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<!-- Variable bindings for this tree -->
<!-- Rendering of this tree -->
< div class = 'pl-2' >
<!-- Node's rootLabel -->
< div class = 'flex items-center my-2 space-x-2 justify-left' >
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< a class = 'hover:underline truncate' title = 'About' href = 'About' >
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< span class = 'text-gray-300' title = '3 children inside' >
< / span >
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< / div >
<!-- Node's children forest, displayed only on active trees
TODO: Use < details > to toggle visibility?
< / div >
<!-- Variable bindings for this tree -->
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<!-- Rendering of this tree -->
< div class = 'pl-2' >
<!-- Node's rootLabel -->
< div class = 'flex items-center my-2 space-x-2 justify-left' >
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< / svg >
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< a class = 'hover:underline truncate' title = 'Android' href = 'Android' >
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< / a >
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< span class = 'text-gray-300' title = '1 children inside' >
< / span >
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< / div >
<!-- Node's children forest, displayed only on active trees
TODO: Use < details > to toggle visibility?
< / div >
<!-- Variable bindings for this tree -->
<!-- Rendering of this tree -->
< div class = 'pl-2' >
<!-- Node's rootLabel -->
< div class = 'flex items-center my-2 space-x-2 justify-left' >
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< / svg >
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< a class = 'font-bold hover:underline truncate' title = 'Coding' href = 'Coding' >
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< / a >
< / div >
<!-- Node's children forest, displayed only on active trees
TODO: Use < details > to toggle visibility?
<!-- Variable bindings for this tree -->
<!-- Rendering of this tree -->
< div class = 'pl-2' >
<!-- Node's rootLabel -->
< div class = 'flex items-center my-2 space-x-2 justify-left' >
< svg xmlns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' class = 'w-4 h-4 flex-shrink-0 inline text-gray-700' viewBox = '0 0 20 20' fill = 'currentColor' >
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< / svg >
2022-11-23 12:22:29 +01:00
< a class = 'font-bold hover:underline truncate' title = 'Haskell' href = 'Coding/Haskell' >
2022-08-24 16:52:32 +02:00
< / a >
< / div >
<!-- Node's children forest, displayed only on active trees
TODO: Use < details > to toggle visibility?
<!-- Variable bindings for this tree -->
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2022-11-23 12:22:29 +01:00
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<!-- Rendering of this tree -->
< div class = 'pl-2' >
<!-- Node's rootLabel -->
< div class = 'flex items-center my-2 space-x-2 justify-left' >
< svg class = 'w-4 h-4 flex-shrink-0 inline' fill = 'none' stroke = 'currentColor' viewBox = '0 0 24 24' xmlns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' >
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< path stroke-linecap = 'round' stroke-linejoin = 'round' stroke-width = '2' d = 'M7 21h10a2 2 0 002-2V9.414a1 1 0 00-.293-.707l-5.414-5.414A1 1 0 0012.586 3H7a2 2 0 00-2 2v14a2 2 0 002 2z' >
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< / path >
< / svg >
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2022-11-23 12:22:29 +01:00
< a class = 'hover:underline truncate' title = 'Talks und Posts zu Haskell' href = 'Coding/Haskell/Advantages' >
Talks und Posts zu Haskell
2022-08-24 16:52:32 +02:00
< / a >
2022-11-23 12:22:29 +01:00
2022-08-24 16:52:32 +02:00
< / div >
<!-- Node's children forest, displayed only on active trees
TODO: Use < details > to toggle visibility?
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< / div >
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2022-11-23 12:22:29 +01:00
<!-- Variable bindings for this tree -->
<!-- Rendering of this tree -->
< div class = 'pl-2' >
<!-- Node's rootLabel -->
< div class = 'flex items-center my-2 space-x-2 justify-left' >
< svg xmlns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' class = 'w-4 h-4 flex-shrink-0 inline text-gray-700' viewBox = '0 0 20 20' fill = 'currentColor' >
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< path d = 'M6 12a2 2 0 012-2h8a2 2 0 012 2v2a2 2 0 01-2 2H2h2a2 2 0 002-2v-2z' > < / path >
< / svg >
< a class = 'font-bold hover:underline truncate' title = 'Code-Snippets' href = 'Coding/Haskell/Code%20Snippets' >
< / a >
< / div >
<!-- Node's children forest, displayed only on active trees
TODO: Use < details > to toggle visibility?
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<!-- Variable bindings for this tree -->
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<!-- Rendering of this tree -->
< div class = 'pl-2' >
<!-- Node's rootLabel -->
< div class = 'flex items-center my-2 space-x-2 justify-left' >
< svg class = 'w-4 h-4 flex-shrink-0 inline' fill = 'none' stroke = 'currentColor' viewBox = '0 0 24 24' xmlns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' >
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< / path >
< / svg >
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< a class = 'hover:underline truncate' title = 'Monoid? Da war doch was…' href = 'Coding/Haskell/Code%20Snippets/Monoid' >
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Monoid? Da war doch was…
< / a >
2022-08-25 06:18:18 +02:00
2022-08-24 16:52:32 +02:00
< / div >
<!-- Node's children forest, displayed only on active trees
TODO: Use < details > to toggle visibility?
2022-11-23 12:22:29 +01:00
< / div >
<!-- Variable bindings for this tree -->
<!-- Rendering of this tree -->
< div class = 'pl-2' >
<!-- Node's rootLabel -->
< div class = 'flex items-center my-2 space-x-2 justify-left' >
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< a class = 'hover:underline truncate' title = 'Fortgeschrittene funktionale Programmierung in Haskell' href = 'Coding/Haskell/FFPiH' >
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Fortgeschrittene funktionale Programmierung in Haskell
< / a >
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< a class = 'hover:underline truncate' title = 'Webapp-Development in Haskell' href = 'Coding/Haskell/Webapp-Example' >
Webapp-Development in Haskell
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< a class = 'hover:underline truncate' title = 'Logik für Dummies' href = 'Logik' >
Logik für Dummies
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< a class = 'hover:underline truncate' title = 'Opinions' href = 'Opinions' >
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2022-12-30 11:52:33 +01:00
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Talks und Posts zu Haskell
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2022-08-25 06:18:18 +02:00
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< strong > Backup eines Blogposts eines Kommilitonen:< / strong >
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< p class = 'mb-3' >
This weekend I spend some time on Morphisms.
< / p >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
Knowing that this might sound daunting to many dabbling Haskellers (like I am), I decided to write a real short MergeSort hylomorphism quickstarter.
< / p >
< hr class = 'mb-3' / >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
For those who need a refresher: MergeSort works by creating a balanced binary tree from the input list and directly collapsing it back into itself while treating the children as sorted lists and merging these with an O(n) algorithm.
< / p >
< hr class = 'mb-3' / >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
First the usual prelude:
< / p >
< div class = 'py-0.5 mb-3 text-sm' > < pre > < code class = 'haskell language-haskell' > {-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Functor.Foldable
import Data.List (splitAt, unfoldr)< / code > < / pre > < / div >
< hr class = 'mb-3' / >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
We will use a binary tree like this. Note that there is no explicit recursion used, but < code class = 'py-0.5 px-0.5 bg-gray-100' > NodeF< / code > has two < em > holes< / em > . These will eventually filled later.
< / p >
< div class = 'py-0.5 mb-3 text-sm' > < pre > < code class = 'haskell language-haskell' > data TreeF c f = EmptyF | LeafF c | NodeF f f
deriving (Eq, Show, Functor)< / code > < / pre > < / div >
< hr class = 'mb-3' / >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
Aside: We could use this as a < em > normal< / em > binary tree by wrapping it in < code class = 'py-0.5 px-0.5 bg-gray-100' > Fix< / code > : < code class = 'py-0.5 px-0.5 bg-gray-100' > type Tree a = Fix (TreeF a)< / code > But this would require us to write our tree like < code class = 'py-0.5 px-0.5 bg-gray-100' > Fix (NodeF (Fix (LeafF 'l')) (Fix (LeafF 'r')))< / code > which would get tedious fast. Luckily Edward build a much better way to do this into < em > recursion-schemes< / em > . I will touch on this later.
< / p >
< hr class = 'mb-3' / >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
Without further ado we start to write a Coalgebra, which in my book is just a scary name for “function that is used to construct datastructures”.
< / p >
< div class = 'py-0.5 mb-3 text-sm' > < pre > < code class = 'haskell language-haskell' > unflatten :: [a] -> TreeF a [a]
unflatten ( []) = EmptyF
unflatten (x:[]) = LeafF x
unflatten ( xs) = NodeF l r where (l,r) = splitAt (length xs `div` 2) xs< / code > < / pre > < / div >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
From the type signature it’ s immediately obvious, that we take a list of ’ a’ s and use it to create a part of our tree.
< / p >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
The nice thing is that due to the fact that we haven’ t commited to a type in our tree nodes we can just put lists in there.
< / p >
< hr class = 'mb-3' / >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
Aside: At this point we could use this Coalgebra to construct (unsorted) binary trees from lists:
< / p >
< div class = 'py-0.5 mb-3 text-sm' > < pre > < code class = 'haskell language-haskell' > example1 = ana unflatten [1,3] == Fix (NodeF (Fix (LeafF 1)) (Fix (LeafF 3)))< / code > < / pre > < / div >
< hr class = 'mb-3' / >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
On to our sorting, tree-collapsing Algebra. Which again is just a creepy word for “function that is used to deconstruct datastructures”.
< / p >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
The function < code class = 'py-0.5 px-0.5 bg-gray-100' > mergeList< / code > is defined below and just merges two sorted lists into one sorted list in O(n), I would probably take this from the < code class = 'py-0.5 px-0.5 bg-gray-100' > ordlist< / code > package if I were to implement this < em > for real< / em > .
< / p >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
Again we see that we can just construct our sorted output list from a < code class = 'py-0.5 px-0.5 bg-gray-100' > TreeF< / code > that apparently contains just lists.
< / p >
< div class = 'py-0.5 mb-3 text-sm' > < pre > < code class = 'haskell language-haskell' > flatten :: Ord a => TreeF a [a] -> [a]
flatten EmptyF = []
flatten (LeafF c) = [c]
flatten (NodeF l r) = mergeLists l r < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< hr class = 'mb-3' / >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
Aside: We could use a Coalgebra to deconstruct trees:
< / p >
< div class = 'py-0.5 mb-3 text-sm' > < pre > < code class = 'haskell language-haskell' > example2 = cata flatten (Fix (NodeF (Fix (LeafF 3)) (Fix (LeafF 1)))) == [1,3]< / code > < / pre > < / div >
< hr class = 'mb-3' / >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
Now we just combine the Coalgebra and the Algebra with one from the functions from Edwards < code class = 'py-0.5 px-0.5 bg-gray-100' > recursion-schemes< / code > library:
< / p >
< div class = 'py-0.5 mb-3 text-sm' > < pre > < code class = 'haskell language-haskell' > mergeSort :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
mergeSort = hylo flatten unflatten
example3 = mergeSort [5,2,7,9,1,4] == [1,2,4,5,7,9] < / code > < / pre > < / div >
< hr class = 'mb-3' / >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
What have we gained?
< / p >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
2022-11-23 12:22:29 +01:00
We have implemented a MergeSort variant in 9 lines of code, not counting the < code class = 'py-0.5 px-0.5 bg-gray-100' > mergeLists< / code > function below. Not bad, but < a href = 'http://en.literateprograms.org/Merge_sort_(Haskell)' class = 'text-purple-600 hover:underline' data-linkicon = 'external' target = '_blank' rel = 'noopener' > this implementation< / a > is not much longer.
2022-08-24 16:52:32 +02:00
< / p >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
On the other hand the morphism based implementation cleanly describes what happens during construction and deconstruction of our intermediate structure.
< / p >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
My guess is that, as soon as the algortihms get more complex, this will really make a difference.
< / p >
< hr class = 'mb-3' / >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
At this point I wasn’ t sure if this was useful or remotely applicable. Telling someone “I spend a whole weekend learning about Hylomorphism” isn’ t something the cool developer kids do.
< / p >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
It appeared to me that maybe I should have a look at the Core to see what the compiler finally comes up with (edited for brevity):
< / p >
< div class = 'py-0.5 mb-3 text-sm' > < pre > < code class = 'haskell language-haskell' > mergeSort :: [Integer] -> [Integer]
mergeSort =
\ (x :: [Integer]) ->
case x of wild {
[] -> [];
: x1 ds ->
case ds of _ {
[] -> : x1 ([]);
: ipv ipv1 ->
(let {
p :: ([Integer], [Integer])
p =
case $wlenAcc wild 0 of ww { __DEFAULT ->
case divInt# ww 2 of ww4 { __DEFAULT ->
case tagToEnum# (< # ww4 0) of _ {
False ->
case $wsplitAt# ww4 wild of _ { (# ww2, ww3 #) -> (ww2, ww3) };
True -> ([], wild)
} } in
(case p of _ { (x2, ds1) -> mergeSort x2 },
case p of _ { (ds1, y) -> mergeSort y }))
end Rec }< / code > < / pre > < / div >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
While I am not really competent in reading Core and this is actually the first time I bothered to try, it is immediately obvious that there is no trace of any intermediate tree structure.
< / p >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
This is when it struck me. I was dazzled and amazed. And am still. Although we are writing our algorithm as if we are working on a real tree structure the library and the compiler are able to just remove the whole intermediate step.
< / p >
< hr class = 'mb-3' / >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
< / p >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
In the beginning I promised a way to work on non-functor data structures. Actually that was how I began to work with the < code class = 'py-0.5 px-0.5 bg-gray-100' > recursion-schemes< / code > library.
< / p >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
We are able to create a ‘ normal’ version of our tree from above:
< / p >
< div class = 'py-0.5 mb-3 text-sm' > < pre > < code class = 'haskell language-haskell' > data Tree c = Empty | Leaf c | Node (Tree c) (Tree c)
deriving (Eq, Show)< / code > < / pre > < / div >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
But we can not use this directly with our (Co-)Algebras. Luckily Edward build a little bit of type magic into the library:
< / p >
< div class = 'py-0.5 mb-3 text-sm' > < pre > < code class = 'haskell language-haskell' > type instance Base (Tree c) = (TreeF c)
instance Unfoldable (Tree c) where
embed EmptyF = Empty
embed (LeafF c) = Leaf c
embed (NodeF l r) = Node l r
instance Foldable (Tree c) where
project Empty = EmptyF
project (Leaf c) = LeafF c
project (Node l r) = NodeF l r< / code > < / pre > < / div >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
Without going into detail by doing this we establish a relationship between < code class = 'py-0.5 px-0.5 bg-gray-100' > Tree< / code > and < code class = 'py-0.5 px-0.5 bg-gray-100' > TreeF< / code > and teach the compiler how to translate between these types.
< / p >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
Now we can use our Alebra on our non functor type:
< / p >
< div class = 'py-0.5 mb-3 text-sm' > < pre > < code class = 'haskell language-haskell' > example4 = cata flatten (Node (Leaf 'l') (Leaf 'r')) == "lr"< / code > < / pre > < / div >
< p class = 'mb-3' >
The great thing about this is that, looking at the Core output again, there is no traces of the < code class = 'py-0.5 px-0.5 bg-gray-100' > TreeF< / code > structure to be found. As far as I can tell, the algorithm is working directly on our < code class = 'py-0.5 px-0.5 bg-gray-100' > Tree< / code > type.
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2022-11-23 12:22:29 +01:00
< a href = 'https://www.fpcomplete.com/user/bartosz/understanding-algebras' class = 'text-purple-600 hover:underline' data-linkicon = 'external' target = '_blank' rel = 'noopener' > Understanding F-Algebras< / a >
2022-08-24 16:52:32 +02:00
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2022-11-23 12:22:29 +01:00
< a href = 'http://www.timphilipwilliams.com/slides.html' class = 'text-purple-600 hover:underline' data-linkicon = 'external' target = '_blank' rel = 'noopener' > Recursion Schemes by Example< / a >
2022-08-24 16:52:32 +02:00
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2022-11-23 12:22:29 +01:00
< a href = 'http://comonad.com/reader/2009/recursion-schemes/' class = 'text-purple-600 hover:underline' data-linkicon = 'external' target = '_blank' rel = 'noopener' > Recursion Schemes: A Field Guide< / a >
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2022-11-23 12:22:29 +01:00
< a href = 'http://stackoverflow.com/questions/6941904/recursion-schemes-for-dummies' class = 'text-purple-600 hover:underline' data-linkicon = 'external' target = '_blank' rel = 'noopener' > This StackOverflow question< / a >
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< div class = 'py-0.5 mb-3 text-sm' > < pre > < code class = 'haskell language-haskell' > mergeLists :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
mergeLists = curry $ unfoldr c where
c ([], []) = Nothing
c ([], y:ys) = Just (y, ([], ys))
c (x:xs, []) = Just (x, (xs, []))
c (x:xs, y:ys) | x < = y = Just (x, (xs, y:ys))
| x > y = Just (y, (x:xs, ys))< / code > < / pre > < / div >
2022-11-23 12:22:29 +01:00
2022-08-24 16:52:32 +02:00
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