# Bash-Oneliner I am glad that you are here! I was working on bioinformatics a few years ago and was amazed by those single-word bash commands which are much faster than my dull scripts, time saved through learning command-line shortcuts and scripting. Recent years I am working on cloud computing and I keep recording those useful commands here. Not all of them is oneliner, but i put effort on making them brief and swift. I am mainly using Ubuntu, Amazon Linux, RedHat, Linux Mint, Mac and CentOS, sorry if the commands don't work on your system. This blog will focus on simple bash commands for parsing data and Linux system maintenance that i acquired from work and LPIC exam. I apologize that there are no detailed citation for all the commands, but they are probably from dear Google and Stack Overflow. English and bash are not my first language, please correct me anytime, thank you. If you know other cool commands, please teach me! Here's a more stylish version of [Bash-Oneliner](https://onceupon.github.io/Bash-Oneliner/)~ ## Handy Bash one-liners - [Terminal Tricks](#terminal-tricks) - [Variable](#variable) - [Math](#math) - [Grep](#grep) - [Sed](#sed) - [Awk](#awk) - [Xargs](#xargs) - [Find](#find) - [Condition and Loop](#condition-and-loop) - [Time](#time) - [Download](#download) - [Random](#random) - [Xwindow](#xwindow) - [System](#system) - [Hardware](#hardware) - [Networking](#networking) - [Data Wrangling](#data-wrangling) - [Others](#others) ## Terminal Tricks ##### Using Ctrl keys ``` Ctrl + a : move to the beginning of line. Ctrl + d : if you've type something, Ctrl + d deletes the character under the cursor, else, it escapes the current shell. Ctrl + e : move to the end of line. Ctrl + k : delete all text from the cursor to the end of line. Ctrl + l : equivalent to clear. Ctrl + n : same as Down arrow. Ctrl + p : same as Up arrow. Ctrl + q : to resume output to terminal after Ctrl + s. Ctrl + r : begins a backward search through command history.(keep pressing Ctrl + r to move backward) Ctrl + s : to stop output to terminal. Ctrl + t : transpose the character before the cursor with the one under the cursor, press Esc + t to transposes the two words before the cursor. Ctrl + u : cut the line before the cursor; then Ctrl + y paste it Ctrl + w : cut the word before the cursor; then Ctrl + y paste it Ctrl + x + backspace : delete all text from the beginning of line to the cursor. Ctrl + x + Ctrl + e : launch editor defined by $EDITOR to input your command. Useful for multi-line commands. Ctrl + z : stop current running process and keep it in background. You can use `fg` to continue the process in the foreground, or `bg` to continue the process in the background. Ctrl + _ : undo typing. ``` ##### Change case ```bash Esc + u # converts text from cursor to the end of the word to uppercase. Esc + l # converts text from cursor to the end of the word to lowercase. Esc + c # converts letter under the cursor to uppercase, rest of the word to lowercase. ``` ##### Run history number (e.g. 53) ```bash !53 ``` ##### Run last command ```bash !! # run the previous command using sudo sudo !! ``` ##### Run last command and change some parameter using caret substitution (e.g. last command: echo 'aaa' -> rerun as: echo 'bbb') ```bash #last command: echo 'aaa' ^aaa^bbb #echo 'bbb' #bbb #Notice that only the first aaa will be replaced, if you want to replace all 'aaa', use ':&' to repeat it: ^aaa^bbb^:& #or !!:gs/aaa/bbb/ ``` ##### Run past command that began with (e.g. cat filename) ```bash !cat # or !c # run cat filename again ``` ##### Bash globbing ```bash # '*' serves as a "wild card" for filename expansion. /etc/pa*wd #/etc/passwd # '?' serves as a single-character "wild card" for filename expansion. /b?n/?at #/bin/cat # '[]' serves to match the character from a range. ls -l [a-z]* #list all files with alphabet in its filename. # '{}' can be used to match filenames with more than one patterns ls *.{sh,py} #list all .sh and .py files ``` ##### Some handy environment variables ``` $0 :name of shell or shell script. $1, $2, $3, ... :positional parameters. $# :number of positional parameters. $? :most recent foreground pipeline exit status. $- :current options set for the shell. $$ :pid of the current shell (not subshell). $! :is the PID of the most recent background command. $_ :last argument of the previously executed command, or the path of the bash script. $DESKTOP_SESSION current display manager $EDITOR preferred text editor. $LANG current language. $PATH list of directories to search for executable files (i.e. ready-to-run programs) $PWD current directory $SHELL current shell $USER current username $HOSTNAME current hostname ``` ##### Using vi-mode in your shell ```bash set -o vi # change bash shell to vi mode # then hit the Esc key to change to vi edit mode (when `set -o vi` is set) k # in vi edit mode - previous command j # in vi edit mode - next command 0 # in vi edit mode - beginning of the command R # in vi edit mode - replace current characters of command 2w # in vi edit mode - next to 2nd word b # in vi edit mode - previous word i # in vi edit mode - go to insert mode v # in vi edit mode - edit current command in vi man 3 readline # man page for complete readline mapping ``` ## Variable [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] ##### Variable substitution within quotes ```bash # foo=bar echo $foo # bar echo "$foo" # bar # single quotes cause variables to not be expanded echo '$foo' # $foo # single quotes within double quotes will not cancel expansion and will be part of the output echo "'$foo'" # 'bar' # doubled single quotes act as if there are no quotes at all echo ''$foo'' # bar ``` ##### Get the length of variable ```bash var="some string" echo ${#var} # 11 ``` ##### Get the first character of the variable ```bash var=string echo "${var:0:1}" #s # or echo ${var%%"${var#?}"} ``` ##### Remove the first or last string from variable ```bash var="some string" echo ${var:2} #me string ``` ##### Replacement (e.g. remove the first leading 0 ) ```bash var="0050" echo ${var[@]#0} #050 ``` ##### Replacement (e.g. replace 'a' with ',') ```bash {var/a/,} ``` ##### Replace all (e.g. replace all 'a' with ',') ```bash {var//a/,} ``` ##### Grep lines with strings from a file (e.g. lines with 'stringA or 'stringB' or 'stringC') ```bash #with grep test="stringA stringB stringC" grep ${test// /\\\|} file.txt # turning the space into 'or' (\|) in grep ``` ##### To change the case of the string stored in the variable to lowercase (Parameter Expansion) ```bash var=HelloWorld echo ${var,,} helloworld ``` ##### Expand and then execute variable/argument ```bash cmd="bar=foo" eval "$cmd" echo "$bar" # foo ``` ## Math [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] ##### Arithmetic Expansion in Bash (Operators: +, -, *, /, %, etc) ```bash echo $(( 10 + 5 )) #15 x=1 echo $(( x++ )) #1 , notice that it is still 1, since it's post-increment echo $(( x++ )) #2 echo $(( ++x )) #4 , notice that it is not 3 since it's pre-increment echo $(( x-- )) #4 echo $(( x-- )) #3 echo $(( --x )) #1 x=2 y=3 echo $(( x ** y )) #8 ``` ##### Print out the prime factors of a number (e.g. 50) ```bash factor 50 # 50: 2 5 5 ``` ##### Sum up input list (e.g. seq 10) ```bash seq 10|paste -sd+|bc ``` ##### Sum up a file (each line in file contains only one number) ```bash awk '{s+=$1} END {print s}' filename ``` ##### Column subtraction ```bash cat file| awk -F '\t' 'BEGIN {SUM=0}{SUM+=$3-$2}END{print SUM}' ``` ##### Simple math with expr ```bash expr 10+20 #30 expr 10\*20 #600 expr 30 \> 20 #1 (true) ``` ##### More math with bc ```bash # Number of decimal digit/ significant figure echo "scale=2;2/3" | bc #.66 # Exponent operator echo "10^2" | bc #100 # Using variables echo "var=5;--var"| bc #4 ``` ## Grep [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] ##### Type of grep ```bash grep = grep -G # Basic Regular Expression (BRE) fgrep = grep -F # fixed text, ignoring meta-characters egrep = grep -E # Extended Regular Expression (ERE) pgrep = grep -P # Perl Compatible Regular Expressions (PCRE) rgrep = grep -r # recursive ``` ##### Grep and count number of empty lines ```bash grep -c "^$" ``` ##### Grep and return only integer ```bash grep -o '[0-9]*' #or grep -oP '\d*' ``` ##### Grep integer with certain number of digits (e.g. 3) ```bash grep '[0-9]\{3\}' # or grep -E '[0-9]{3}' # or grep -P '\d{3}' ``` ##### Grep only IP address ```bash grep -Eo '[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}' # or grep -Po '\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}' ``` ##### Grep whole word (e.g. 'target') ```bash grep -w 'target' #or using RE grep '\btarget\b' ``` ##### Grep returning lines before and after match (e.g. 'bbo') ```bash # return also 3 lines after match grep -A 3 'bbo' # return also 3 lines before match grep -B 3 'bbo' # return also 3 lines before and after match grep -C 3 'bbo' ``` ##### Grep string starting with (e.g. 'S') ```bash grep -o 'S.*' ``` ##### Extract text between words (e.g. w1,w2) ```bash grep -o -P '(?<=w1).*(?=w2)' ``` ##### Grep lines without word (e.g. 'bbo') ```bash grep -v bbo filename ``` ##### Grep lines not begin with string (e.g. #) ```bash grep -v '^#' file.txt ``` ##### Grep variables with space within it (e.g. myvar="some strings") ```bash grep "$myvar" filename #remember to quote the variable! ``` ##### Grep only one/first match (e.g. 'bbo') ```bash grep -m 1 bbo filename ``` ##### Grep and return number of matching line(e.g. 'bbo') ```bash grep -c bbo filename ``` ##### Count occurrence (e.g. three times a line count three times) ```bash grep -o bbo filename |wc -l ``` ##### Case insensitive grep (e.g. 'bbo'/'BBO'/'Bbo') ```bash grep -i "bbo" filename ``` ##### COLOR the match (e.g. 'bbo')! ```bash grep --color bbo filename ``` ##### Grep search all files in a directory(e.g. 'bbo') ```bash grep -R bbo /path/to/directory # or grep -r bbo /path/to/directory ``` ##### Search all files in directory, do not ouput the filenames (e.g. 'bbo') ```bash grep -rh bbo /path/to/directory ``` ##### Search all files in directory, output ONLY the filenames with matches(e.g. 'bbo') ```bash grep -rl bbo /path/to/directory ``` ##### Grep OR (e.g. A or B or C or D) ``` grep 'A\|B\|C\|D' ``` ##### Grep AND (e.g. A and B) ```bash grep 'A.*B' ``` ##### Regex any single character (e.g. ACB or AEB) ```bash grep 'A.B' ``` ##### Regex with or without a certain character (e.g. color or colour) ```bash grep 'colou\?r' ``` ##### Grep all content of a fileA from fileB ```bash grep -f fileA fileB ``` ##### Grep a tab ```bash grep $'\t' ``` ##### Grep variable from variable ```bash $echo "$long_str"|grep -q "$short_str" if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then echo 'found'; fi #grep -q will output 0 if match found #remember to add space between []! ``` ##### Grep strings between a bracket() ```bash grep -oP '\(\K[^\)]+' ``` ##### Grep number of characters with known strings in between(e.g. AAEL000001-RA) ```bash grep -o -w "\w\{10\}\-R\w\{1\}" # \w word character [0-9a-zA-Z_] \W not word character ``` ##### Skip directory (e.g. 'bbo') ```bash grep -d skip 'bbo' /path/to/files/* ``` ## Sed [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] ##### Remove the 1st line ```bash sed 1d filename ``` ##### Remove the first 100 lines (remove line 1-100) ```bash sed 1,100d filename ``` ##### Remove lines with string (e.g. 'bbo') ```bash sed "/bbo/d" filename # case insensitive: sed "/bbo/Id" filename ``` ##### Remove lines whose nth character not equal to a value (e.g. 5th character not equal to 2) ```bash sed -E '/^.{5}[^2]/d' #aaaa2aaa (you can stay) #aaaa1aaa (delete!) ``` ##### Edit infile (edit and save to file), (e.g. deleting the lines with 'bbo' and save to file) ```bash sed -i "/bbo/d" filename ``` ##### When using variable (e.g. $i), use double quotes " " ```bash # e.g. add >$i to the first line (to make a bioinformatics FASTA file) sed "1i >$i" # notice the double quotes! in other examples, you can use a single quote, but here, no way! # '1i' means insert to first line ``` ##### Using environment variable and end-of-line pattern at the same time. ```bash # Use backslash for end-of-line $ pattern, and double quotes for expressing the variable sed -e "\$s/\$/\n+--$3-----+/" ``` ##### Delete/remove empty lines ```bash sed '/^\s*$/d' # or sed '/^$/d' ``` ##### Delete/remove last line ```bash sed '$d' ``` ##### Delete/remove last character from end of file ```bash sed -i '$ s/.$//' filename ``` ##### Add string to beginning of file (e.g. "\[") ```bash sed -i '1s/^/[/' file ``` ##### Add string at certain line number (e.g. add 'something' to line 1 and line 3) ```bash sed -e '1isomething' -e '3isomething' ``` ##### Add string to end of file (e.g. "]") ```bash sed '$s/$/]/' filename ``` ##### Add newline to the end ```bash sed '$a\' ``` ##### Add string to beginning of every line (e.g. 'bbo') ```bash sed -e 's/^/bbo/' file ``` ##### Add string to end of each line (e.g. "}") ```bash sed -e 's/$/\}\]/' filename ``` ##### Add \n every nth character (e.g. every 4th character) ```bash sed 's/.\{4\}/&\n/g' ``` ##### Concatenate/combine/join files with a separator and next line (e.g separate by ",") ```bash sed -s '$a,' *.json > all.json ``` ##### Substitution (e.g. replace A by B) ```bash sed 's/A/B/g' filename ``` ##### Substitution with wildcard (e.g. replace a line start with aaa= by aaa=/my/new/path) ```bash sed "s/aaa=.*/aaa=\/my\/new\/path/g" ``` ##### Select lines start with string (e.g. 'bbo') ```bash sed -n '/^@S/p' ``` ##### Delete lines with string (e.g. 'bbo') ```bash sed '/bbo/d' filename ``` ##### Print/get/trim a range of line (e.g. line 500-5000) ```bash sed -n 500,5000p filename ``` ##### Print every nth lines ```bash sed -n '0~3p' filename # catch 0: start; 3: step ``` ##### Print every odd # lines ```bash sed -n '1~2p' ``` ##### Print every third line including the first line ```bash sed -n '1p;0~3p' ``` ##### Remove leading whitespace and tabs ```bash sed -e 's/^[ \t]*//' # Notice a whitespace before '\t'!! ``` ##### Remove only leading whitespace ```bash sed 's/ *//' # notice a whitespace before '*'!! ``` ##### Remove ending commas ```bash sed 's/,$//g' ``` ##### Add a column to the end ```bash sed "s/$/\t$i/" # $i is the valuable you want to add # To add the filename to every last column of the file for i in $(ls); do sed -i "s/$/\t$i/" $i; done ``` ##### Add extension of filename to last column ```bash for i in T000086_1.02.n T000086_1.02.p; do sed "s/$/\t${i/*./}/" $i; done >T000086_1.02.np ``` ##### Remove newline\ nextline ```bash sed ':a;N;$!ba;s/\n//g' ``` ##### Print a particular line (e.g. 123th line) ```bash sed -n -e '123p' ``` ##### Print a number of lines (e.g. line 10th to line 33 rd) ```bash sed -n '10,33p' AAA#AAA) ```bash sed -r -e 's/^.{3}/&#/' file ``` ## Awk [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] ##### Set tab as field separator ```bash awk -F $'\t' ``` ##### Output as tab separated (also as field separator) ```bash awk -v OFS='\t' ``` ##### Pass variable ```bash a=bbo;b=obb; awk -v a="$a" -v b="$b" "$1==a && $10=b" filename ``` ##### Print line number and number of characters on each line ```bash awk '{print NR,length($0);}' filename ``` ##### Find number of columns ```bash awk '{print NF}' ``` ##### Reverse column order ```bash awk '{print $2, $1}' ``` ##### Check if there is a comma in a column (e.g. column $1) ```bash awk '$1~/,/ {print}' ``` ##### Split and do for loop ```bash awk '{split($2, a,",");for (i in a) print $1"\t"a[i]}' filename ``` ##### Print all lines before nth occurrence of a string (e.g stop print lines when 'bbo' appears 7 times) ```bash awk -v N=7 '{print}/bbo/&& --N<=0 {exit}' ``` ##### Print filename and last line of all files in directory ```bash ls|xargs -n1 -I file awk '{s=$0};END{print FILENAME,s}' file ``` ##### Add string to the beginning of a column (e.g add "chr" to column $3) ```bash awk 'BEGIN{OFS="\t"}$3="chr"$3' ``` ##### Remove lines with string (e.g. 'bbo') ```bash awk '!/bbo/' file ``` ##### Remove last column ```bash awk 'NF{NF-=1};1' file ``` ##### Usage and meaning of NR and FNR ```bash # For example there are two files: # fileA: # a # b # c # fileB: # d # e awk 'print FILENAME, NR,FNR,$0}' fileA fileB # fileA 1 1 a # fileA 2 2 b # fileA 3 3 c # fileB 4 1 d # fileB 5 2 e ``` ##### AND gate ```bash # For example there are two files: # fileA: # 1 0 # 2 1 # 3 1 # 4 0 # fileB: # 1 0 # 2 1 # 3 0 # 4 1 awk -v OFS='\t' 'NR=FNR{a[$1]=$2;next} NF {print $1,((a[$1]=$2)? $2:"0")}' fileA fileB # 1 0 # 2 1 # 3 0 # 4 0 ``` ##### Round all numbers of file (e.g. 2 significant figure) ```bash awk '{while (match($0, /[0-9]+\[0-9]+/)){ \printf "%s%.2f", substr($0,0,RSTART-1),substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH) \$0=substr($0, RSTART+RLENGTH) \} \print \}' ``` ##### Give number/index to every row ```bash awk '{printf("%s\t%s\n",NR,$0)}' ``` ##### Break combine column data into rows ```bash # For example, separate the following content: # David cat,dog # into # David cat # David dog awk '{split($2,a,",");for(i in a)print $1"\t"a[i]}' file # Detail here:γ€€http://stackoverflow.com/questions/33408762/bash-turning-single-comma-separated-column-into-multi-line-string ``` ##### Average a file (each line in file contains only one number) ```bash awk '{s+=$1}END{print s/NR}' ``` ##### Print field start with string (e.g Linux) ```bash awk '$1 ~ /^Linux/' ``` ##### Sort a row (e.g. 1 40 35 12 23 --> 1 12 23 35 40) ```bash awk ' {split( $0, a, "\t" ); asort( a ); for( i = 1; i <= length(a); i++ ) printf( "%s\t", a[i] ); printf( "\n" ); }' ``` ##### Subtract previous row values (add column6 which equal to column4 minus last column5) ```bash awk '{$6 = $4 - prev5; prev5 = $5; print;}' ``` ## Xargs [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] ##### Set tab as delimiter (default:space) ```bash xargs -d\t ``` ##### Prompt commands before running commands ```bash ls|xargs -L1 -p head ``` ##### Display 3 items per line ```bash echo 1 2 3 4 5 6| xargs -n 3 # 1 2 3 # 4 5 6 ``` ##### Prompt before execution ```bash echo a b c |xargs -p -n 3 ``` ##### Print command along with output ```bash xargs -t abcd # bin/echo abcd # abcd ``` ##### With find and rm ```bash find . -name "*.html"|xargs rm # when using a backtick rm `find . -name "*.html"` ``` ##### Delete files with whitespace in filename (e.g. "hello 2001") ```bash find . -name "*.c" -print0|xargs -0 rm -rf ``` ##### Show limits on command-line length ```bash xargs --show-limits # Output from my Ubuntu: # Your environment variables take up 3653 bytes # POSIX upper limit on argument length (this system): 2091451 # POSIX smallest allowable upper limit on argument length (all systems): 4096 # Maximum length of command we could actually use: 2087798 # Size of command buffer we are actually using: 131072 # Maximum parallelism (--max-procs must be no greater): 2147483647 ``` ##### Move files to folder ```bash find . -name "*.bak" -print 0|xargs -0 -I {} mv {} ~/old # or find . -name "*.bak" -print 0|xargs -0 -I file mv file ~/old ``` ##### Move first 100th files to a directory (e.g. d1) ```bash ls |head -100|xargs -I {} mv {} d1 ``` ##### Parallel ```bash time echo {1..5} |xargs -n 1 -P 5 sleep # a lot faster than: time echo {1..5} |xargs -n1 sleep ``` ##### Copy all files from A to B ```bash find /dir/to/A -type f -name "*.py" -print 0| xargs -0 -r -I file cp -v -p file --target-directory=/path/to/B # v: verbose| # p: keep detail (e.g. owner) ``` ##### With sed ```bash ls |xargs -n1 -I file sed -i '/^Pos/d' file ``` ##### Add the file name to the first line of file ```bash ls |sed 's/.txt//g'|xargs -n1 -I file sed -i -e '1 i\>file\' file.txt ``` ##### Count all files ```bash ls |xargs -n1 wc -l ``` ##### Turn output into a single line ```bash ls -l| xargs ``` ##### Count files within directories ```bash echo mso{1..8}|xargs -n1 bash -c 'echo -n "$1:"; ls -la "$1"| grep -w 74 |wc -l' -- # "--" signals the end of options and display further option processing ``` ##### Count lines in all file, also count total lines ```bash ls|xargs wc -l ``` ##### Xargs and grep ```bash cat grep_list |xargs -I{} grep {} filename ``` ##### Xargs and sed (replace all old ip address with new ip address under /etc directory) ```bash grep -rl '' /etc | xargs sed -i 's/' ``` ## Find [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] ##### List all sub directory/file in the current directory ```bash find . ``` ##### List all files under the current directory ```bash find . -type f ``` ##### List all directories under the current directory ```bash find . -type d ``` ##### Edit all files under current directory (e.g. replace 'www' with 'ww') ```bash find . -name '*.php' -exec sed -i 's/www/w/g' {} \; # if there are no subdirectory replace "www" "w" -- * # a space before * ``` ##### Find and output only filename (e.g. "mso") ```bash find mso*/ -name M* -printf "%f\n" ``` ##### Find large files in the system (e.g. >4G) ```bash find / -type f -size +4G ``` ##### Find and delete file with size less than (e.g. 74 byte) ```bash find . -name "*.mso" -size -74c -delete # M for MB, etc ``` ##### Find empty (0 byte) files ```bash find . -type f -empty # to further delete all the empty files find . -type f -empty -delete ``` ##### Recursively count all the files in a directory ```bash find . -type f | wc -l ``` ## Condition and loop [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] ##### If statement ```bash # if and else loop for string matching if [[ "$c" == "read" ]]; then outputdir="seq"; else outputdir="write" ; fi # Test if myfile contains the string 'test': if grep -q hello myfile; then echo -e "file contains the string!" ; fi # Test if mydir is a directory, change to it and do other stuff: if cd mydir; then echo 'some content' >myfile else echo >&2 "Fatal error. This script requires mydir." fi # if variable is null if [ ! -s "myvariable" ]; then echo -e "variable is null!" ; fi #True of the length if "STRING" is zero. # Using test command (same as []), to test if the length of variable is nonzero test -n "$myvariable" && echo myvariable is "$myvariable" || echo myvariable is not set # Test if file exist if [ -e 'filename' ] then echo -e "file exists!" fi # Test if file exist but also including symbolic links: if [ -e myfile ] || [ -L myfile ] then echo -e "file exists!" fi # Test if the value of x is greater or equal than 5 if [ "$x" -ge 5 ]; then echo -e "greater or equal than 5!" ; fi # Test if the value of x is greater or equal than 5, in bash/ksh/zsh: if ((x >= 5)); then echo -e "greater or equal than 5!" ; fi # Use (( )) for arithmetic operation if ((j==u+2)); then echo -e "j==u+2!!" ; fi # Use [[ ]] for comparison if [[ $age -gt 21 ]]; then echo -e "forever 21!!" ; fi ``` [More if commands](http://tldp.org/LDP/Bash-Beginners-Guide/html/sect_07_01.html) ##### For loop ```bash # Echo the file name under the current directory for i in $(ls); do echo file $i; done #or for i in *; do echo file $i; done # Make directories listed in a file (e.g. myfile) for dir in $( echo hihigithub >~/itworks at> # press Ctrl + D to exit job 1 at Wed Apr 18 11:16:00 2018 ``` ## Download [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] ##### Download the content of this README.md (the one your are viewing now) ```bash curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/onceupon/Bash-Oneliner/master/README.md | pandoc -f markdown -t man | man -l - # or w3m (a text based web browser and pager) curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/onceupon/Bash-Oneliner/master/README.md | pandoc | w3m -T text/html # or using emacs (in emac text editor) emacs --eval '(org-mode)' --insert <(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/onceupon/Bash-Oneliner/master/README.md | pandoc -t org) # or using emacs (on terminal, exit using Ctrl + x then Ctrl + c) emacs -nw --eval '(org-mode)' --insert <(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/onceupon/Bash-Oneliner/master/README.md | pandoc -t org) ``` ##### Download all from a page ```bash wget -r -l1 -H -t1 -nd -N -np -A mp3 -e robots=off http://example.com # -r: recursive and download all links on page # -l1: only one level link # -H: span host, visit other hosts # -t1: numbers of retries # -nd: don't make new directories, download to here # -N: turn on timestamp # -nd: no parent # -A: type (separate by ,) # -e robots=off: ignore the robots.txt file which stop wget from crashing the site, sorry example.com ``` ##### Upload a file to web and download (https://transfer.sh/) ```bash # Upload a file (e.g. filename.txt): curl --upload-file ./filename.txt https://transfer.sh/filename.txt # the above command will return a URL, e.g: https://transfer.sh/tG8rM/filename.txt # Next you can download it by: curl https://transfer.sh/tG8rM/filename.txt -o filename.txt ``` ##### Download file if necessary ```bash data=file.txt url=http://www.example.com/$data if [ ! -s $data ];then echo "downloading test data..." wget $url fi ``` ##### Wget to a filename (when a long name) ```bash wget -O filename "http://example.com" ``` ##### Wget files to a folder ```bash wget -P /path/to/directory "http://example.com" ``` ##### Instruct curl to follow any redirect until it reaches the final destination: ```bash curl -L google.com ``` ## Random [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] ##### Random generate password (e.g. generate 5 password each of length 13) ```bash sudo apt install pwgen pwgen 13 5 #sahcahS9dah4a xieXaiJaey7xa UuMeo0ma7eic9 Ahpah9see3zai acerae7Huigh7 ``` ##### Random pick 100 lines from a file ```bash shuf -n 100 filename ``` ##### Random order (lucky draw) ```bash for i in a b c d e; do echo $i; done | shuf ``` ##### Echo series of random numbers between a range (e.g. shuffle numbers from 0-100, then pick 15 of them randomly) ```bash shuf -i 0-100 -n 15 ``` ##### Echo a random number ```bash echo $RANDOM ``` ##### Random from 0-9 ```bash echo $((RANDOM % 10)) ``` ##### Random from 1-10 ```bash echo $(((RANDOM %10)+1)) ``` ## Xwindow [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] X11 GUI applications! Here are some GUI tools for you if you get bored by the text-only environment. ##### Enable X11 forwarding,in order to use graphical application on servers ```bash ssh -X user_name@ip_address # or setting through xhost # --> Install the following for Centos: # xorg-x11-xauth # xorg-x11-fonts-* # xorg-x11-utils ``` ##### Little xwindow tools ```bash xclock xeyes xcowsay ``` ##### Open pictures/images from ssh server ```bash 1. ssh -X user_name@ip_address 2. apt-get install eog 3. eog picture.png ``` ##### Watch videos on server ```bash 1. ssh -X user_name@ip_address 2. sudo apt install mpv 3. mpv myvideo.mp4 ``` ##### Use gedit on server (GUI editor) ```bash 1. ssh -X user_name@ip_address 2. apt-get install gedit 3. gedit filename.txt ``` ##### Open PDF file from ssh server ```bash 1. ssh -X user_name@ip_address 2. apt-get install evince 3. evince filename.pdf ``` ##### Use google-chrome browser from ssh server ```bash 1. ssh -X user_name@ip_address 2. apt-get install libxss1 libappindicator1 libindicator7 3. wget https://dl.google.com/linux/direct/google-chrome-stable_current_amd64.deb 4. sudo apt-get install -f 5. dpkg -i google-chrome*.deb 6. google-chrome ``` ## System [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] ##### Work with yum history ```bash # List yum history (e.g install, update) sudo yum history # Example output: # Loaded plugins: extras_suggestions, langpacks, priorities, update-motd # ID | Login user | Date and time | Action(s) | Altered # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 11 | ... | 2020-04-10 10:57 | Install | 1 P< # 10 | ... | 2020-03-27 05:21 | Install | 1 >P # 9 | ... | 2020-03-05 11:57 | I, U | 56 *< # ... # Show more details of a yum history (e.g. history #11) sudo yum history info 11 # Undo a yum history (e.g. history #11, this will uninstall some packages) sudo yum history undo 11 ``` ##### Audit files to see who made changes to a file [RedHat based system only] ```bash # To audit a directory recursively for changes (e.g. myproject) auditctl -w /path/to/myproject/ -p wa # If you delete a file name "VIPfile", the deletion is recorded in /var/log/audit/audit.log sudo grep VIPfile /var/log/audit/audit.log #type=PATH msg=audit(1581417313.678:113): item=1 name="VIPfile" inode=300115 dev=ca:01 mode=0100664 ouid=1000 ogid=1000 rdev=00:00 nametype=DELETE cap_fp=0000000000000000 cap_fi=0000000000000000 cap_fe=0 cap_fver=0 ``` ##### Check out whether SELinux is enabled ```bash sestatus # SELinux status: enabled # SELinuxfs mount: /sys/fs/selinux # SELinux root directory: /etc/selinux # Loaded policy name: targeted # Current mode: enforcing # Mode from config file: enforcing # Policy MLS status: enabled # Policy deny_unknown status: allowed # Max kernel policy version: 31 ``` ##### Generate public key from private key ```bash ssh-keygen -y -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa > ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ``` ##### Copy your default public key to remote user ```bash ssh-copy-id @ # then you need to enter the password # and next time you won't need to enter password when ssh to that user ``` ##### Copy default public key to remote user using the required private key (e.g. use your mykey.pem key to copy your id_rsa.pub to the remote user) ```bash # before you need to use mykey.pem to ssh to remote user. ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub -o "IdentityFile ~/Downloads/mykey.pem" @ # now you don't need to use key to ssh to that user. ``` ##### SSH Agent Forwarding ```bash # To bring your key with you when ssh to serverA, then ssh to serverB from serverA using the key. ssh-agent ssh-add /path/to/mykey.pem ssh -A @ # Next you can ssh to serverB ssh @ ``` ##### Set the default user and key for a host when using SSH ```bash # add the following to ~/.ssh/config Host myserver User myuser IdentityFile ~/path/to/mykey.pem # Next, you could run "ssh myserver" instead of "ssh -i ~/path/to/mykey.pem myuser@myserver" ``` ##### Follow the most recent logs from service ```bash journalctl -u -f ``` ##### Eliminate the zombie ```bash # A zombie is already dead, so you cannot kill it. You can eliminate the zombie by killing its parent. # First, find PID of the zombie ps aux| grep 'Z' # Next find the PID of zombie's parent pstree -p -s # Then you can kill its parent and you will notice the zombie is gone. sudo kill 9 ``` ###### Show memory usage ```bash free -c 10 -mhs 1 # print 10 times, at 1 second interval ``` ##### Display CPU and IO statistics for devices and partitions. ```bash # refresh every second iostat -x -t 1 ``` ##### Display bandwidth usage on an network interface (e.g. enp175s0f0) ```bash iftop -i enp175s0f0 ``` ##### Tell how long the system has been running and number of users ```bash uptime ``` ##### Check if it's root running ```bash if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then echo "Please run this as root" exit 1 fi ``` ##### Change shell of a user (e.g. bonnie) ```bash chsh -s /bin/sh bonnie # /etc/shells: valid login shells ``` ##### Change root / fake root / jail (e.g. change root to newroot) ```bash chroot /home/newroot /bin/bash # To exit chroot exit ``` ##### Display file status (size; access, modify and change time, etc) of a file (e.g. filename.txt) ```bash stat filename.txt ``` ##### Snapshot of the current processes ```bash ps aux ``` ##### Display a tree of processes ```bash pstree ``` ##### Find maximum number of processes ```bash cat /proc/sys/kernel/pid_max ``` ##### Print or control the kernel ring buffer ```bash dmesg ``` ##### Show IP address ```bash $ip add show # or ifconfig ``` ##### Print previous and current SysV runlevel ```bash runlevel # or who -r ``` ##### Change SysV runlevel (e.g. 5) ```bash init 5 #or telinit 5 ``` ##### Display all available services in all runlevels, ```bash chkconfig --list # update-rc.d equivalent to chkconfig in ubuntu ``` ##### Check system version ```bash cat /etc/*-release ``` ##### Linux Programmer's Manuel: hier- description of the filesystem hierarchy ```bash man hier ``` ##### Control the systemd system and service manager ```bash # e.g. check the status of cron service systemctl status cron.service # e.g. stop cron service systemctl stop cron.service ``` ##### List job ```bash jobs -l ``` ##### Run a program with modified priority (e.g. ./test.sh) ```bash # nice value is adjustable from -20 (most favorable) to +19 # the nicer the application, the lower the priority # Default niceness: 10; default priority: 80 nice -10 ./test.sh ``` ##### Export PATH ```bash export PATH=$PATH:~/path/you/want ``` ##### Make file executable ```bash chmod +x filename # you can now ./filename to execute it ``` ##### Print system information ```bash uname -a # Check system hardware-platform (x86-64) uname -i ``` ##### Surf the net ```bash links www.google.com ``` ##### Add user, set passwd ```bash useradd username passwd username ``` ##### Edit PS1 variable for bash (e.g. displaying the whole path) ```bash 1. vi ~/.bash_profile 2. export PS1='\u@\h:\w\$' # $PS1 is a variable that defines the makeup and style of the command prompt # You could use emojis and add timestamp to every prompt using the following value: # export PS1="\t@🦁:\w\$ " 3. source ~/.bash_profile ``` ##### Edit environment setting (e.g. alias) ```bash 1. vi ~/.bash_profile 2. alias pd="pwd" //no more need to type that 'w'! 3. source ~/.bash_profile ``` ##### Print all alias ```bash alias -p ``` ##### Unalias (e.g. after alias ls='ls --color=auto') ```bash unalias ls ``` ##### Set and unset shell options ```bash # print all shell options shopt # to unset (or stop) alias shopt -u expand_aliases # to set (or start) alias shopt -s expand_aliases ``` ##### List environment variables (e.g. PATH) ```bash echo $PATH # list of directories separated by a colon ``` ##### List all environment variables for current user ```bash env ``` ##### Unset environment variable (e.g. unset variable 'MYVAR') ```bash unset MYVAR ``` ##### Show partition format ```bash lsblk ``` ##### Inform the OS of partition table changes ```bash partprobe ``` ##### Soft link program to bin ```bash ln -s /path/to/program /home/usr/bin # must be the whole path to the program ``` ##### Show hexadecimal view of data ```bash hexdump -C filename.class ``` ##### Jump to different node ```bash rsh node_name ``` ##### Check port (active internet connection) ```bash netstat -tulpn ``` ##### Print resolved symbolic links or canonical file names ```bash readlink filename ``` ##### Find out the type of command and where it link to (e.g. python) ```bash type python # python is /usr/bin/python # There are 5 different types, check using the 'type -f' flag # 1. alias (shell alias) # 2. function (shell function, type will also print the function body) # 3. builtin (shell builtin) # 4. file (disk file) # 5. keyword (shell reserved word) # You can also use `which` which python # /usr/bin/python ``` ##### List all functions names ```bash declare -F ``` ##### List total size of a directory ```bash du -hs . # or du -sb ``` ##### Copy directory with permission setting ```bash cp -rp /path/to/directory ``` ##### Store current directory ```bash pushd . # then pop popd #or use dirs to display the list of currently remembered directories. dirs -l ``` ##### Show disk usage ```bash df -h # or du -h #or du -sk /var/log/* |sort -rn |head -10 ``` ##### check the Inode utilization ``` df -i # Filesystem Inodes IUsed IFree IUse% Mounted on # devtmpfs 492652 304 492348 1% /dev # tmpfs 497233 2 497231 1% /dev/shm # tmpfs 497233 439 496794 1% /run # tmpfs 497233 16 497217 1% /sys/fs/cgroup # /dev/nvme0n1p1 5037976 370882 4667094 8% / # tmpfs 497233 1 497232 1% /run/user/1000 ``` ##### Show all file system type ```bash df -TH ``` ##### Show current runlevel ```bash runlevel ``` ##### Switch runlevel ```bash init 3 #or telinit 3 ``` ##### Permanently modify runlevel ```bash 1. edit /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf 2. env DEFAULT_RUNLEVEL=2 ``` ##### Become root ```bash su ``` ##### Become somebody ```bash su somebody ``` ##### Report user quotes on device ```bash repquota -auvs ``` ##### Get entries in a number of important databases ```bash getent database_name # (e.g. the 'passwd' database) getent passwd # list all user account (all local and LDAP) # (e.g. fetch list of grop accounts) getent group # store in database 'group' ``` ##### Change owner of file ```bash chown user_name filename chown -R user_name /path/to/directory/ # chown user:group filename ``` ##### Mount and unmount ```bash # e.g. Mount /dev/sdb to /home/test mount /dev/sdb /home/test # e.g. Unmount /home/test umount /home/test ``` ##### List current mount detail ```bash mount # or df ``` ##### List current usernames and user-numbers ```bash cat /etc/passwd ``` ##### Get all username ```bash getent passwd| awk '{FS="[:]"; print $1}' ``` ##### Show all users ```bash compgen -u ``` ##### Show all groups ```bash compgen -g ``` ##### Show group of user ```bash group username ``` ##### Show uid, gid, group of user ```bash id username # variable for UID echo $UID ``` ##### Check if it's root ```bash if [ $(id -u) -ne 0 ];then echo "You are not root!" exit; fi # 'id -u' output 0 if it's not root ``` ##### Find out CPU information ```bash more /proc/cpuinfo # or lscpu ``` ##### Set quota for user (e.g. disk soft limit: 120586240; hard limit: 125829120) ```bash setquota username 120586240 125829120 0 0 /home ``` ##### Show quota for user ```bash quota -v username ``` ##### Display current libraries from the cache ```bash ldconfig -p ``` ##### Print shared library dependencies (e.g. for 'ls') ```bash ldd /bin/ls ``` ##### Check user login ```bash lastlog ``` ##### Check last reboot history ```bash last reboot ``` ##### Edit path for all users ```bash joe /etc/environment # edit this file ``` ##### Show and set user limit ```bash ulimit -u ``` ##### Print out number of cores/ processors ```bash nproc --all ``` ##### Check status of each core ``` 1. top 2. press '1' ``` ##### Show jobs and PID ```bash jobs -l ``` ##### List all running services ```bash service --status-all ``` ##### Schedule shutdown server ```bash shutdown -r +5 "Server will restart in 5 minutes. Please save your work." ``` ##### Cancel scheduled shutdown ```bash shutdown -c ``` ##### Broadcast to all users ```bash wall -n hihi ``` ##### Kill all process of a user ```bash pkill -U user_name ``` ##### Kill all process of a program ```bash kill -9 $(ps aux | grep 'program_name' | awk '{print $2}') ``` ##### Set gedit preference on server ``` # You might have to install the following: apt-get install libglib2.0-bin; # or yum install dconf dconf-editor; yum install dbus dbus-x11; # Check list gsettings list-recursively # Change some settings gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor highlight-current-line true gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor scheme 'cobalt' gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor use-default-font false gsettings set org.gnome.gedit.preferences.editor editor-font 'Cantarell Regular 12' ``` ##### Add user to a group (e.g add user 'nice' to the group 'docker', so that he can run docker without sudo) ```bash sudo gpasswd -a nice docker ``` ##### Pip install python package without root ```bash 1. pip install --user package_name 2. You might need to export ~/.local/bin/ to PATH: export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin/ ``` ##### Removing old linux kernels (when /boot almost full...) ```bash 1. uname -a #check current kernel, which should NOT be removed 2. sudo apt-get purge linux-image-X.X.X-X-generic #replace old version ``` ##### Change hostname ```bash sudo hostname your-new-name # if not working, do also: hostnamectl set-hostname your-new-hostname # then check with: hostnamectl # Or check /etc/hostname # If still not working..., edit: /etc/sysconfig/network /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ensxxx #add HOSTNAME="your-new-hostname" ``` ##### List installed packages ```bash apt list --installed # or on Red Hat: yum list installed ``` ##### Check for package update ```bash apt list --upgradeable # or sudo yum check-update ``` ##### Run yum update excluding a package (e.g. do not update php packages) ```bash sudo yum update --exclude=php* ``` ##### Check which file make the device busy on umount ```bash lsof /mnt/dir ``` ##### When sound not working ```bash killall pulseaudio # then press Alt-F2 and type in pulseaudio ``` ##### List information about SCSI devices ```bash lsscsi ``` ##### Tutorial for setting up your own DNS server http://onceuponmine.blogspot.tw/2017/08/set-up-your-own-dns-server.html ##### Tutorial for creating a simple daemon http://onceuponmine.blogspot.tw/2017/07/create-your-first-simple-daemon.html ##### Tutorial for using your gmail to send email http://onceuponmine.blogspot.tw/2017/10/setting-up-msmtprc-and-use-your-gmail.html ##### Using telnet to test open ports, test if you can connect to a port (e.g 53) of a server (e.g ```bash telnet 53 ``` ##### Change network maximum transmission unit (mtu) (e.g. change to 9000) ```bash ifconfig eth0 mtu 9000 ``` ##### Get pid of a running process (e.g python) ```bash pidof python # or ps aux|grep python ``` ##### Check status of a process using PID ```bash ps -p #or cat /proc//status cat /proc//stack cat /proc//stat ``` ##### NTP ```bash # Start ntp: ntpd # Check ntp: ntpq -p ``` ##### Remove unnecessary files to clean your server ```bash sudo apt-get autoremove sudo apt-get clean sudo rm -rf ~/.cache/thumbnails/* # Remove old kernal: sudo dpkg --list 'linux-image*' sudo apt-get remove linux-image-OLDER_VERSION ``` ##### Increase/ resize root partition (root partition is an LVM logical volume) ```bash pvscan lvextend -L +130G /dev/rhel/root -r # Adding -r will grow filesystem after resizing the volume. ``` ##### Create a UEFI Bootable USB drive (e.g. /dev/sdc1) ```bash sudo dd if=~/path/to/isofile.iso of=/dev/sdc1 oflag=direct bs=1048576 ``` ##### Locate and remove a package ```bash sudo dpkg -l | grep sudo dpkg --purge ``` ##### Create a ssh tunnel ```bash ssh -f -L 9000:targetservername:8088 root@ -N #-f: run in background; -L: Listen; -N: do nothing #the 9000 of your computer is now connected to the 8088 port of the targetservername through #so that you can see the content of targetservername:8088 by entering localhost:9000 from your browser. ``` ##### Get process ID of a process (e.g. sublime_text) ```bash #pidof pidof sublime_text #pgrep, you don't have to type the whole program name pgrep sublim #pgrep, echo 1 if process found, echo 0 if no such process pgrep -q sublime_text && echo 1 || echo 0 #top, takes longer time top|grep sublime_text ``` ##### Some benchmarking tools for your server [aio-stress](https://openbenchmarking.org/test/pts/aio-stress) - AIO benchmark. [bandwidth](https://zsmith.co/bandwidth.html) - memory bandwidth benchmark. [bonnie++](https://www.coker.com.au/bonnie++/) - hard drive and file system performance benchmark. [dbench](https://dbench.samba.org/) - generate I/O workloads to either a filesystem or to a networked CIFS or NFS server. [dnsperf](https://www.dnsperf.com/) - authorative and recursing DNS servers. [filebench](https://github.com/filebench/filebench) - model based file system workload generator. [fio](https://linux.die.net/man/1/fio) - I/O benchmark. [fs_mark](https://github.com/josefbacik/fs_mark) - synchronous/async file creation benchmark. [httperf](https://github.com/httperf/httperf) - measure web server performance. [interbench](https://github.com/ckolivas/interbench) - linux interactivity benchmark. [ioblazer](https://labs.vmware.com/flings/ioblazer) - multi-platform storage stack micro-benchmark. [iozone](http://www.iozone.org/) - filesystem benchmark. [iperf3](https://iperf.fr/iperf-download.php) - measure TCP/UDP/SCTP performance. [kcbench](https://github.com/knurd/kcbench) - kernel compile benchmark, compiles a kernel and measures the time it takes. [lmbench](http://www.bitmover.com/lmbench/) - Suite of simple, portable benchmarks. [netperf](https://github.com/HewlettPackard/netperf) - measure network performance, test unidirectional throughput, and end-to-end latency. [netpipe](https://linux.die.net/man/1/netpipe) - network protocol independent performance evaluator. [nfsometer](http://wiki.linux-nfs.org/wiki/index.php/NFSometer) - NFS performance framework. [nuttcp](https://www.nuttcp.net/Welcome%20Page.html) - measure network performance. [phoronix-test-suite](https://www.phoronix-test-suite.com/) - comprehensive automated testing and benchmarking platform. [seeker](https://github.com/fidlej/seeker) - portable disk seek benchmark. [siege](https://github.com/JoeDog/siege) - http load tester and benchmark. [sockperf](https://github.com/Mellanox/sockperf) - network benchmarking utility over socket API. [spew](https://linux.die.net/man/1/spew) - measures I/O performance and/or generates I/O load. [stress](https://people.seas.harvard.edu/~apw/stress/) - workload generator for POSIX systems. [sysbench](https://github.com/akopytov/sysbench) - scriptable database and system performance benchmark. [tiobench](https://github.com/mkuoppal/tiobench) - threaded IO benchmark. [unixbench](https://github.com/kdlucas/byte-unixbench) - the original BYTE UNIX benchmark suite, provide a basic indicator of the performance of a Unix-like system. [wrk](https://github.com/wg/wrk) - HTTP benchmark. ##### Performance monitoring tool - sar ```bash # installation # It collects the data every 10 minutes and generate its report daily. crontab file (/etc/cron.d/sysstat) is responsible for collecting and generating reports. yum install sysstat systemctl start sysstat systemctl enable sysstat # show CPU utilization 5 times every 2 seconds. sar 2 5 # show memory utilization 5 times every 2 seconds. sar -r 2 5 # show paging statistics 5 times every 2 seconds. sar -B 2 5 # To generate all network statistic: sar -n ALL # reading SAR log file using -f sar -f /var/log/sa/sa31|tail ``` ##### Reading from journal file ```bash journalctl --file ./log/journal/a90c18f62af546ccba02fa3734f00a04/system.journal --since "2020-02-11 00:00:00" ``` ##### Show a listing of last logged in users. ```bash lastb ``` ##### Show a listing of current logged in users, print information of them ```bash who ``` ##### Show who is logged on and what they are doing ```bash w ``` ##### Print the user names of users currently logged in to the current host. ```bash users ``` ##### Stop tailing a file on program terminate ```bash tail -f --pid= filename.txt # replace with the process ID of the program. ``` ##### List all enabled services ```bash systemctl list-unit-files|grep enabled ``` ## Hardware [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] ##### Collect and summarize all hardware info of your machine ```bash lshw -json >report.json # Other options are: [ -html ] [ -short ] [ -xml ] [ -json ] [ -businfo ] [ -sanitize ] ,etc ``` ##### Finding Out memory device detail ```bash sudo dmidecode -t memory ``` ##### Print detail of CPU hardware ```bash dmidecode -t 4 # Type Information # 0 BIOS # 1 System # 2 Base Board # 3 Chassis # 4 Processor # 5 Memory Controller # 6 Memory Module # 7 Cache # 8 Port Connector # 9 System Slots # 11 OEM Strings # 13 BIOS Language # 15 System Event Log # 16 Physical Memory Array # 17 Memory Device # 18 32-bit Memory Error # 19 Memory Array Mapped Address # 20 Memory Device Mapped Address # 21 Built-in Pointing Device # 22 Portable Battery # 23 System Reset # 24 Hardware Security # 25 System Power Controls # 26 Voltage Probe # 27 Cooling Device # 28 Temperature Probe # 29 Electrical Current Probe # 30 Out-of-band Remote Access # 31 Boot Integrity Services # 32 System Boot # 34 Management Device # 35 Management Device Component # 36 Management Device Threshold Data # 37 Memory Channel # 38 IPMI Device # 39 Power Supply ``` ##### Count the number of Segate hard disks ```bash lsscsi|grep SEAGATE|wc -l # or sg_map -i -x|grep SEAGATE|wc -l ``` ##### Get UUID of a disk (e.g. sdb) ```bash lsblk -f /dev/sdb # or sudo blkid /dev/sdb ``` ##### Generate an UUID ```bash uuidgen ``` ##### Print detail of all hard disks ```bash lsblk -io KNAME,TYPE,MODEL,VENDOR,SIZE,ROTA #where ROTA means rotational device / spinning hard disks (1 if true, 0 if false) ``` ##### List all PCI (Peripheral Component Interconnect) devices ```bash lspci # List information about NIC lspci | egrep -i --color 'network|ethernet' ``` ##### List all USB devices ```bash lsusb ``` ##### Linux modules ```bash # Show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel lsmod # Add and remove modules from the Linux Kernel modprobe # or # Remove a module rmmod # Insert a module insmod ``` ##### Controlling IPMI-enabled devices (e.g. BMC) ```bash # Remotely finding out power status of the server ipmitool -U -P -I lanplus -H power status # Remotely switching on server ipmitool -U -P -I lanplus -H power on # Turn on panel identify light (default 15s) ipmitool chassis identify 255 # Found out server sensor temperature ipmitool sensors |grep -i Temp # Reset BMC ipmitool bmc reset cold # Prnt BMC network ipmitool lan print 1 # Setting BMC network ipmitool -I bmc lan set 1 ipaddr ipmitool -I bmc lan set 1 netmask ipmitool -I bmc lan set 1 defgw ipaddr ``` ## Networking [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] ##### Resolve a domain to IP address(es) ```bash dig +short www.example.com # or host www.example.com ``` ##### Get DNS TXT record a of domain ```bash dig -t txt www.example.com # or host -t txt www.example.com ``` ##### Send a ping with a limited TTL to 10 (TTL: Time-To-Live, which is the maximum number of hops that a packet can travel across the Internet before it gets discarded.) ```bash ping -t 10 ``` ##### Print the route packets trace to network host ```bash traceroute google.com ``` ##### Check connection to host (e.g. check connection to port 80 and 22 of google.com) ```bash nc -vw5 google.com 80 # Connection to google.com 80 port [tcp/http] succeeded! nc -vw5 google.com 22 # nc: connect to google.com port 22 (tcp) timed out: Operation now in progress # nc: connect to google.com port 22 (tcp) failed: Network is unreachable ``` ##### Nc as a chat tool! ```bash # From server A: $ sudo nc -l 80 # then you can connect to the 80 port from another server (e.g. server B): # e.g. telnet 80 # then type something in server B # and you will see the result in server A! ``` ##### Check which ports are listening for TCP connections from the network ```bash #notice that some companies might not like you using nmap nmap -sT -O localhost # check port 0-65535 nmap -p0-65535 localhost ``` ##### Check if a host is up and scan for open ports, also skip host discovery. ```bash #skips checking if the host is alive which may sometimes cause a false positive and stop the scan. $ nmap google.com -Pn # Example output: # Starting Nmap 7.01 ( https://nmap.org ) at 2020-07-18 22:59 CST # Nmap scan report for google.com ( # Host is up (0.013s latency). # Other addresses for google.com (not scanned): 2404:6800:4008:802::200e # rDNS record for tsa01s07-in-f14.1e100.net # Not shown: 998 filtered ports # PORT STATE SERVICE # 80/tcp open http # 443/tcp open https # # Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 3.99 seconds ``` ##### Scan for open ports and OS and version detection (e.g. scan the domain "scanme.nmap.org") ```bash $ nmap -A -T4 scanme.nmap.org # -A to enable OS and version detection, script scanning, and traceroute; -T4 for faster execution ``` ##### Look up website information (e.g. name server), searches for an object in a RFC 3912 database. ```bash whois google.com ``` ##### Show the SSL certificate of a domain ```bash openssl s_client -showcerts -connect www.example.com:443 ``` ##### Display IP address ```bash ip a ``` ##### Display route table ```bash ip r ``` ##### Display ARP cache (ARP cache displays the MAC addresses of device in the same network that you have connected to) ```bash ip n ``` ##### Add transient IP addres (reset after reboot) (e.g. add to device eno16777736) ```bash ip address add dev eno16777736 ``` ##### Persisting network configuration changes ```bash sudo vi /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-enoxxx # then edit the fields: BOOTPROT, DEVICE, IPADDR, NETMASK, GATEWAY, DNS1 etc ``` ##### Refresh NetworkManager ```bash sudo nmcli c reload ``` ##### Restart all interfaces ```bash sudo systemctl restart network.service ``` ##### To view hostname, OS, kernal, architecture at the same time! ```bash hostnamectl ``` ##### Set hostname (set all transient, static, pretty hostname at once) ```bash hostnamectl set-hostname "mynode" ``` ##### Find out the web server (e.g Nginx or Apache) of a website ```bash curl -I http://example.com/ # HTTP/1.1 200 OK # Server: nginx # Date: Thu, 02 Jan 2020 07:01:07 GMT # Content-Type: text/html # Content-Length: 1119 # Connection: keep-alive # Vary: Accept-Encoding # Last-Modified: Mon, 09 Sep 2019 10:37:49 GMT # ETag: "xxxxxx" # Accept-Ranges: bytes # Vary: Accept-Encoding ``` ##### Find out the http status code of a URL ```bash curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{http_code}" https://www.google.com ``` ##### Unshorten a shortended URL ```bash curl -s -o /dev/null -w "%{redirect_url}" https://bit.ly/34EFwWC ``` ##### Perform network throughput tests ```bash # server side: $ sudo iperf -s -p 80 # client side: iperf -c --parallel 2 -i 1 -t 2 -p 80 ``` ##### To block port 80 (HTTP server) using iptables. ```bash sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j DROP # only block connection from an IP address sudo iptables –A INPUT –s -p tcp –dport 80 –j DROP ``` ## Data wrangling [[back to top](#handy-bash-one-liners)] ##### Print some words that start with a particular string (e.g. words start with 'phy') ```bash # If file is not specified, the file /usr/share/dict/words is used. look phy|head -n 10 # phycic # Phyciodes # phycite # Phycitidae # phycitol # phyco- # phycochrom # phycochromaceae # phycochromaceous # phycochrome ``` ##### Repeat printing string n times (e.g. print 'hello world' five times) ```bash printf 'hello world\n%.0s' {1..5} ``` ##### Do not echo the trailing newline ```bash username=`echo -n "bashoneliner"` ``` ##### Copy a file to multiple files (e.g copy fileA to file(B-D)) ```bash tee /dev/null ``` ##### Delete all non-printing characters ```bash tr -dc '[:print:]' < filename ``` ##### Remove newline / nextline ```bash tr --delete '\n' output.txt ``` ##### Replace newline ```bash tr '\n' ' ' /g'| cut -f1-2 | tr '\t' '\n' >file.fa ``` ##### Reverse string ```bash echo 12345| rev ``` ##### Generate sequence 1-10 ```bash seq 10 ``` ##### Find average of input list/file of integers ```bash i=`wc -l filename|cut -d ' ' -f1`; cat filename| echo "scale=2;(`paste -sd+`)/"$i|bc ``` ##### Generate all combination (e.g. 1,2) ```bash echo {1,2}{1,2} # 1 1, 1 2, 2 1, 2 2 ``` ##### Generate all combination (e.g. A,T,C,G) ```bash set = {A,T,C,G} group= 5 for ((i=0; i<$group; i++)); do repetition=$set$repetition; done bash -c "echo "$repetition"" ``` ##### Read file content to variable ```bash foo=$( $(basename filename.gz .gz).unpacked ``` ##### Add file extension to all file(e.g add .txt) ```bash rename s/$/.txt/ * # You can use rename -n s/$/.txt/ * to check the result first, it will only print sth like this: # rename(a, a.txt) # rename(b, b.txt) # rename(c, c.txt) ``` ##### Squeeze repeat patterns (e.g. /t/t --> /t) ```bash tr -s "/t" < filename ``` ##### Do not print nextline with echo ```bash echo -e 'text here \c' ``` ##### View first 50 characters of file ```bash head -c 50 file ``` ##### Cut and get last column of a file ```bash cat file|rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev ``` ##### Add one to variable/increment/ i++ a numeric variable (e.g. $var) ```bash ((var++)) # or var=$((var+1)) ``` ##### Cut the last column ```bash cat filename|rev|cut -f1|rev ``` ##### Create or replace a file with contents ```bash cat >myfile let me add sth here # exit with ctrl+d # or using tee tee myfile let me add sth else here # exit with ctrl+d ``` ##### Append to a file with contents ```bash cat >>myfile let me add sth here # exit with ctrl+d # or using tee tee -a myfile let me add sth else here # exit with ctrl+d ``` ##### Clear the contents of a file (e.g. filename) ```bash >filename ``` ##### Append to file (e.g. hihi) ```bash echo 'hihi' >>filename ``` ##### Working with json data ```bash #install the useful jq package #sudo apt-get install jq #e.g. to get all the values of the 'url' key, simply pipe the json to the following jq command(you can use .[]. to select inner json, i.e jq '.[].url') cat file.json | jq '.url' ``` ##### Decimal to Binary (e.g get binary of 5) ```bash D2B=({0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}{0..1}) echo -e ${D2B[5]} #00000101 echo -e ${D2B[255]} #11111111 ``` ##### Wrap each input line to fit in specified width (e.g 4 integers per line) ```bash echo "00110010101110001101" | fold -w4 # 0011 # 0010 # 1011 # 1000 # 1101 ``` ##### Sort a file by column and keep the original order ```bash sort -k3,3 -s ``` ##### Right align a column (right align the 2nd column) ```bash cat file.txt|rev|column -t|rev ``` ##### To both view and store the output ```bash echo 'hihihihi' | tee outputfile.txt # use '-a' with tee to append to file. ``` ##### Show non-printing (Ctrl) characters with cat ```bash cat -v filename ``` ##### Convert tab to space ```bash expand filename ``` ##### Convert space to tab ```bash unexpand filename ``` ##### Display file in octal ( you can also use od to display hexadecimal, decimal, etc) ```bash od filename ``` ##### Reverse cat a file ```bash tac filename ``` ##### Reverse the result from `uniq -c` ```bash while read a b; do yes $b |head -n $a ; done log & # or some_commands 2>log & # or some_commands 2>&1| tee logfile # or some_commands |& tee logfile # or some_commands 2>&1 >>outfile #0: standard input; 1: standard output; 2: standard error ``` ##### Run multiple commands in background ```bash # run sequentially (sleep 2; sleep 3) & # run parallelly sleep 2 & sleep 3 & ``` ##### Run process even when logout (immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty) ```bash # e.g. Run myscript.sh even when log out. nohup bash myscript.sh ``` ##### Send mail ```bash echo 'heres the content'| mail -a /path/to/attach_file.txt -s 'mail.subject' me@gmail.com # use -a flag to set send from (-a "From: some@mail.tld") ``` ##### Convert .xls to csv ```bash xls2csv filename ``` ##### Make BEEP sound ```bash speaker-test -t sine -f 1000 -l1 ``` ##### Set beep duration ```bash (speaker-test -t sine -f 1000) & pid=$!;sleep 0.1s;kill -9 $pid ``` ##### Editing your history ```bash history -w vi ~/.bash_history history -r #or history -d [line_number] ``` ##### Interacting with history ```bash # list 5 previous command (similar to `history |tail -n 5` but wont print the history command itself) fc -l -5 ``` ##### Delete current bash command ```bash Ctrl+U # or Ctrl+C # or Alt+Shift+# # to make it to history ``` ##### Add something to history (e.g. "addmetohistory") ```bash # addmetodistory # just add a "#" before~~ ``` ##### Get last history/record filename ```bash head !$ ``` ##### Clean screen ```bash clear # or simply Ctrl+l ``` ##### Backup with rsync ```bash rsync -av filename filename.bak rsync -av directory directory.bak rsync -av --ignore_existing directory/ directory.bak rsync -av --update directory directory.bak rsync -av directory user@ip_address:/path/to/directory.bak # skip files that are newer on receiver (i prefer this one!) ``` ##### Create a temporary directory and `cd` into it ```bash cd $(mktemp -d) # for example, this will create a temporary directory "/tmp/tmp.TivmPLUXFT" ``` ##### Make all directories at one time! ```bash mkdir -p project/{lib/ext,bin,src,doc/{html,info,pdf},demo/stat} # -p: make parent directory # this will create: # project/ # project/bin/ # project/demo/ # project/demo/stat/ # project/doc/ # project/doc/html/ # project/doc/info/ # project/doc/pdf/ # project/lib/ # project/lib/ext/ # project/src/ # # project/ # β”œβ”€β”€ bin # β”œβ”€β”€ demo # β”‚ └── stat # β”œβ”€β”€ doc # β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ html # β”‚ β”œβ”€β”€ info # β”‚ └── pdf # β”œβ”€β”€ lib # β”‚ └── ext # └── src ``` ##### Run command only if another command returns zero exit status (well done) ```bash cd tmp/ && tar xvf ~/a.tar ``` ##### Run command only if another command returns non-zero exit status (not finish) ```bash cd tmp/a/b/c ||mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c ``` ##### Use backslash "\" to break long command ```bash cd tmp/a/b/c \ > || \ >mkdir -p tmp/a/b/c ``` ##### List file type of file (e.g. /tmp/) ```bash file /tmp/ # tmp/: directory ``` ##### Writing Bash script ('#!'' is called shebang ) ```bash #!/bin/bash file=${1#*.} # remove string before a "." ``` ##### Python simple HTTP Server ```bash python -m SimpleHTTPServer # or when using python3: python3 -m http.server ``` ##### Read user input ```bash read input echo $input ``` ##### Array ```bash declare -a array=() # or declare array=() # or associative array declare -A array=() ``` ##### Send a directory ```bash scp -r directoryname user@ip:/path/to/send ``` ##### Fork bomb ```bash # Don't try this at home! # It is a function that calls itself twice every call until you run out of system resources. # A '# ' is added in front for safety reason, remove it when seriously you are testing it. # :(){:|:&};: ``` ##### Use the last argument ```bash !$ ``` ##### Check last exit code ```bash echo $? ``` ##### Extract .xz ``` unxz filename.tar.xz # then tar -xf filename.tar ``` ##### Unzip tar.bz2 file (e.g. file.tar.bz2) ```bash tar xvfj file.tar.bz2 ``` ##### Unzip tar.xz file (e.g. file.tar.xz) ```bash unxz file.tar.xz tar xopf file.tar ``` ##### Extract to a path ```bash tar xvf -C /path/to/directory filename.gz ``` ##### Zip the content of a directory without including the directory itself ```bash # First cd to the directory, they run: zip -r -D ../myzipfile . # you will see the myzipfile.zip in the parent directory (cd ..) ``` ##### Output a y/n repeatedly until killed ```bash # 'y': yes # or 'n': yes n # or 'anything': yes anything # pipe yes to other command yes | rm -r large_directory ``` ##### Create large dummy file of certain size instantly (e.g. 10GiB) ```bash fallocate -l 10G 10Gigfile ``` ##### Create dummy file of certain size (e.g. 200mb) ```bash dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/shm/200m bs=1024k count=200 # or dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/shm/200m bs=1M count=200 # Standard output: # 200+0 records in # 200+0 records out # 209715200 bytes (210 MB) copied, 0.0955679 s, 2.2 GB/s ``` ##### Keep /repeatedly executing the same command (e.g Repeat 'wc -l filename' every 1 second) ```bash watch -n 1 wc -l filename ``` ##### Use Bash Strict Mode ```bash # These options can make your code safer but, depending on how your pipeline is written, it might be too aggressive # or it might not catch the errors that you are interested in # for reference see https://gist.github.com/mohanpedala/1e2ff5661761d3abd0385e8223e16425 # and https://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashPitfalls#set_-euo_pipefail set -o errexit # exit immediately if a pipeline returns a non-zero status set -o errtrace # trap ERR from shell functions, command substitutions, and commands from subshell set -o nounset # treat unset variables as an error set -o pipefail # pipe will exit with last non-zero status, if applicable set -Eue -o pipefail # shorthand for above (pipefail has no short option) ``` ##### Print commands and their arguments when execute (e.g. echo `expr 10 + 20 `) ```bash set -x; echo `expr 10 + 20 ` # or set -o xtrace; echo `expr 10 + 20 ` # to turn it off.. set +x ``` ##### Print some meaningful sentences to you (install fortune first) ```bash fortune ``` ##### Colorful (and useful) version of top (install htop first) ```bash htop ``` ##### Press any key to continue ```bash read -rsp $'Press any key to continue...\n' -n1 key ``` ##### Run sql-like command on files from terminal ```bash # download: # https://github.com/harelba/q # example: q -d "," "select c3,c4,c5 from /path/to/file.txt where c3='foo' and c5='boo'" ``` ##### Using Screen for multiple terminal sessions ```bash # Create session and attach: screen # Create a screen and name it 'test' screen -S test # Create detached session foo: screen -S foo -d -m # Detached session foo: screen: ^a^d # List sessions: screen -ls # Attach last session: screen -r # Attach to session foo: screen -r foo # Kill session foo: screen -r foo -X quit # Scroll: # Hit your screen prefix combination (C-a / control+A), then hit Escape. # Move up/down with the arrow keys (↑ and ↓). # Redirect output of an already running process in Screen: # (C-a / control+A), then hit 'H' # Store screen output for Screen: # Ctrl+A, Shift+H # You will then find a screen.log file under current directory. ``` ##### Using Tmux for multiple terminal sessions ```bash # Create session and attach: tmux # Attach to session foo: tmux attach -t foo # Detached session foo: ^bd # List sessions: tmux ls # Attach last session: tmux attach # Kill session foo: tmux kill-session -t foo # Create detached session foo: tmux new -s foo -d # Send command to all panes in tmux: Ctrl-B :setw synchronize-panes # Some tmux pane control commands: Ctrl-B # Panes (splits), Press Ctrl+B, then input the following symbol: # % horizontal split # " vertical split # o swap panes # q show pane numbers # x kill pane # space - toggle between layouts # Distribute Vertically (rows): select-layout even-vertical # or Ctrl+b, Alt+2 # Distribute horizontally (columns): select-layout even-horizontal # or Ctrl+b, Alt+1 # Scroll Ctrl-b then \[ then you can use your normal navigation keys to scroll around. Press q to quit scroll mode. ``` ##### Pass password to ssh ```bash sshpass -p mypassword ssh root@ "df -h" ``` ##### Wait for a pid (job) to complete ```bash wait %1 # or wait $PID wait ${!} #wait ${!} to wait till the last background process ($! is the PID of the last background process) ``` ##### Convert pdf to txt ```bash sudo apt-get install poppler-utils pdftotext example.pdf example.txt ``` ##### List only directory ```bash ls -d */ ``` ##### List one file per line. ```bash ls -1 # or list all, do not ignore entries starting with . ls -1a ``` ##### Capture/record/save terminal output (capture everything you type and output) ```bash script output.txt # start using terminal # to logout the screen session (stop saving the contents), type exit. ``` ##### List contents of directories in a tree-like format. ```bash tree # go to the directory you want to list, and type tree (sudo apt-get install tree) # output: # home/ # └── project # β”œβ”€β”€ 1 # β”œβ”€β”€ 2 # β”œβ”€β”€ 3 # β”œβ”€β”€ 4 # └── 5 # # set level directories deep (e.g. level 1) tree -L 1 # home/ # └── project ``` ##### Set up virtualenv(sandbox) for python ```bash # 1. install virtualenv. sudo apt-get install virtualenv # 2. Create a directory (name it .venv or whatever name your want) for your new shiny isolated environment. virtualenv .venv # 3. source virtual bin source .venv/bin/activate # 4. you can check check if you are now inside a sandbox. type pip # 5. Now you can install your pip package, here requirements.txt is simply a txt file containing all the packages you want. (e.g tornado==4.5.3). pip install -r requirements.txt # 6. Exit virtual environment deactivate ``` > More coming!!