{-# LANGUAGE BlockArguments #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Main (main) where import Data.IORef import DearImGui import Control.Exception import Graphics.GL import SDL main :: IO () main = do initializeAll bracket (createWindow "Hello, Dear ImGui!" defaultWindow { windowGraphicsContext = OpenGLContext defaultOpenGL }) destroyWindow \w -> bracket (glCreateContext w) glDeleteContext \glContext -> bracket createContext destroyContext \_imguiContext -> bracket_ (sdl2InitForOpenGL w glContext) sdl2Shutdown $ bracket_ openGL2Init openGL2Shutdown do checkVersion styleColorsLight openGL2Init newIORef False >>= loop w openGL2Shutdown loop :: Window -> IORef Bool -> IO () loop w checked = do quit <- pollEvents openGL2NewFrame sdl2NewFrame w newFrame -- showDemoWindow -- showMetricsWindow -- showAboutWindow -- showUserGuide begin "My Window" text "Hello!" button "Click me" >>= \case True -> putStrLn "Oh hi Mark" False -> return () smallButton "Click me" >>= \case True -> putStrLn "Oh hi Mark" False -> return () arrowButton "Arrow" ImGuiDirUp checkbox "Check!" checked >>= \case True -> readIORef checked >>= print False -> return () progressBar 0.314 (Just "Pi") beginCombo "Label" "Preview" >>= whenTrue do selectable "Testing 1" selectable "Testing 2" endCombo beginMainMenuBar >>= whenTrue do beginMenu "Hello" >>= whenTrue do menuItem "Hello" endMenu beginMenu "World" >>= whenTrue do menuItem "World" endMenu endMainMenuBar end render glClear GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT openGL2RenderDrawData =<< getDrawData glSwapWindow w if quit then return () else loop w checked where pollEvents = do ev <- pollEventWithImGui case ev of Nothing -> return False Just Event{ eventPayload } -> do let isQuit = case eventPayload of QuitEvent -> True _ -> False (isQuit ||) <$> pollEvents whenTrue :: IO () -> Bool -> IO () whenTrue io True = io whenTrue io False = return ()