Stefan Dresselhaus
As this is literate Haskell first a bit of throat-clearing:
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
import Data.Functor ((<$>))
import Control.Applicative ((<*>))
import Control.Monad (forM_)
import Data.List (permutations, subsequences)
Then some general aliases to make everything more readable:
type Probability = Float
type Quantity = Int
type Activation = Float
type Amount = Float
Nutrients are the basis for any reaction and are found in the environment of the plant.
data Nutrient = Sulfur
| Phosphor
| Nitrate
| Photosynthesis
deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq)
data Component = PP
deriving (Show, Enum, Bounded, Eq)
Compounds are either direct nutrients or already processed components
data Compound = Substrate Nutrient
| Produced Component
deriving (Show, Eq)
This simple definition is only a brief sketch.
Enzymes are the main reaction-driver behind synthesis of intricate compounds.
data Enzyme = Enzyme
{ enzymeName :: String
-- ^ Name of the Enzyme. Enzymes with the same name are supposed
-- to be identical.
, substrateRequirements :: [(Nutrient,Amount)]
-- ^ needed for reaction to take place
, substrateIntolerance :: [(Nutrient,Amount)]
-- ^ inhibits reaction if given nutrients are above the given concentration
, synthesis :: [(Compound,Amount)] -> [(Compound,Amount)]
-- ^ given x in amount a, this will produce y in amount b
, dominance :: Maybe Amount
-- ^ in case of competition for nutrients this denotes the priority
-- Nothing = max possible
instance Show Enzyme where
show (Enzyme{..}) = enzymeName
instance Eq Enzyme where
a == b = enzymeName a == enzymeName b
Example “enzymes” could be:
pps :: Enzyme -- uses Phosphor from Substrate to produce PP
pps = Enzyme "PPS" [(Phosphor,1)] [] syn Nothing
syn compAvailable = [(Substrate Phosphor,i*(-1)),(Produced PP,i)]
i = getAmountOf (Substrate Phosphor) compAvailable
fpps :: Enzyme -- PP -> FPP
fpps = Enzyme "FPPS" [] [] syn Nothing
syn compAvailable = [(Produced PP,i*(-1)),(Produced FPP,i*0.5)]
i = getAmountOf (Produced PP) compAvailable
In the environment we have predators that impact the fitness of our plants and may be resistant to some compounds the plant produces. They can also differ in their intensity.
data Predator = Predator { resistance :: [Component]
-- ^ list of components this predator is resistant to
, fitnessImpact :: Amount
-- ^ impact on the fitness of a plant
-- (~ agressiveness of the herbivore)
} deriving (Show, Eq)
greenfly :: Predator -- 20% of plants die to greenfly, but the fly is
greenfly = Predator [PP] 0.2 -- killed by any Component not being PP
The environment itself is just the soil and the predators. Extensions would be possible.
data Environment =
{ soil :: [(Nutrient, Amount)]
-- ^ soil is a list of nutrients available to the plant.
, predators :: [(Predator, Probability)]
-- ^ Predators with the probability of appearance in this generation.
} deriving (Show, Eq)
exampleEnvironment :: Environment
exampleEnvironment =
{ soil = [ (Nitrate, 2)
, (Phosphor, 3)
, (Photosynthesis, 10)
, predators = [ (greenfly, 0.1) ]
Plants consist of a Genome responsible for creation of the PSM and also an internal state how many nutrients and compounds are currently inside the plant.
type Genome = [(Enzyme, Quantity, Activation)]
data Plant = Plant
{ genome :: Genome
-- ^ the genetic characteristic of the plant
, absorbNutrients :: Environment -> [(Nutrient,Amount)]
-- ^ the capability to absorb nutrients given an environment
instance Show Plant where
show p = "Plant with Genome " ++ show (genome p)
instance Eq Plant where
a == b = genome a == genome b
The following example yields in the example-environment this population:
*Main> printPopulation [pps, fpps] plants
PPS ______oöö+++______oöö+++____________oöö+++oöö+++
FPPS ____________oöö+++oöö+++______oöö+++______oöö+++
plants :: [Plant]
plants = (\g -> Plant g defaultAbsorption) <$> genomes
enzymes = [pps, fpps]
quantity = [1,2] :: [Quantity]
activation = [0.7, 0.9, 1]
genomes = do
e <- permutations enzymes
e' <- subsequences e
q <- quantity
a <- activation
return $ (,,) <$> e' <*> [q] <*> [a]
defaultAbsorption (Environment s _) = limit Phosphor 2
. limit Nitrate 1
. limit Sulfur 0
<$> s
-- custom absorbtion with helper-function:
limit :: Nutrient -> Amount -> (Nutrient, Amount) -> (Nutrient, Amount)
limit n a (n', a')
| n == n' = (n, min a a') -- if we should limit, then we do ;)
| otherwise = (n', a')
The fitness-measure is central for the generation of offspring and the simulation. It evaluates the probability for passing on genes given a plant in an environment.
type Fitness = Float
fitness :: Environment -> Plant -> Fitness
fitness e p = survivalRate
nutrients = absorbNutrients p e
products = produceCompounds p nutrients
survivalRate = deterPredators (predators e) products
produceCompounds :: Plant -> [(Nutrient, Amount)] -> [Compound]
produceCompounds (Plant genes _) = undefined
-- this will take some constrained linear algebra-solving
deterPredators :: [(Predator, Probability)] -> [Compound] -> Probability
deterPredators ps cs = sum $ do
c <- cs -- for every compound
(p,prob) <- ps -- and every predator
return (if c `notin` (resistance p) -- if the plant cannot deter the predator
then prob * fitnessImpact p -- impact it weighted by probability
else 0)
(Produced a) `notin` b = all (/=a) b
_ `notin`_ = False
main = do
putStrLn "Environment:"
print exampleEnvironment
putStrLn "Example population:"
printPopulation [pps, fpps] plants
Environment { soil = [(Nitrate,2.0),(Phosphor,3.0),(Photosynthesis,10.0)]
, predators = [(Predator {resistance = [PP], fitnessImpact = 0.2},0.1)]}
Example population:
PPS ______oöö+++______oöö+++____________oöö+++oöö+++
FPPS ____________oöö+++oöö+++______oöö+++______oöö+++
getAmountOf :: Compound -> [(Compound, Amount)] -> Amount
getAmountOf c = sum . fmap snd . filter ((== c) . fst)
printPopulation :: [Enzyme] -> [Plant] -> IO ()
printPopulation es ps = do
let padded i str = take i $ str ++ repeat ' '
putStrLn "Population:"
forM_ es $ \e -> do
putStr $ padded 8 (show e)
forM_ ps $ \(Plant g _) -> do
let curE = sum $ map (\(_,q,a) -> (fromIntegral q)*a)
. filter (\(e',_,_) -> e == e')
$ g
plot x
| x > 2 = "O"
| x > 1 = "+"
| x > 0.7 = "ö"
| x > 0.5 = "o"
| x > 0 = "."
| otherwise = "_"
putStr (plot curE)
putStrLn ""