mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 17:42:43 +00:00
Add setNextWindow functions, pushColor, pushStyle, indent-related functions (#27)
This commit is contained in:
@ -30,8 +30,10 @@ main = do
color <- newIORef $ ImVec3 1 0 0
slider <- newIORef (0.42, 0, 0.314)
r <- newIORef 4
pos <- newIORef $ ImVec2 64 64
size' <- newIORef $ ImVec2 512 512
selected <- newIORef 4
loop w checked color slider r selected
loop w checked color slider r pos size' selected
@ -42,9 +44,11 @@ loop
-> IORef ImVec3
-> IORef (Float, Float, Float)
-> IORef Int
-> IORef ImVec2
-> IORef ImVec2
-> IORef Int
-> IO ()
loop w checked color slider r selected = do
loop w checked color slider r pos size' selected = do
quit <- pollEvents
@ -56,6 +60,15 @@ loop w checked color slider r selected = do
-- showAboutWindow
-- showUserGuide
setNextWindowPos pos ImGuiCond_Once Nothing
setNextWindowSize size' ImGuiCond_Once
-- Works, but will make the window contents illegible without doing something more involved.
-- setNextWindowContentSize size'
-- setNextWindowSizeConstraints size' size'
setNextWindowCollapsed False ImGuiCond_Once
setNextWindowBgAlpha 0.42
begin "My Window"
text "Hello!"
@ -134,7 +147,7 @@ loop w checked color slider r selected = do
glSwapWindow w
if quit then return () else loop w checked color slider r selected
if quit then return () else loop w checked color slider r pos size' selected
@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ module DearImGui
-- * Windows
, begin
, end
, setNextWindowPos
, setNextWindowSize
, setNextWindowContentSize
, setNextWindowSizeConstraints
, setNextWindowCollapsed
, setNextWindowBgAlpha
-- * Child Windows
, beginChild
@ -130,6 +136,10 @@ module DearImGui
-- base
import Data.Bool
import Data.Coerce
( coerce )
import Data.Int
( Int32 )
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
@ -800,3 +810,166 @@ isItemHovered = liftIO do
withCStringOrNull :: Maybe String -> (Ptr CChar -> IO a) -> IO a
withCStringOrNull Nothing k = k nullPtr
withCStringOrNull (Just s) k = withCString s k
-- | Set next window position. Call before `begin` Use pivot=(0.5,0.5) to center on given point, etc.
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowPos()@
setNextWindowPos :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ref -> ImGuiCond -> Maybe ref -> m ()
setNextWindowPos posRef (ImGuiCond con) pivotMaybe = liftIO do
pos <- get posRef
with pos $ \posPtr ->
case pivotMaybe of
Just pivotRef -> do
pivot <- get pivotRef
with pivot $ \pivotPtr ->
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowPos(*$(ImVec2 *posPtr), $(int con), *$(ImVec2 *pivotPtr)) } |]
Nothing ->
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowPos(*$(ImVec2 *posPtr), $(int con)) } |]
-- | Set next window size. Call before `begin`
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowSize()@
setNextWindowSize :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ref -> ImGuiCond -> m ()
setNextWindowSize sizeRef (ImGuiCond con) = liftIO do
size' <- get sizeRef
with size' $
\sizePtr ->[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowSize(*$(ImVec2 *sizePtr), $(int con)) } |]
-- | Set next window content size (~ scrollable client area, which enforce the range of scrollbars). Not including window decorations (title bar, menu bar, etc.) nor WindowPadding. call before `begin`
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowContentSize()@
setNextWindowContentSize :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ref -> m ()
setNextWindowContentSize sizeRef = liftIO do
size' <- get sizeRef
with size' $
\sizePtr ->[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowContentSize(*$(ImVec2 *sizePtr)) } |]
-- | Set next window size limits. use -1,-1 on either X/Y axis to preserve the current size. Sizes will be rounded down.
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowContentSize()@
setNextWindowSizeConstraints :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ref -> ref -> m ()
setNextWindowSizeConstraints sizeMinRef sizeMaxRef = liftIO do
sizeMin <- get sizeMinRef
sizeMax <- get sizeMaxRef
with sizeMin $
\sizeMinPtr ->
with sizeMax $ \sizeMaxPtr ->
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowSizeConstraints(*$(ImVec2 *sizeMinPtr), *$(ImVec2 *sizeMaxPtr)) } |]
-- | Set next window collapsed state. call before `begin`
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowCollapsed()@
setNextWindowCollapsed :: (MonadIO m) => Bool -> ImGuiCond -> m ()
setNextWindowCollapsed b (ImGuiCond con) = liftIO do
let b' = bool 0 1 b
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowCollapsed($(bool b'), $(int con)) } |]
-- | Set next window background color alpha. helper to easily override the Alpha component of `ImGuiCol_WindowBg`, `ChildBg`, `PopupBg`. you may also use `ImGuiWindowFlags_NoBackground`.
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetNextWindowBgAlpha()@
setNextWindowBgAlpha :: (MonadIO m) => Float -> m ()
setNextWindowBgAlpha f = liftIO do
let f' = coerce f
[C.exp| void { SetNextWindowBgAlpha($(float f')) } |]
-- | undo a sameLine or force a new line when in an horizontal-layout context.
-- Wraps @ImGui::NewLine()@
newLine :: (MonadIO m) => m ()
newLine = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { NewLine() } |]
-- | Add vertical spacing.
-- Wraps @ImGui::Spacing()@
spacing :: (MonadIO m) => m ()
spacing = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { Spacing() } |]
-- | Add a dummy item of given size. unlike `invisibleButton`, `dummy` won't take the mouse click or be navigable into.
-- Wraps @ImGui::Dummy()@
dummy :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ref -> m ()
dummy sizeRef = liftIO do
size' <- get sizeRef
with size' $ \ sizePtr -> [C.exp| void { Dummy(*$(ImVec2 *sizePtr)) } |]
-- | Move content position toward the right, by indent_w, or style.IndentSpacing if indent_w <= 0
-- Wraps @ImGui::Indent()@
indent :: (MonadIO m) => Float -> m ()
indent indent_w = liftIO do
let indent_w' = coerce indent_w
[C.exp| void { Indent($(float indent_w')) } |]
-- | Move content position back to the left, by indent_w, or style.IndentSpacing if indent_w <= 0
-- Wraps @ImGui::Unindent()@
unindent :: (MonadIO m) => Float -> m ()
unindent f = liftIO do
let f' = coerce f
[C.exp| void { Unindent($(float f')) } |]
-- | lock horizontal starting position
-- Wraps @ImGui::BeginGroup()@
beginGroup :: (MonadIO m) => m ()
beginGroup = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { BeginGroup() } |]
-- | unlock horizontal starting position + capture the whole group bounding box into one "item" (so you can use `isItemHovered` or layout primitives such as `sameLine` on whole group, etc.)
-- Wraps @ImGui::EndGroup()@
endGroup :: (MonadIO m) => m ()
endGroup = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { EndGroup() } |]
-- | Vertically align upcoming text baseline to FramePadding.y so that it will align properly to regularly framed items (call if you have text on a line before a framed item)
-- Wraps @ImGui::AlignTextToFramePadding()@
alignTextToFramePadding :: (MonadIO m) => m ()
alignTextToFramePadding = liftIO do
[C.exp| void { AlignTextToFramePadding() } |]
-- | Set cursor position in window-local coordinates
-- Wraps @ImGui::SetCursorPos()@
setCursorPos :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ref -> m ()
setCursorPos posRef = liftIO do
pos <- get posRef
with pos $ \ posPtr -> [C.exp| void { SetCursorPos(*$(ImVec2 *posPtr)) } |]
-- | Modify a style color by pushing to the shared stack. always use this if you modify the style after `newFrame`
-- Wraps @ImGui::PushStyleColor()@
pushStyleColor :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec4) => ImGuiCol -> ref -> m ()
pushStyleColor (ImGuiCol idx) colorRef = liftIO do
color <- get colorRef
with color $ \ colorPtr -> [C.exp| void { PushStyleColor($(int idx), *$(ImVec4 *colorPtr)) } |]
-- | Remove style color modifications from the shared stack
-- Wraps @ImGui::PopStyleColor()@
popStyleColor :: (MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m ()
popStyleColor count = liftIO do
let count' = coerce count
[C.exp| void { PopStyleColor($(int count')) } |]
-- | Modify a style variable by pushing to the shared stack. always use this if you modify the style after `newFrame`
-- Wraps @ImGui::PushStyleVar()@
pushStyleVar :: (MonadIO m, HasGetter ref ImVec2) => ImGuiStyleVar -> ref -> m ()
pushStyleVar (ImGuiStyleVar idx) valRef = liftIO do
val <- get valRef
with val $ \ valPtr -> [C.exp| void { PushStyleVar($(int idx), *$(ImVec2 *valPtr)) } |]
-- | Remove style variable modifications from the shared stack
-- Wraps @ImGui::PopStyleVar()@
popStyleVar :: (MonadIO m) => Int32 -> m ()
popStyleVar count = liftIO do
let count' = coerce count
[C.exp| void { PopStyleVar($(int count')) } |]
@ -19,14 +19,15 @@ import Language.C.Types
-- dear-imgui
import DearImGui.Structs
( ImVec3, ImVec4 )
( ImVec2, ImVec3, ImVec4 )
imguiContext :: Context
imguiContext = mempty
{ ctxTypesTable = Map.fromList
[ ( TypeName "ImVec3", [t| ImVec3 |] )
[ ( TypeName "ImVec2", [t| ImVec2 |] )
, ( TypeName "ImVec3", [t| ImVec3 |] )
, ( TypeName "ImVec4", [t| ImVec4 |] )
@ -8,6 +8,23 @@ import Foreign
( Storable(..), castPtr, plusPtr )
data ImVec2 = ImVec2 { x, y :: {-# unpack #-} !Float }
instance Storable ImVec2 where
sizeOf ~ImVec2{x, y} = sizeOf x + sizeOf y
alignment _ = 0
poke ptr ImVec2{ x, y } = do
poke (castPtr ptr `plusPtr` (sizeOf x * 0)) x
poke (castPtr ptr `plusPtr` (sizeOf x * 1)) y
peek ptr = do
x <- peek (castPtr ptr )
y <- peek (castPtr ptr `plusPtr` (sizeOf x * 1))
return ImVec2{ x, y }
data ImVec3 = ImVec3 { x, y, z :: {-# unpack #-} !Float }
Reference in New Issue
Block a user