--- title: Sketch for simulating chemodiversity author: Stefan Dresselhaus date: 2018-09-21 format: markdown+lhs ... = (rough) sketch components responsible for chemodiversity == Genes - define which enzymes are produced in which quantities - list in fig. 1 in [1] - can be scaled down/inactivated (i.e. when predators leave for generations) - easy to ramp up production as long as the genes are still there - plants can survive without problems with inactive PSM-cycles when no adversaries are present. === Inheritance & Mutation - via whole-genome and local-genome duplication - copies accumulate mutations that lead to neofunctionalization - e.g. subtle differences in terpene synthases can yield vastly different products - i.e. these changes can appear easily - need to classify products by "chemical distance" for simulation - **TODO**: Map/Markov-Chain of mutations that may occur here? === Evolutional strategies - "Bet-hedging": reduce variations of fitness over time - **TODO**: understand - different effects of intra-cohort-variation vs. inter-cohort-variation - Plants with inactive PSM can survive if predators are deterred by other individuals due to automimicry-effect which *could* foster wider genetic variance - the more of those individuals are present in a population, the less their overall fitness becomes. - **TODO**: fitness must also be able to depend on relative appearance of adversarial traits in the population - Keyword: Frequency-dependent-selection (FDS) == Pathways to produce chemical compounds - 40k+ compounds just stem from compounds of the calvin-cycle taking the MEP-pathway or from the krebs-cycle taking the MVA-pathway - both yield the same intermediate product that forms the basis. - 10k+ compounds are amino-acid-derivatives - Chapter VI in [1] exemplary describes 4 complete different pathways that yield compounds. - similar compounds/pathways should be found in the simulation === Consequences of producing compounds - taking away parts of the calvin/krebs cycle puts pressure on those - **TODO**: find out what they do and on what they depend. - **TODO**: where do amino-acids come from? How much impact has the diversion of these components? == Maintaining chemical diversity === + screening hypothesis - many PSM found have no *known* biological activity - plants "keep them around" in case another mutation needs them to produce something "useful" - creating things without use increase the need for photosynthesis and/or nutrient uptake. === - screening hypothesis - it is suggested that local abiotic & biotic selection pressures are the main driver - inactive molecules are not maintained long - it was observed that some plants "rediscovered" some compounds in their evolution suggesting they got rid of them when no pressure to maintain them was applied ==== questions resulting from this that should be answered in the simulation - details in chapter VIII of [1] - how quick can lost diversity be restored? - how expensive is it to keep producing many inactive substances while also producing active deterrents? Does this lead to a single point-of-failure due to overspecialisation? What must be done to prevent this? - strong selection pressure *should* decrease quantity of compounds due to costs, but plants do not seem to care. - is this diversity needed in presence of multiple different adversaries? - does the simulation specialize when only presented with one adversary? What about adaptive adversaries? - adaptation in the qualitative & quantitative evolution in response to changed pressure? (i.e. those who cannot adapt quick enough die?) = Scenario == Plants > data Foo = Bar == Enzymes == Herbivores == Environment == Fitness == Mating & Creation of diversity