mirror of
synced 2025-03-13 19:02:42 +00:00
160 lines
4.7 KiB
160 lines
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{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module DearImGui.Generator
( declareEnumerations )
-- base
import Data.Coerce
( coerce )
import Data.Bits
( Bits )
import Data.Foldable
( toList )
import Data.Traversable
( for )
import Foreign.Storable
( Storable )
-- directory
import System.Directory
( canonicalizePath )
-- filepath
import System.FilePath
( takeDirectory )
-- megaparsec
import qualified Text.Megaparsec as Megaparsec
( ParseErrorBundle(bundleErrors), parse, parseErrorPretty )
-- template-haskell
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH as TH
import qualified Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax as TH
-- text
import qualified Data.Text as Text
( isInfixOf, null, unpack, unlines )
import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
( readFile )
-- dear-imgui-generator
import qualified DearImGui.Generator.Parser as Parser
( headers )
import DearImGui.Generator.Tokeniser
( tokenise )
import DearImGui.Generator.Types
( Comment(..), Enumeration(..), Headers(..) )
-- Obtaining parsed header data.
headers :: Headers
headers = $( do
currentPath <- TH.loc_filename <$> TH.location
TH.lift =<< TH.runIO do
headersPath <- canonicalizePath ( takeDirectory currentPath <> "/../../imgui/imgui.h" )
headersSource <- Text.readFile headersPath
tokens <- case tokenise headersSource of
Left err -> error ( "Couldn't tokenise Dear ImGui headers:\n\n" <> show err )
Right toks -> pure toks
case Megaparsec.parse Parser.headers "" tokens of
Left err -> error $
"Couldn't parse Dear ImGui headers:\n\n" <>
( unlines ( map Megaparsec.parseErrorPretty . toList $ Megaparsec.bundleErrors err ) )
Right res -> pure res
-- Generating TH splices.
declareEnumerations :: TH.Name -> TH.Name -> TH.Q [ TH.Dec ]
declareEnumerations finiteEnumName countName = do
concat <$> mapM ( declareEnumeration finiteEnumName countName ) ( enums headers )
declareEnumeration :: TH.Name -> TH.Name -> Enumeration -> TH.Q [ TH.Dec ]
declareEnumeration finiteEnumName countName ( Enumeration {..} ) = do
enumNameStr :: String
enumNameStr = Text.unpack enumName
isFlagEnum :: Bool
isFlagEnum = "Flags" `Text.isInfixOf` enumName
tyName <- TH.newName enumNameStr
conName <- TH.newName enumNameStr
newtypeCon :: TH.Q TH.Con
newtypeCon =
TH.normalC conName
[ TH.bangType
( TH.bang TH.noSourceUnpackedness TH.noSourceStrictness )
( TH.conT enumType )
classes :: [ TH.Q TH.Type ]
| isFlagEnum
= map TH.conT [ ''Eq, ''Ord, ''Storable, ''Bits ]
| otherwise
= map TH.conT [ ''Eq, ''Ord, ''Storable ]
derivClause :: TH.Q TH.DerivClause
derivClause = TH.derivClause ( Just TH.NewtypeStrategy ) classes
newtypeDecl <-
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,16,0)
( if null docs
then TH.newtypeD
\ ctx name bndrs kd con derivs ->
TH.newtypeD_doc ctx name ( fmap pure bndrs ) ( fmap pure kd ) ( con, "", [] ) derivs
( Text.unpack . Text.unlines . coerce $ docs )
( pure [] ) tyName [] Nothing newtypeCon [ derivClause ]
mbAddFiniteEnumInst <-
if hasExplicitCount
then do
finiteEnumInst <-
TH.instanceD ( pure [] ) ( TH.appT ( TH.conT finiteEnumName ) ( TH.conT tyName ) )
[ TH.tySynInstD ( TH.TySynEqn Nothing
<$> TH.appT ( TH.conT countName ) ( TH.conT tyName )
<*> TH.litT ( TH.numTyLit enumSize )
pure ( finiteEnumInst : )
else pure id
synonyms <- for patterns \ ( patternName, patternValue, CommentText patDoc ) -> do
patNameStr :: String
patNameStr = Text.unpack patternName
patName <- TH.newName patNameStr
patSynSig <- TH.patSynSigD patName ( TH.conT tyName )
pat <-
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,16,0)
( if Text.null patDoc
then TH.patSynD
\ nm args dir pat ->
TH.patSynD_doc nm args dir pat
( Text.unpack patDoc ) []
patName ( TH.prefixPatSyn [] ) TH.implBidir
( TH.conP conName [ TH.litP $ TH.integerL patternValue ] )
pure ( patSynSig, pat )
pure ( newtypeDecl : mbAddFiniteEnumInst ( unpairs synonyms ) )
unpairs :: [ ( a, a ) ] -> [ a ]
unpairs [] = []
unpairs ( ( x, y ) : as ) = x : y : unpairs as