module Environment where import Data.Functor ((<$>)) import Control.Applicative ((<*>)) import Control.Monad (forM_) import Control.Monad.Reader import Control.Parallel.Strategies import Data.List (permutations, subsequences) import Numeric.LinearAlgebra import Text.Printf import System.Random type Probability = Double type Quantity = Int type Activation = Double type Amount = Double -- | Nutrients are the basis for any reaction and are found in the environment of the plant. data Nutrient = PPM deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq) -- | Fixed, non-generic Components data Component = PP | FPP deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq) -- | Compounds are either direct nutrients, already processed components or GenericCompound data Compound = Substrate Nutrient | Produced Component | GenericCompound Int deriving (Show, Eq) instance Enum Compound where toEnum x | x <= maxS = Substrate . toEnum $ x | x - (maxS+1) <= maxP = Produced . toEnum $ x - (maxS + 1) | otherwise = GenericCompound $ x - (maxS + 1) - (maxP + 1) where maxS = fromEnum (maxBound :: Nutrient) maxP = fromEnum (maxBound :: Component) fromEnum (Substrate x) = fromEnum x fromEnum (Produced x) = fromEnum x + maxS + 1 where maxS = fromEnum (maxBound :: Nutrient) fromEnum (GenericCompound x) = x + maxS + maxP + 2 where maxS = fromEnum (maxBound :: Nutrient) maxP = fromEnum (maxBound :: Component) -- | Enzymes are the main reaction-driver behind synthesis of intricate compounds. -- -- They are assumed to be reversible. data Enzyme = Enzyme { enzymeName :: String -- ^ Name of the Enzyme. , substrateRequirements :: [(Compound,Amount)] -- ^ needed for reaction to take place , synthesis :: ((Compound,Amount),(Compound,Amount)) -- ^ given x in amount -a, this will produce y in amount b , dominance :: Maybe Amount -- ^ in case of competition for nutrients this denotes the priority -- Nothing = max possible } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | conviniently make an Enzyme using 1 of the first compund to produce 1 of the second makeSimpleEnzyme :: Compound -> Compound -> Enzyme makeSimpleEnzyme a b = Enzyme (show a ++ " -> " ++ show b) [] ((a,-1),(b,1)) Nothing -- Evironment -- ---------- -- | In the environment we have predators that impact the fitness of our plants and -- may be resistant to some compounds the plant produces. They can also differ in -- their intensity. data Predator = Predator { irresistance :: [Compound] -- ^ list of components this predator is not resistant to , fitnessImpact :: Amount -- ^ impact on the fitness of a plant -- (~ agressiveness of the herbivore) , numAttacks :: Amount -- ^ Avarage number of attacks in a generation of appearance -- (~ mean of poisson-distribution) } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Settings to enable/disable parts of the simulation data Settings = Settings { automimicry :: Bool -- ^ do we have automimicry-protection? , predatorsRandom :: Bool -- ^ do predators always appear or according to their random distribution? , numPlants :: Int -- ^ number of plants in starting population } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | The environment itself. data Environment = Environment { soil :: [(Nutrient, Amount)] -- ^ soil is a list of nutrients available to the plant. , predators :: [(Predator, Probability)] -- ^ Predators with the probability of appearance in this generation. , metabolismIteration :: Int -- ^ Number of iterations for producing compounds , maxCompound :: Int -- ^ Number of possible Compounds -- 'maxCompound' should be greater than #Nutrient + #Products. -- Rest will get filled up with 'GenericEnzyme i' -- -- To find the 'maxCompound' without 'GenericEnzyme' use -- 'maxComponent = fromEnum (maxBound :: Nutrient) + fromEnum (maxBound :: Component) + 1' , toxicCompounds :: [(Compound,Amount)] -- ^ Compounds considered to be toxic in this environment. -- Kills 100% of Predators above Amount. , possibleEnzymes :: [Enzyme] -- ^ All enzymes that can be created by genetic manipulation in this setting. , settings :: Settings } deriving (Show, Eq) -- helper function. Allows for [0..maxCompoundWithoutGeneric] :: [Compound] with all non-generic Compounds maxCompoundWithoutGeneric :: Int maxCompoundWithoutGeneric = fromEnum (maxBound :: Nutrient) + fromEnum (maxBound :: Component) + 1 type World a = ReaderT Environment IO a -- Plants -- ------ -- Plants consist of a Genome responsible for creation of the PSM and also an -- external state how many nutrients and compounds are currently inside the plant. type Genome = [(Enzyme, Quantity, Activation)] data Plant = Plant { genome :: Genome -- ^ the genetic characteristic of the plant , absorbNutrients :: World [(Nutrient,Amount)] -- ^ the capability to absorb nutrients given an environment } instance Show Plant where show p = "Plant with Genome " ++ show (genome p) instance Eq Plant where a == b = genome a == genome b -- Fitness -- ------- -- The fitness-measure is central for the generation of offspring and the -- simulation. It evaluates the probability for passing on genes given a plant in -- an environment. type Fitness = Double fitness :: [Plant] -> World [(Fitness, Vector Amount)] fitness ps = do nutrients <- mapM absorbNutrients ps -- absorb soil products <- sequenceA $ zipWith produceCompounds ps nutrients -- produce compounds ds <- liftIO $ randoms <$> newStdGen preds <- asks predators randPred <- asks (predatorsRandom . settings) let appearingPredators = if randPred then fmap (fst . fst) . filter (\((_,p),r) -> p > r) $ zip preds ds -- assign one probability to each predator, filter those who appear, throw random data away again. -- appearingPredators is now a sublist of preds without the probability. else fst <$> preds -- else just forget about probabilities automimicry <- asks (automimicry . settings) popDefense <- if automimicry then forM appearingPredators $ \p -> do as <- mapM (dieToPredator p) products -- how good can an individual deter p return $ sum as / fromIntegral (length as) -- how good can the population deter p on average else return $ repeat 1 dieRate <- mapM (dieToPredators (zip appearingPredators popDefense)) products -- defeat predators with produced compounds let sumEnzymes = sum . fmap (\(_,q,a) -> fromIntegral q*a) . genome <$> ps -- amount of enzymes * activation = resources "wasted" staticCostOfEnzymes = (\x -> 1 - 0.02*x) <$> sumEnzymes -- static cost of creating enzymes nutrientsAvailable <- fmap snd <$> asks soil let nutrientsLeft = (\p -> [p ! i | i <- [0..fromEnum (maxBound :: Nutrient)]]) <$> products nutrientRatio = minimum . zipWith (flip (/)) nutrientsAvailable <$> nutrientsLeft costOfEnzymes = max 0 <$> zipWith (\s n -> s-n*0.1) staticCostOfEnzymes nutrientRatio -- cost to keep enzymes are static costs + amount of nutrient sucked out of the primary cycle survivalRate = (1-) <$> dieRate return $ zip (zipWith (*) survivalRate costOfEnzymes) (products) produceCompounds :: Plant -> [(Nutrient, Amount)] -> World (Vector Amount) produceCompounds (Plant genes _) substrate = do numIter <- asks metabolismIteration numCompounds <- asks maxCompound let initialAmount = assoc (numCompounds+1) 0 ((\(n,a) -> (fromEnum $ Substrate n,a)) <$> substrate) :: Vector Amount enzymes = (\(e,q,a) -> (synthesis e,fromIntegral q*a)) <$> genes -- [(((Component,Amount),(Component,Amount)),q*a)], Amount got * by quantity & activation positions = concat $ (\(((i,ia),(o,oa)),f) -> [((fromEnum i,fromEnum i),f*ia),((fromEnum o,fromEnum o),f*ia),((fromEnum o,fromEnum i),f*oa),((fromEnum i,fromEnum o),f*oa)]) <$> enzymes -- [((row,column),amount)] mat = accum (konst 0 (numCompounds+1,numCompounds+1)) (+) positions --accumulate all entries into one matrix. -- mat is now the rate of change in u'(t) = A u(t) -- (l,v) = eig (ident (numCompounds+1) + ((*0.01) `cmap` mat)) -- use u(t+1) = u(t) + A u(t) = (E + A) u(t) for iteration -- final = (realPart `cmap` (v <> ((^numIter) `cmap` diag l) <> inv v)) #> initialAmount -- (E + A)^numIter * t_0 for numIter iterations. final = (realPart `cmap` matFunc (^numIter) (ident (numCompounds+1) + (((*0.01) . (:+ 0)) `cmap` mat))) #> initialAmount -- matFunc splits mat into UD(U^-1), applies function to diag-Elements in D, then multiplies togehter. -- faster, because no inversions and optimized eig. return final -- Automimicry: see Formula 2.1 -- Note: F(D) is "costOfEnzymes", but in 'fitness' we multiply "costOfEnzymes" already, -- so F(D) is omitted -- A(d_hat) is ahat * numAttacks p, because ahat is only deterrence of the population -- and does not incorporate the number of attacks, which A(d_hat) in the paper does. dieToPredators :: [(Predator, Double)] -> Vector Amount -> World Probability dieToPredators [] _ = return 0 -- if no predator, no dying. dieToPredators appearingPredators compounds = do deters <- forM appearingPredators $ \(p,ahat) -> do myDieRate <- dieToPredator p compounds return $ exp $ -(ahat*numAttacks p) * myDieRate -- exp due to assumption that number of attacks are poisson-distributed. -- myDieRate = 1 - Survival = 1 - S(D) in the paper return $ 1 - product deters dieToPredator :: Predator -> Vector Amount -> World Double dieToPredator p comps = do toxins <- asks toxicCompounds return $ product [1 - min 1 (comps ! fromEnum t * l) | (t,l) <- toxins, t `elem` irresistance p] -- Mating & Creation of diversity -- ------------------------------ -- | mate haploid haploMate :: Plant -> World Plant haploMate (Plant genes abs) = do let digen :: IO [(Double, Int)] digen = do ds <- randoms <$> newStdGen is <- randoms <$> newStdGen return $ zip ds is --generate some random infinite uniform distributed lists of doubles in [0,1) r1 <- liftIO digen r2 <- liftIO ((randoms <$> newStdGen) :: IO [Double]) r3 <- liftIO ((randoms <$> newStdGen) :: IO [Double]) r4 <- liftIO digen r5 <- liftIO digen enzymes <- asks possibleEnzymes re1 <- liftIO ((randomRs (0,length enzymes - 1) <$> newStdGen) :: IO [Int]) re2 <- liftIO ((randomRs (0,length enzymes - 1) <$> newStdGen) :: IO [Int]) let genes' = mutateGene r1 re1 . noiseActivation r2 . addGene r3 re2 . duplicateGene r4 . deleteGene r5 $ genes deleteGene :: [(Double,Int)] -> Genome -> Genome deleteGene _ [] = [] deleteGene ((r,i):rs) g = if r < 0.05 then deleteGene rs (stay ++ go' ++ stay') else g where (stay, go:stay') = splitAt (i `mod` length g - 2) g go' = case go of (e,1,a) -> [] (e,q,a) -> [(e,q-1,a)] duplicateGene :: [(Double,Int)] -> Genome -> Genome duplicateGene _ [] = [] duplicateGene ((r,i):rs) g = if r < 0.05 then duplicateGene rs (stay ++ (e,q+1,a):stay') else g where (stay, (e,q,a):stay') = splitAt (i `mod` length g - 2) g addGene :: [Double] -> [Int] -> Genome -> Genome addGene (r:rs) (s:ss) g = if r < 0.005 then (enzymes !! s,1,1):g else g noiseActivation :: [Double] -> Genome -> Genome noiseActivation (r:rs) ((e,q,a):gs) = (e,q,max 0 $ min 1 $ a-0.01+0.02*r):noiseActivation rs gs noiseActivation _ [] = [] mutateGene :: [(Double,Int)] -> [Int] -> Genome -> Genome mutateGene _ _ [] = [] mutateGene ((r,i):rs) (s:ss) g = if r < 0.25 then mutateGene rs ss (stay ++ go' ++ stay') else g where (stay, go:stay') = splitAt (i `mod` length g - 2) g go' = case go of (e,1,a) -> [(enzymes !! s,1,a)] (e,q,a) -> [(e,q-1,a),(enzymes !! s,1,a)] return $ Plant genes' abs -- Utility Functions -- ----------------- -- | Plant with no secondary metabolism with unlimited extraction from environment. emptyPlant :: Plant emptyPlant = Plant [] (asks soil) getAmountOf :: Compound -> [(Compound, Amount)] -> Amount getAmountOf c = sum . fmap snd . filter ((== c) . fst)