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synced 2025-03-13 19:02:42 +00:00
This commit adds the Vulkan backend and SDL2 integration, and provides the `vulkan` example project.
62 lines
1.9 KiB
62 lines
1.9 KiB
module Input where
-- base
import Data.Int
( Int32 )
-- sdl2
import qualified SDL
data Input = Input
{ keysDown :: [ SDL.Scancode ]
, keysPressed :: [ SDL.Scancode ]
, mousePos :: ( Int32, Int32 )
, mouseRel :: ( Int32, Int32 )
, quitAction :: Bool
nullInput :: Input
= Input
{ keysDown = []
, keysPressed = []
, mousePos = ( 0, 0 )
, mouseRel = ( 0, 0 )
, quitAction = False
onSDLInput :: Input -> SDL.EventPayload -> Input
onSDLInput input SDL.QuitEvent
= input { quitAction = True }
onSDLInput input (SDL.WindowClosedEvent _)
= input { quitAction = True }
onSDLInput input ( SDL.KeyboardEvent ev )
= let keyCode = SDL.keysymScancode ( SDL.keyboardEventKeysym ev )
in case SDL.keyboardEventKeyMotion ev of
SDL.Pressed -> input { keysDown = keyCode : filter ( /= keyCode ) ( keysDown input )
, keysPressed = keyCode : filter ( /= keyCode ) ( keysPressed input )
SDL.Released -> input { keysDown = filter ( /= keyCode ) ( keysDown input ) }
onSDLInput input ( SDL.MouseMotionEvent ev )
= input { mousePos = (px, py)
, mouseRel = (rx, ry)
SDL.P ( SDL.V2 px py ) = SDL.mouseMotionEventPos ev
SDL.V2 rx ry = SDL.mouseMotionEventRelMotion ev
onSDLInput input _ = input
onSDLInputs :: Input -> [ SDL.EventPayload ] -> Input
onSDLInputs prevInput events = escapeQuits $ foldl onSDLInput zeroedInput events
zeroedInput :: Input
zeroedInput = prevInput { keysPressed = [], mouseRel = ( 0, 0 ) }
escapeQuits :: Input -> Input
escapeQuits input
| SDL.ScancodeEscape `elem` keysPressed input
= input { quitAction = True }
| otherwise
= input