-disc'>
Extraction/Classification of sentences from JobAds (Requirements, Benefits, Tasks, …)
Extraction of Information from JobAds (Location of company, Location of workplay, contact-details, application-procedure, etc.) including geocoding of those information (backed by OpenStreetMap)
Embedding of JobAds into a meaningful space (i.e. “get me similar ads. btw. i dislike ad a, b, c”).
Analyse & predict search-queries of users on the webpage and offer likely but distinct queries (i.e. similar when typo or complete different words (synonyms, hyponyms, etc.))
Technologies used:
<ul class='my-3 ml-6 space-y-1 list-disc'>
Haskell (currently GHC 8.6, soon GHC 8.8)
<ul class='my-3 ml-6 space-y-1 list-disc'>
stack + stackage-lts
fixplate (recursion-schemes-implementation)
many usual technologies like lens, http-simple, mtl, ..
golden-testing via tasty
several inhouse-developments:
<ul class='my-3 ml-6 space-y-1 list-disc'>
templating based on text-replacement via generics (fieldname in Template-Type == variable replaced in template)
activeMQ/Kibana-bridge for logging via hs-stomp
generic internal logging-framework
<ul class='my-3 ml-6 space-y-1 list-disc'>
<p class='mb-3'>
<ul class='my-3 ml-6 space-y-1 list-disc'>
several jobs at my University including
<ul class='my-3 ml-6 space-y-1 list-disc'>
Worked 6 Months in the Workgroup “Theoretical Computer Science” on migrating algorithms to <strong>CUDA</strong>
Tutor “Introduction to Machine Learning”
<ul class='my-3 ml-6 space-y-1 list-disc'>
Was awarded <strong>Tutoring-Award</strong> of the Faculty of Technology for excellent tutoring
Lecture “<a href='Coding/Haskell/FFPiH' class='text-purple-600 mavenLinkBold hover:underline' data-wikilink-type='WikiLinkNormal'>Intermediate Functional Programming in Haskell</a>
<ul class='my-3 ml-6 space-y-1 list-disc'>
Originally developed as student-project in cooperation with Jonas Betzendahl
First held in Summer 2015
Due to high demand held again in Summer 2016 and 2017
Was awarded <strong>Lecturer-Award</strong> “silver Chalk” in 2016
<ul class='my-3 ml-6 space-y-1 list-disc'>
First time that this award was given to students
Many lecturers at our faculty never get any teaching-award until retirement
Development of Pandoc-Filters for effective <strong>generation of lecture-slides</strong> for Mario Botsch (Leader “Workgroup Computer Graphics”) using Pandoc & reveal.js
<ul class='my-3 ml-6 space-y-1 list-disc'>
Framework: <a href='https://github.com/mbotsch/revealSlides' class='text-purple-600 hover:underline' data-linkicon='external' target='_blank' rel='noopener'><a href='https://github.com/mbotsch/revealSlides' class='text-purple-600 hover:underline' data-linkicon='external' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>https://github.com/mbotsch/revealSlides</a></a>
Example: <a href='https://github.com/mbotsch/eLearning' class='text-purple-600 hover:underline' data-linkicon='external' target='_blank' rel='noopener'><a href='https://github.com/mbotsch/eLearning' class='text-purple-600 hover:underline' data-linkicon='external' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>https://github.com/mbotsch/eLearning</a></a>
Pandoc-Filters: <a href='https://github.com/mbotsch/pandoc-slide-filter' class='text-purple-600 hover:underline' data-linkicon='external' target='_blank' rel='noopener'><a href='https://github.com/mbotsch/pandoc-slide-filter' class='text-purple-600 hover:underline' data-linkicon='external' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>https://github.com/mbotsch/pandoc-slide-filter</a></a>
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<div>Driver behind getting <a href='' class='text-gray-600 font-bold hover:bg-gray-50'><a href='https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/168' class='text-gray-600 hover:underline' data-linkicon='external' target='_blank' rel='noopener'>https://github.com/jgm/pandoc/issues/168</a></a> implemented and merged, because we needed it for our slide-filters (see <a href='About/Work' class='text-gray-600 font-bold hover:bg-gray-50' data-wikilink-type='WikiLinkBranch'>Work-Experience</a> -&gt; Development of Filters)</div>
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